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2 years ago May 25,2022, 14:00:35 PM

Mississippians Community Event

15 996 Views

The da Vinci Event may be over, but we’ve got more in store for you with the Mississippians Community Event starting today. Switching things up a little, this event does not feature individual challenges, but instead pools the contribution of all our players towards unlocking a special reward for everybody: A new culture to be added to the game, the Mississippians!


As you might be able to guess from their name, the Mississippian culture flourished along the banks of the Mississippi and its tributaries, establishing numerous chiefdoms between the 9th and 17th century. Their influence extended across much of the south-eastern part of the present-day United States, but they are nonetheless sometimes called Cahokians after one of their biggest and most influential settlements. At the heart of these settlements lay a public plaza with monumental earthen mounds, with structures ranging from grain silos to temples constructed on top of them, given these flat-topped pyramids great cultural and ritual significance. 


This event will run from today May 25th to June 9th, and since the Mississippians are well-known for their earthworks, this challenge is all about construction, counting the Builder Era Stars all of our players collect. It doesn’t matter which culture you’re playing, if you’re using mods, or the Bolivar beta. Just build your beautiful cities and collect those era stars! 

On your way to unlocking the Mississippian culture, we also have some other rewards in store for you: 

  • 500 000 Builder Stars: A wallpaper pack with the culture art for the Mississippians... and maybe more 

  • 1 000 000 Builder Stars: The Soundtrack for the Mississippian culture 

  • 2 000 000 Build Stars: The Mississippian culture unlocked in the game 

All unlocked rewards will become available with a future update and be free for everyone who owns the game. You can check progress on these rewards at any time by checking the Humankind Games2Gether homepage, which will update regularly. 


Knowing how passionate our players are, we’re sure you’ll reach these goals easily. So, have fun building your grand cities!

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2 years ago
Jun 8, 2022, 4:03:50 PM
Daarkarrow wrote:
Again, we have checked the data and the number, even if it look like "impossible" , it is more than doable to achieve ^^

That's more likely, considering this ^ devpost.

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2 years ago
Jun 8, 2022, 3:44:44 PM
Jean-Luc wrote:

Wouldn't surprise me if devs added some stars behind the scenes but a new culture is welcome regardless. 

I'm tempted to think that instead of cheating the numbers behind the scenes, they've been observing star rates over the long term and set a goal that we could likely achieve with a little bit of focus.  :)

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2 years ago
Jun 8, 2022, 4:19:05 AM
USSER wrote:
Daarkarrow wrote:
Sir_Bertran wrote:

With average peak players of 2000 per month in Steam we are required to earn 2 000 000 builder stars in two weeks.

That would be 1000 stars per one player. 

Or 71 stars per day.

With 18 stars maximum at one game, it is required to have 4 full games daily to achieve this unlocks.

C'mon! This is ridiculous. 

Individual unlock for 18 builder stars will be much more reasonable. 

Again, we have checked the data and the number, even if it look like "impossible" , it is more than doable to achieve ^^

Not so convinced after the Lunar New Year event tbh.

Why the sudden shift to a GaaS model?

I was wrong about my doubts about the event.

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2 years ago
Jun 7, 2022, 11:50:21 PM
SpikedWallMan wrote:
taggerforce wrote:

Congrats to all comrades who partecipated , hope we keep doing this type of events but not like this where all community could risk to lose an additional gameplay feature (maybe make them available for everyone if we complete the goal, but if we don't succed at least allow us to buy it from a dlc)

I hope they just stop these types of timed events entirely and just do free content updates. (And like I have said before, I wouldn't even be upset if they locked the content behind permanently-available achievements.) The whole "play our game enough and maybe we'll give you free content" thing feels like it is a less effective strategy than just releasing the content upfront and saying "come play our game again because you have new content to enjoy" in order to bring back players. And then there's the whole guessing game on the Amplitude side about where to set the reward thresholds in order to give the illusion that it's a challenge without making it so hard that they can't release the content that they have already created (like the LNY event). In fact, Amplitude seems to like attention from Twitch streamers so doing a free content update would lend itself to streaming even more because the streamers would be able to say "I'm going to stream this cool new content" instead of saying "I'm not showing off anything new but I'm streaming anyway" just because the challenge is active. We're all getting the worst of all worlds here with these timed events.

Its more dubious when you realize that the majority of players play Ampltudes games for singleplayer. Their games are not exactly known for their multiplayer modes. Events like this one can get away due to the fact that their community driven and unlock for everyone during and after the event. But for events like previous ones, whats the point of getting a new symbol that you probably will never show off to friends, if your even able to. And the Persona's given in the events are most likely why the Avatar customization is so anti singleplayer, why its such a downgrade compared to the custom faction mechanics of previous games, and why we cant make custom persona's ourselves to fight against. After all if players were able to make avatars to fight against, there essentially would be no value in event Persona's.

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Jun 7, 2022, 10:41:01 PM
taggerforce wrote:

Congrats to all comrades who partecipated , hope we keep doing this type of events but not like this where all community could risk to lose an additional gameplay feature (maybe make them available for everyone if we complete the goal, but if we don't succed at least allow us to buy it from a dlc)

I hope they just stop these types of timed events entirely and just do free content updates. (And like I have said before, I wouldn't even be upset if they locked the content behind permanently-available achievements.) The whole "play our game enough and maybe we'll give you free content" thing feels like it is a less effective strategy than just releasing the content upfront and saying "come play our game again because you have new content to enjoy" in order to bring back players. And then there's the whole guessing game on the Amplitude side about where to set the reward thresholds in order to give the illusion that it's a challenge without making it so hard that they can't release the content that they have already created (like the LNY event). In fact, Amplitude seems to like attention from Twitch streamers so doing a free content update would lend itself to streaming even more because the streamers would be able to say "I'm going to stream this cool new content" instead of saying "I'm not showing off anything new but I'm streaming anyway" just because the challenge is active. We're all getting the worst of all worlds here with these timed events.

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2 years ago
Jun 7, 2022, 8:06:32 PM
DNLH wrote:

I'll join other guys at 'eating own words' table, then.

Much respect and fingers crossed devs will mark that one as a success and keep returning to it every once in a while to bring more interesting one-off cultures.

I have to admit, that i didnt believe in the community but we did it. I like it and have to say, that people who are not satisfied often compare humankind with a FULL DLCED CIv. Thats not fair at all, because civ at the beginning with no dlc is always worse than the civ before... i like humankind so far and im interested how it will develope with time. my wish is a spy system which works since the first era because espionage was always part of politics and warfare.

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2 years ago
May 25, 2022, 5:03:26 PM

Interesting and exciting choice! We need more "New World" cultures, especially pre-Columbian.  Mississipians are a nice choice, too.  I was just thinking this morning we needed more pre-Columbian Wonders, and I was going to suggest Chichen Itza, the Nazca Lines, something Puebloan (though cliff dwellings feel more EQ), and Mississippian Mounds.

2M builders stars is going to be an interesting challenge.  Each player can collect only a max of 18 builder stars per game. My games can run longer than a week, even if I'm focused on it (which isn't often), so this goal requires more than 100,000 players to earn every builder star once.  (More likely closer to 200,000 players earning ten Builder stars each.)

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2 years ago
May 25, 2022, 8:46:28 PM

To everyone who is skeptical about how doable this is, the community already has 63k stars on the event. It would take about 135k/day to ensure the 2M stars. We're already half way to that figure for today.

Also, it's incredibly easy to cheese this one. Remember, using influence to build resource extractors and harbors in territories counts toward stars. Merchant cultures help reduce the influence cost, as well. Go wide, go merchant, and use that influence!

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2 years ago
May 25, 2022, 8:29:32 PM

This looks great! Love the culture card. It's awesome that Amplitude is putting together a community challenge like this.

As an aside, it is kind of incredible to see the amount of whining going on here and on reddit at the "unobtainable" free DLC. So far over 60,000 builder stars have been unlocked and the challenge has been live for 6 hours (give or take). So roughly 10,000 builder stars per hour. With the challenge ending June 9 that is 16 days or 384 hours. So at the current rate the community will have claimed almost double the top-tier goal by the deadline.

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2 years ago
May 25, 2022, 7:29:03 PM

The challenges are quite difficult, I am not phenomenally good at this game and struggle to even when on the standard difficulty. So I do hope that the challenges are revamped so it doesn't require people to hit certain goals or do certain things. Just playing the game to unlock things (without limitations) should be enough. I honestly do not contribute much to these as I do not have the time but I would love to be able to unlock these things later down the road. 

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2 years ago
May 25, 2022, 7:15:44 PM

While shared events are a bit of a step up, I fear that locking out content like cultures out is still a questionable move, sure Humankind has gotten better recently, but it's still in no position to be locking players out of a culture That can only be obtained with such a high bar to reach.

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
May 25, 2022, 7:04:20 PM

More cultures is always good.
Especially in the America's. I like to have a region-locked culture that evolves over time, and get annoyed when another AI nicks the one I wanted.
(Ex: Romans -> Venetians -> Italians)

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2 years ago
May 25, 2022, 6:38:17 PM

Culture unlocked through a challenge is a really cool idea but that amount of stars with that time period... even if extended, I expect we'll struggle to unlock even second tier.

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2 years ago
May 25, 2022, 6:08:52 PM

This is an incredible idea! playing to unlock different civilizations!

Any way Colombia could be in there? :D

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2 years ago
May 25, 2022, 5:36:55 PM

Joint struggle is the most ideal. Thats a great idea.
We would like to see the Seljuks. :)

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2 years ago
May 25, 2022, 5:16:04 PM
Hargindel wrote:

Will there be another way to play the Event cultures?
Will they be included in a DLC down the road ?
(2M Builders stars is stratospheric in the few hours of gameplay I'd be able to find) 

it's a community challenge, everybody in the Community participates, and if the goal is achieved the culture will be Unlock Permenantly for All players, whether they participated or not.

or atleast that how the previous Community events worked, so you don't have to get 2M stars yourself, but the community as a whole.

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
May 25, 2022, 5:06:13 PM
HorizonShadow wrote:

Don't suppose Stadia is included in this? 

Probably once again not. I really start to hate this game more and more because of how the stadia platform is treated. We paid the same, but are not equal.

Ah well, back to Cities Skylines then! (Although not the same, but it's at least a building game)

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