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Is Anyone Else A Little, Sad-Ish about the delay?

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4 years ago
Mar 26, 2021, 2:50:34 PM

While I would love early access just like a few others when we get closer to the date and they mostly just want feedback on balance, you need to remember one thing and that is early access is not always good for a game. A lot of people play early access games and if the game is incomplete, missing features, etc they run to the steam review section and give it a thumbs down. Doing that harms a game’s future sales cause then it can go from a positive review to a mix review very fast. Now for the most part it's not any of those games fault people don't understand what early access means (though sometimes it is though), but with how it currently works with reviews it might be best not to do it. I think unless the game is very close to release and just needs some OoL changes and balance changes, then it's better to just keep doing Open Devs to avoid the whole "early access = final product" mentality.

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4 years ago
Mar 26, 2021, 4:40:27 PM
Roryn411 wrote:

I’m actually not happy about them adding Lucy to the preorder bonus. She came of as a pretty horrible person in the trailer and I was glad to be done with her after the open dev lol. I’m seriously considering canceling my preorder just from this new bonus and not at all because of the delay.

why do you dislike her i'm curious?

and you can just not use it if you dont like it

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4 years ago
Mar 26, 2021, 6:07:50 PM

I am not sad but glad they took this route: it is usually necessary to take additional time for bugfixing and balancing in general when it comes to software releases

This is party due to how projects are managed + human behaviour

Having looked at the open beta there were tons of balancing to do, rework or food system, art assets to be improved and full regression testing can only realyl begin once all the functions are in place - which was not yet the case (trade posts and lat era tech)

I am sure they really need the time and wish Cyberpunk had gotten more of it before its release

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4 years ago
Mar 26, 2021, 6:10:06 PM
MasterPaw wrote:
and you can just not use it if you dont like it

I would assume one would be able to also delete an avatar so not even have to look at it - otherwise all the experimental avatars created by the palyer woudl get stuck and gum up the roster

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4 years ago
Mar 26, 2021, 8:09:26 PM
Erindel wrote:

People being surprised at video games delays is mind blowing to me. You could see it coming from miles away. A delay on the release date is a decision that is made by top management and the publisher, and usually at the last possible moment. Developers and community managers knew about the NEED for a delay, but could not communicate that to us until the decision is made. They also cannot talk about potential changes about the game because they don't know if it will be in the game at release. 

A lack of communication is in that case inevitable and is a sure sign of a delay incoming. 4 months is probably not enough when some of the core mechanics are not working properly yet, but I guess you can only push so much. Happy they did not go the Anthem way.

So it's not a sign of disrespect, it's the opposite. Their hands were tied and they were not going to bullshit you with stuff that might not be there at release. If you want to see disrespect towards the community, look at the City Night Wires streams with CP2077, where the developers are hyping stuff knowing pretty well that it's all cardboard panels to hide the void behind.

That's why I said I'd like to hear others opinions on the subject, thanks though.

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Mar 27, 2021, 7:34:26 PM

If delays taught me anything, is that the more you delay, the higher expectations rise and higher disappointment will be when something inevitably won't meet them.

Updated 4 years ago.
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