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the price is absurd!

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4 years ago
Nov 5, 2020, 5:13:37 AM
Foliacea wrote:

I travel to Brazil a lot. Does anyone know if I buy from my Steam account in Brazil if I can play it in Europe? Or if I create a new account in Brazil if I can play those games with that account in Europe? Has that been tried by anyone?

Unfortunately I have only tried my Steam account in several other EU countries.


Thanks Sublustris and Lord_Funk. Much appreciated.

raphaelcruger wrote:

This practice, while arguably rampant, technically violates steam's end-user license agreement, ditto for the gifting from another account. Steam will never disable your account, they may however restrict its ability to purchase new products to the account or gift, although I've never actually met anyone who had this happen to them. I'd say do it if it works. Once the game is activated on your account it will work from any region.

To be fair, and thanks to these guys' help, it is too much of a hassle. I will just create a new account whilst there, with Store Country set as Brazil, and then play on that account wherever I may be. I wasn't aware of such differences in prices between countries but now that I am, I would be amiss if I didn't buy from the cheapest option. Actually, and on that, I do not remember the last time I actually bought a game from Steam store as they are usually more expensive. 


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4 years ago
Nov 5, 2020, 5:33:04 AM

I am also upvoting this topic as to me, now that I have found the list of cultures that will be in the game, where you can see they are leaving some great ones for future DLCs which I really abhor, this game is not worth the asking price. 

Hell, it isn't worth R$ 170,15 (or 25,60€), let alone 49,79€.

I will put this one aside until it is on sale. 

Cheers and stay safe all.

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4 years ago
Nov 5, 2020, 1:52:50 PM

I would disagree about the price overall. Considering how many hours of enjoyment you can get from a 4X game, it's a pretty good deal.

I'm happy to pay if it keeps games like this coming.

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4 years ago
Nov 7, 2020, 6:35:15 PM
kryton24 wrote:

Lol whoa, no idea why they would be charging Humankind over Cyberpunk. I'd say that one is relevent regardless of it not being in the same genre to speak on since it's also coming out soon (presumably lol?) and it's a major hyped up game. Ultra mega chicken hyped. I have a hard time believing whoever is in charge of setting up regional pricings on Humankind within the company (whoever that even is if it's publisher or dev or ????) knows 100% what they are doing (lack of research) or perhaps fudged up some numbers when you see something like what you just pointed out in your country.

Yeah, I guess they are looking at it just as "how many dollars I'd get", but without checking what other games are doing.

raphaelcruger wrote:
And about Cyberpunk, it would be wise to remember that CDRed is, already, THE most successful single-player game developer, they have a lot of resources at their disposal, on top of which they aren't your typical corporate greed-bots, its hardly fair to make a comparison. Most other AAA games this year are priced roughly 33% higher and are sorely lacking in playtime. Humankind development looks very expensive and if you can't afford it full price you can always wait for sale. It is a bit cheaper than CP even off sale.

Doom Eternal was similarly priced as Cyberpunk on release ($2199), same for Baldur's Gate 3. Of course, there are others that are a bit higher ($2499) like RDR2 or Star Wars Squadrons. Even the New Frontier Pass for Civ VI is $2559, while the game with both expansions is $1295, which is bonkers and I didn't bother buying it (plus the new structure of separate modes is crap compared to the cohesive expansion model). Prices here are all over the place, so it's hard to say. Still, HK is definitely on the expensive side.

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