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Traducción al castellano, Hilo Oficial

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12 years ago
Sep 23, 2012, 10:38:21 AM
Hola a todos!!!

Lo primero es daros las gracias por el impresionante trabajo que hacéis.

Quería preguntaros una cosa. Ya tengo instalada la traducción en mi PC de sobremesa, pero cuando viajo (cosa que hago bastante) me llevo mi portatil MAC.

Pues al instalar la traducción en el MAC, no he encontrado la carpeta: Endless Space\Public\Location. ¿Quiere decir que no sirve la traducción para MAC o que hay que instalarla en otro sitio? (Compré ES por Steam si ayuda en algo)

Muchas gracias de antemano
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12 years ago
Sep 25, 2012, 8:39:34 PM
con mac no tengo mucha experiencia, me sienta mal el zumo de manzana XD. pero has probado a buscar dentro del directorio del juego el fichero Localization_Locales.xml y lo sustitulles.

también es posible que la estructura en mac sea distinta y no valga la traducción
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12 years ago
Oct 3, 2012, 9:14:58 PM
y estrenamos subforo oficial en español, tambien nueva version o expansion que pasada XD



Play the new custom faction "the Automatons"! Discover the new Trade Route and Empire Management system. Try out the upgraded hero management and diplomacy. Face the new improved AI!


- Separated the visual affinity from the gameplay affinity. [G2Gvote]

- For instance, you can now customize your own faction with the gameplay of the Cravers and the art of the Amoeba.

- Added the "System Population Balancing" in the Galaxy's advanced options. Ranges from "Random" to "Perfect". For "Perfect", constellations with homeworlds now possess the same number of systems (with a maximum difference of 1 system).

- Added a panel for the Empire wide factors in the Empire view.

- Added a disclaimer when entering the Mods section for the first time.

- Changed the faction colors to differentiate the shades of green.

- Added Polish language.

- Added the possibility to load custom 3D models and textures for planet and ship modding.


- Added the Automatons faction with a specific gameplay affinity and properties for specific buildings, according to the community hero Panzer, the winner of the faction contest.

- Automatons Affinity:

1. At the end of the turn, if there is an overproduction, it's stacked instead of being reported.

2. At the beginning of a turn, an interest is applied to the stacked industry, allowing it to increase a bit.

3. The stacked industry is capped at 5 * system's industry.

4. If the overproduction cannot be stacked, it's conserved for the next turn like the current mechanism.

5. When the automatons build improvements & ships, the industry is used in the following order:a. system's industry

b. overproduction

c. stacked industry6. When a system from the Automatons is invaded, the stacked industry is destroyed, reset to 0 even if the invader is an Automaton.

- Added Automatons unique tech icons.

- Added a gauge bar for the stacked industry of each system in the Empire view.

- Added the stacked industry value on tooltip of each system in the Galaxy view.

- Placed the Automatons' overproduction stack in the Development bar (in System view).

- Added the Automatons' portrait, diplomacy hologram and loading screen. Automatons will use Cravers' ships 3D models.


- Added a trade routes summary panel in the Empire view.

- Added the possibility to directly click on a trade route's origin system in the trade routes panel, to enter this system's view.

- Added a trade routes panel link on the System view.

- Added several tooltips for the trade routes panel.


- Added several AIPrerequisites from the community mod (by Ail, Grubsnik and Davea), globally improving AI when building star system improvements.

- Improved the tax rate management for the AI.

- Improved the formula that computes the response given by an AI to an alliance request.

- Changed the formula for trading a technology with the AI. Before, the price was related to the most wanted technology, now, it is related to the most expensive technology available.


- Added arrows to switch from a hero to another in the Inspection view.

- Added arrows to switch from a hero to another in the Academy.

- When recruiting a hero, he is now automatically selected in the active tab.

- Added an "Accept" button when assigning new abilities to a hero and the possibility to click on a selected ability to remove it before validating the final choice.

- Added empty slots to show how many heroes can still be recruited in the Academy.

- Added a tooltip to heroes' attributes to show what effect they have.

- Added a visual hero identifier in the Academy, to determine if a hero is in a system, a fleet or unassigned.


- Updated the alliance management system.

- When offering a treaty with someone outside of an alliance, a request is sent to allies. They can now either:

1. Accept the treaty

2. Decide to leave the alliance.

- Added a tendency panel for diplomatic negotiations. Shows how an ally AI will likely respond to a treaty you offer to someone outside the alliance. Human players will always respond "Undecided".


- Changed the upkeep formula (cost 1 per CP --> cost 0.4*CP max per CP).

- Reduced the deflectors' evolution in stats, they were too efficient in late game: (3,5,8,11,14,20,25,30,36,45 => 2,4,7,10,13,17,22,27,33,39)

- Increased the hulls' HP to increase the probability to reach the melee phase: (small:300, medium:600,large:1200 => small:450, medium:1200, large:3000)

- Increased the cost of tonnage and repair modules' industry cost as well as modules related to strategic resources (to reward abundance).

- Reduced the Hissho's Bushido (20% on FIDS => 15% on FID).

- Increased the length of the Bushido but without the reset after an invasion (15 turns WITH reset => 45 turns WITHOUT reset after an invasion).

- Changed the Revenge trait's condition of activation (activated whenever a lost system was re-invaded by the player => will only activate during invasion if the lost system was previously owned at 100%).

- Changed the length of the different Cooperation Agreement steps (0/15/30 => 0/10/15).

- Reduced the AI bonus on weapons, defense and buyout to balance the difficulty. AI has been heavily improved and therefore needs less powerful bonuses.


- Fixed an issue where trying to display the “end of auto explore” alert message after destroying the corresponding fleet provoked a NullReferenceException.

- Fixed an issue where displaying the trade routes panel without trade routes provoked a NullReferenceException.

- Fixed an issue where global random events were not synchronized for all players.

- Fixed an issue where the AI was using obsolete ship template designs.

- Fixed an issue where the AI didn't use tonnage modules, resulting in partially empty ships.

- Fixed an issue where the number of turns, before a peace treaty was made available, was not saved. The peace treaty was then automatically available after loading a game.

- Fixed an issue where the interception module still intercepted attacks even when the defense module had 0 in interception.

- Fixed an issue where the game would hang when loading a game without available ship designs.


- Fixed an issue where Pilgrims' fleet errant wasn't concerned by faction traits that improve ships HP.

- Fixed an issue where the scroll bar would overlap with the resources in the diplomatic negotiations screen.

- Fixed application of approval bonus on improvement using percent.

- Fixed an issue where loading a saved game could remove contracts for many empires.

- Fixed an issue where creating an alliance did not spread the cease fire status across the allied factions.

- Fixed an issue where the beginning of a cease fire wasn't synchronized for all allies.

- Fixed an issue where infinite improvements in the queue could prevent using over production stacking.

- Fixed an issue where after invading a system with infinite improvement buildings, the modifier stayed active until the end of the game.

- Fixed an issue where diplomatic status resolution wasn't correctly done in an alliance vs alliance situation.

- Fixed an issue where the worst diplomatic status wasn't correctly spread when one of the 2 allies didn't know the third empire.

- Fixed an issue where the AI lost use of some of its fleets, leaving them unattended in a system.

- Fixed several GUI issues.

- Fixed several localization issues.

- Fixed several text issues.
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12 years ago
Oct 3, 2012, 10:06:36 PM
pd: intentando adaptar la traduccion he fastidiado mi fichero de ingles original, a ver si podeis subirlo please
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12 years ago
Oct 3, 2012, 11:02:15 PM

Ante todo, muchisimas gracias por todo el trabajo de traduccion que habeis estado haciendo. Es incrible, que de forma desinteresada y para todos los usuarios pongais de forma gratuita e intentado actualizar continuamente la traduccion al ritmo de los parches juego. De verdad, muchas gracias a todos por este estupendo trabajo y espero que no abandoneis y podais seguir terminando la traduccion y que en un futuro exista el soporte oficial para español de este juego. (ya hay polaco joe!) y es que un buen juego en español x4 es de agradecer, ya que se me quedo clavada la espinita del galactic civilization 2 ultimate en español smiley: biggrin

Me gustaria poder ayudaros pero mi ingles es bastante basico y terminariais corrigiendome todo lo que yo toque smiley: frown si se puede ayudar de cualquier otra forma decidlo.

Gracias otra vez, animo y un ksaludo.
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12 years ago
Oct 3, 2012, 11:06:32 PM
chico subeme a mediafire el fichero ultimo en ingles, asi me ayudas a evitar que tenga que dewscargarlo entero otra vezsmiley: wink
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12 years ago
Oct 5, 2012, 9:39:56 AM
se me actualizo el juego a la 1.026 y pensaba que llevaria un nuevo fichero de idioma pero me mantuvo el que tenia. me podeis subir el fichero de esa version??? ya es que no me fio, y no me quiero columpiar con la traduccion
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12 years ago
Oct 5, 2012, 1:36:15 PM
Ahora mismo no estoy en casa. A las 23:00 que ya este por casa te la paso.

Un saludo y gracias.
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12 years ago
Oct 18, 2012, 10:44:35 PM
Hola amigos me baje el juego hace un par de dias y me parece muy interesante y a la ves complicado he estado buscando en todos lados una traduccion para el juego pero este es el unico lugar donde he conseguido, pero los links de las descargas estan rotos o han sido borrados, sera que lo pueden subir nuevamente? se los agradeceria mucho...
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12 years ago
Oct 20, 2012, 11:19:53 PM
el link de la traduccion del juego, funciona bien, el de los textos en los videos probare y si no lo subire yo mismo
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12 years ago
Nov 6, 2012, 9:34:16 AM
Muchos quisiéramos saber si será posible que vuelvan hacer su magia para la versión v1.0.30 (o superiores)?

Sería de gran agrado poder disfrutar de las traducciones que ustedes nos ofrecen.

También aprovecho para comentar que es de verdadera VERGÜENZA que Amplitude este traduciendo a idiomas como el polaco, el italiano etc... y no haya traducido ya al SEGUNDO IDIOMA MAS HABLADO EN EL MUNDO POR DELANTE DEL INGLES. Señores de Amplitude haber si hacemos un estudio mundial de los idiomas mas hablados en el mundo, antes de lanzar juegos, yo personalmente solo lo traduciría a los que mas gente pueda abarcar... solo basta con coger la wikipedia 5 minutos...

Un Saludo y gracias a todos.
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12 years ago
Nov 10, 2012, 8:36:00 PM
Endless Space debería estar traducido como mínimo en Chino y en Español. Que son los idiomas más hablados del mundo.

Pero mientras haya gente en España que se empeñe en hablar inglés antes que su propio idioma, hablar con anglicismos y hablarles a los extranjeros en inglés la cosa no avanzará. El español dentro de unas décadas será el Spanglish. Vienen Chinos aquí y nos hablan en inglés, vienen americanos y nos hablan en inglés, por qué en su país no les enseñan el ESPAÑOL? les enseñan inglés. El inglés es más popular aunque sea el tercero en discordia. O quizá es que nos tienen envidia o manía ya de tiempos ancestrales.

Vamos nosotros a sus países y les tenemos que hablar en su idioma. No imagino estar en Londres y empezar a hablar español a un inglés.

Y otra cosa...cada vez veo más programas traducidos en catalán y menos en español. Me encontré con uno que no voy decir el nombre que estaba en sueco, inglés, francés, finlandés y catalán.

¿De quién es la culpa? ya lo sabemos.

Y felicidades por vuestro trabajo. Al menos hay personas que aún quieren su lengua materna. Lo extranjero no siempre es lo mejor.
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