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Super Nova (Disharmony)

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11 years ago
Aug 19, 2013, 12:51:19 PM
Hi Silvermane,

Following the release of the new patch, I moved into Disharmony and tried your mod straight away. First of all, I love the new FIDS / development cycle, building war vessels feels now like a real effort.

I have still to navigate my way through the new game, but one quick question re-pirates. After having played up to c.60 turns pirates still show up in a single large vessel, named something like SystemRaider or so. Is this intended or can they also spawn fleets and various vessels?

Thanks again for the good work!
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11 years ago
Aug 19, 2013, 1:34:08 PM
Hi Greyborea,

Glad you like the mod. I had to turn the pirates down because they were crippling the AI controlled factions.

Even the player might be better off restarting if they triggered pirates when exploring their home constellation.

Now, the initial pirates can be defeated by two defenders loaded with long range weapons.

They can still spawn fleets later in the game when the factions have greater military power.

That usually happens when a star system is left uncolonized and undefended.


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11 years ago
Aug 19, 2013, 8:04:21 PM
I plan on swapping the affinity defenses between Good and Neutral factions in the next patch. Unfortunately, this will break save game compatibility.

Good: Missiles & Deflectors

Neutral: Kinetics & Shields

Evil: Lasers & Flack

Here's why:

It creates a rock/paper/scissors dynamic where Evil trumps Good, Neutral trumps Evil, and Good trumps Neutral.

The good factions tend to grow quickly at the beginning of the game. This will irritate the evil factions who prey upon those with weak fleets. Since they have a defense advantage, they should be able to reign them in.

If the evil factions become too powerful, this will irritate the neutral factions who are fearful of large fleets. Since they have a defense advantage, they will be able to reign them in.

If the player is coming from behind, as is often the case on the harder difficulty levels, then the good factions should be protective of their weaker fleet. This will help establish trading. If the neutral factions become too powerful, the good factions should be able to reign them in.

This provides two benefits to my games. First, I like to trade with the good factions, but I don't want them to get too far ahead. Second it makes it possible for me to design ships to counter each alignment.

I should also add that battle cards give factions a secondary advantage against their affinity weapon. So, when I design my ships I want to avoid both the factions weapon and defense affinity. Luckily there are three weapon types and they can only counter two.

Kinetics and extra shields vs. the evil factions

Missiles and extra deflectors vs. the neutral factions

Lasers and extra flack vs. the good factions

They will counter this eventually, but they still lose some of the benefits of their affinities. It should be enough of an initial advantage to get established.

I just thought I'd share some of the thought behind the design.


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11 years ago
Aug 20, 2013, 6:27:47 PM
at first thank you for the good work and the fast reacations. i tried patch 13. is it wanted that the containment barriers takes 200 turns to build. it seems to be fixed at this amount because it takes 200 turns in every system regardless how many ressources (e.g industry) are produced by the system. In Disharmony Vanilla @ Normal Difficult it only takes 5 Turns. may be it cold take around 20 - 25 turns or can be related to a larger amount of industry instead?
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11 years ago
Aug 20, 2013, 7:39:48 PM
Sorry about that. I thought the cost was 220 industry like everything else. I didn't realize it's defined in turns. I changed it to 10 turns in the latest version of the mod.


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11 years ago
Aug 25, 2013, 6:10:24 AM
The progressive difficulty is working better than I could have hoped. I'm currently play testing: Tier II 10%, Tier III 20%, Tier IV 30%, Tier V 40%.

At turn 175, I've taken the lead. It's been a tough fight all long.

The last remaining opponent should put up a great fight.

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11 years ago
Aug 25, 2013, 3:12:55 PM
The annoiing Pirat-Bug and The Load-Game error seems to be back. through in game events i get Pirate Fleets with 0 Command Point 0 Milityary strength and 0 Invasion strength. When my ship met a system wich is occupied by such an Pirate fleet The system is locked and i cant command the ship anymore. i attached 2 saves from multiplayer but i was unable to load them. Both are new started with supernova U 15
HARMONY - Pirate Bug - Raviayed - KUOMI.zip
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11 years ago
Aug 25, 2013, 5:19:33 PM
This is a result of weakening the pirates a little while ago. I was hoping that by putting all tier I modules on the affected pirate ships that it would still be able to equip a them.

I will increase the pirate strength, but without a save game before it happens, I can't test the fix. We'll just have to keep our fingers crossed.
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11 years ago
Aug 25, 2013, 5:29:15 PM
Interesting concepts. The categorized research tree has its advantages - easier to attain a specific goal. Disadvantage - prerequisites are not as evident, and I suspect that one goal at a time is slightly slower than the dual goals per discovery attained in the original.

One item which may be a bug, or may be a lack of understanding on my part. Playing united empire. researched proprietary united empire property [misspelledinthemodas"propriatary"]. Have constructed several military-industrial complexes, but cannot access advanced dust generation - it doesn't show up. Only the original 33% conversion is available.

I tested dust gen to make sure, and it only gives 33% conversion.

This is bothersome in that one of the critical advantages of united empires is the higher dust generation ability.

As I doing something wrong here?
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11 years ago
Aug 25, 2013, 5:54:27 PM
Hello GreatUnknown,

I fixed the spelling error and removed the prerequisite that was preventing advanced dust generation from showing up until United Empire Edge was researched. Both will be fixed in the next update.

Please let me know if you find anything else.


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11 years ago
Aug 25, 2013, 6:10:42 PM
thank you kindly. I must say that your mod creates an entirely different feel in the game - and i say this as someone who has played the standard version > 900 hours.
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11 years ago
Aug 25, 2013, 6:12:17 PM
I've been having one great campaign after another. I hope you do too.

Update 16 is now available.
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11 years ago
Aug 25, 2013, 6:47:44 PM
We've found a workaround we just load the corrupt save then the player wich didn'T get the errors creates a new save . Then we loaded the new save again and it workes

- no errors on start

- the 0 Points pirates are disappeared

- the locked ships are selectable and moveable

i hope this could help someone. Is U16 Savegame Compatible
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11 years ago
Aug 29, 2013, 9:58:33 PM
The final update to the Super Nova mod is now available. This mod is finished. I've accomplished what I set out to do. I hope you give it a try.


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11 years ago
Aug 30, 2013, 3:50:54 AM
LetoSilvermane wrote:
This mod is finished. I've accomplished what I set out to do.

Until the devs break it in a patch ~

But seriously, good work. And thank you. Updating to Version 17 now, will test sometime this weekend.
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