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..i feel like playing the game is boring.

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3 years ago
Jan 3, 2022, 3:54:32 PM

no, seriously.

it's too hard to get the culture i want to play as, and humankind's world generally feels empty and boring. all the independent peoples seemingly do is either attack the player, or exist to get assimilated by a major faction, with zero in between.

getting to the contemporary era is. well. for starters, i literally play on endless speed, and i NEVER get to the late techs in the contemporary era. plus, the game feels like a slog to go through because of this. it always feels like i'm shuffling between eras doing absolutely nothing because i prioritize peace and choose nice AI personas, and i often build cities and have barely enough influence to even get the EARLY civics.

this gets even more annoying because several AI personas seem to get swapped with victor or edgar allen poe or whoever regardless of what i do. playing as a peaceful country is utterly and completely boring, and more often than not feels boring. i had issues with the minor factions in endless space 2 being there solely to get assimilated and/or conquered, but this is just amplified with the independent peoples in humankind, who more often than not don't feel like they do anything independently of the major factions, and seem to only exist in relation to major factions.

TL;DR: this game is boring to me due to peaceful playthroughs being completely uninteresting, the AIs being buggy and swapping the personas out for another persona entirely, independent peoples doing absolutely nothing of consequence that isn't related to major factions despite literally being called independent peoples, and the contemporary era being effectively bait, with the "bait" being the techs that i can never research, even on easier and longer games of humankind.

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3 years ago
Jan 5, 2022, 3:35:35 AM

Well, it sure is less vibrant and full of life and stuff than, say, an Endless Legend game. Red, blue, green, curiosities, magic, independent peoples, quests, music, etc. I still can believe Humankind was supposed to be the "magnum opus" and yet barely live to pretend to be a successor of the previous games of the studio.

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3 years ago
Jan 5, 2022, 10:51:36 AM


also, some of the culture choices make no sense to me. this is especially bad in the industrial era, where the majority of cultures are european. i can literally only count exactly three cultures that didn't originate in europe in any way out of the 10 cultures available in it, and there are no cultures that are from anywhere in the african continent in the early modern era. also, for some reason oceania just. gets nothing until the contemporary era, where you get to play as the culture of a settler-colonial state (australia) and otherwise never have any options in oceania ever in the game.

i came into this game expecting it to at least be a fun time-killer, and didn't go into it with particularly high expectations. however, the more i played it, the more i got bored and bored until i just stopped playing entirely because wanting to beg the RNG to give me copper or iron in a decent location was getting too annoying. the fact that the "day one mod" still has not been released when it is currently approximately many days from one, having to unlock features such as "ai persona" in a time-limited event, and that you can't do something as basic as making AI personas to play against that aren't made by other people, doesn't help either.

like for the day one mod i would be fine if they like. actually explained what was going on, and provided a timeframe for updates and its release. the day one thing isn't too important to me. but amplitude isn't providing any updates on what's going on with the mod, and this just makes the entire thing feel pointless since. what exactly were people voting for if it isn't going to come out?

also i do have my criticisms of the endless games, but since this is a humankind post, i'm not gonna mention them.

tl;dr: the game became a boring slog over time as i played, with the charm of the game quickly wearing out. not only that, the game suffers from this ailment historical strategy games seem to nearly always get where europe becomes a vacuum that is somehow more "important" than every other continent, and is featured the most. in addition, the lack of the ability to do something as basic as "make your own ai personas to fight against that you don't have to get from some other user" and the completely unexplained absence of the day one mod and the "you can only unlock this ai persona if you do this challenge" thing just makes this game.. boring and confusing.

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3 years ago
Jan 6, 2022, 1:19:55 AM

Yes, as a Magnum Opus for Amplitude, the game feels polished in its arts and presentations but still rather empty in term of contents. At least it has working naval units from the start and and useful naval warfare now. The science progresss and era balance is still laughable. The AI factions are powered by cheats but then their agressions are somewhat nerfed after industrial era onward. The war mechanic is good, but can result in awkward situations regarding realms, loyalties, etc.

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3 years ago
Jan 7, 2022, 9:06:50 AM

As much as it hurts to say, I feel you're right and this Magnum Opus is a failure, let's face it. But Amplitude has to accept that fact in order to start over and work with the community to make it a game worthy of such prestigious title. Where are the votes, the community involvement Amplitude is famous for ? We had no real Devblogs for Humankind in quite a while...
Amplitude used to be among the best and the most innovative in its community management, what's happening ? I think they need to wake up in order to make this game not so boring to play and accept their failure in order to fix it. I still think the game has potential and with time can become a really interesting Civ-like.

I have fond memories of the work they did on Endless Legend, with the community, back then I even got an interview with Amplitude founder, Romain de Waubert de Genlis himself on Skype to talk about Endless Legend's features. Thus it really saddens me to witness such decline, as much as I admire Amplitude for their past works. I'm not giving up on the game yet tho, but it will need a serious rework and alot of dedication to even barely ever match the expectations.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jan 7, 2022, 12:33:54 PM

I would agree with the general sentiment here that Humankind doesn't compare (yet) with other Amplitude titles. I only started playing Amplitude games this past year but when I picked up Endless Space 2 this fall after I got bored of Humankind I was shocked to find that the game was a lot more fun than Humankind and, in my modest opinion, dealt with things like influence, laws/civics and diplomacy in a better way than Humankind. I don't know if this is because of less community involvement in Humankind's development because I wasn't an Amplitude fan or active in the forums when the Endless titles were being developed, but it does seem that Humankind is more bare-bones and less innovative than their previous games. I know some of it can be explained by the fact that Humankind just came out and there have not been any DLCs to expand on its gameplay, but if the base game is a downgrade from their previous systems I am unsure the DLCs won't continue to be a downgrade. I think we should cut the devs some slack because Humankind has a wider player base than their other titles and the bigger a community is, the more complex it is to involve it in the game developing process; but I will admit I am worried about this game not living up to their previous titles.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jan 7, 2022, 12:52:41 PM

I have played almost ~300 hours in the game and was very excited about the project relatively early on. By now I find it relatively hard to motivate myself to play the game. I think the mods help, which is a strong point, to tailor some of the game mechanics around the edges. While I like the art, the battles and part of the city building, I am somewhat sad to say that the game lacks a flavour that previous Amplitude games had. I find the culture transition too inorganic and the entire set up too technocratic and even cold (not just the UI is). I can understand why chosing a culture is easier to implement, but it would at least for me have been more interesting to unlock cultures through specific player decided events or action on the map, in cites or through interactions with other opponents. This obviously would have been a big game design challenge but to me somewhat more interesting. The cold and technocratic feel for me comes mostly from the tech tree and the unlocking of buildings / districts that are iterations of previous infrastructure and quarters with more boni. I then find myself plopping out more and more districts which increases yields but not really engagement with what I am building there. Units on the other side seem to have more of an interesting angle and puzzling together an army is more enjoyable as are battles. The lack of new, meaningful events, and here many have contrasted that righfully so with Old World, also is a bit shy of what I would have hoped for. Religion, civics is not bad to me, but could perhaps be strengthened and made more meaningful for game play and conflicts. Which brings me to diplomacy - I watched the interview with the lead designer about what HK wanted to achieve with its diplomacy system. I don't really know about others, but to me the diplomacy never really worked as what the design might have intended. The grievance system and AI never really morphed into a WWI situation / conflicts in any of my games. The vassals are an interesting idea, but diplomacy also lacks some 'quirkiness' or surprises. Total War 3K is often mentioned as having a strong diplomacy system. I find that one to be okay, but at least in 3K the different factions constantly evolve and throw up new challenges for the player, whilst in HK everything seems like on rails - some go up and others go down and the direction is quite clear early on. I think during the last iterations of opendev some of these issues became already clear and I have to say 300 hours is perhaps 200 more than I initially though this game could be interesting for me. But then to me at least it seems that some of these concerns are not really being addressed by the design team. Perhaps HK was or is a commercial success, but it seems to currently lack the perspective of being a strong, long-lasting game / franchise for the strategy gaming community imho.        

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jan 9, 2022, 10:53:50 AM

No wonder that you get bored when playing peacefully on ENDLESS speed. I'm not going to argue that the game is amazing, but you should at least try playing on normal speed. I would also recommend a little bit of war to spice things up.

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3 years ago
Jan 9, 2022, 12:02:38 PM
dzony8 wrote:

No wonder that you get bored when playing peacefully on ENDLESS speed. I'm not going to argue that the game is amazing, but you should at least try playing on normal speed. I would also recommend a little bit of war to spice things up.

Agreed. I find Normal to be much more interesting, try a faster game if you're bored.

I agree that the turn limit is too low, but I just found it is possible to disable it in the Settings.

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3 years ago
Jan 10, 2022, 2:54:33 PM
dzony8 wrote:

No wonder that you get bored when playing peacefully on ENDLESS speed. I'm not going to argue that the game is amazing, but you should at least try playing on normal speed. I would also recommend a little bit of war to spice things up.

..the one time i tried to play on normal speed, the game was over in the industrial era.

and also, if playing peacefully is boring on endless speed, maybe, just maybe, they should try to make it LESS boring? that's something you probably didn't even bother considering

edit: also i literally have numerous other reasons as to why the game is boring, but it's interesting that you immediately went for my personal choices in playing the game that are entirely possible and in fact ridiculously easy to do, with me being able to get multiple achievements in this style of playing the game, and then proceeded to say THAT was the reason i didn't like the game, instead of examining any of the other reasons i thought the game was boring.

personally, i think if that just choosing to play one way that's easy to play through, and allows you to GET SEVERAL ACHIEVEMENTS, and the game does absolutely nothing to discourage you from playing in this way, then MAYBE they could make this particular way of playing less of a slog to play through?

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jan 12, 2022, 10:00:05 PM

New here. I have been pretty fascinated and excited by the game thus far. In many ways a significant step up from the primary competition. I am still at a low level learning the game so...

I very much like the much more dynamic combat system and limited unit stacking plus reinforcements - except for total loss to the loser.

I like the New World even if it is more beneficial to the human. The barbs hit as a real shock in my current game until reinforcements arrived and I slowly gained the upper hand.

War has seemed needed to beat the AI - especially in my current game where I got boxed in a bit by aggressive opponents. But, I enjoy fighting the wars...

The defensible city district concept and expanding cities and walls is cool, as are the many build choices.

The ability to build outposts is nice - don't need a city everywhere.

Like most 4X games if you get a snowball going then you have to decide to declare yourself victor (or loser!) and move on or play it out even though not much will happen. Improvements can and should be made to the game - like infrastructure showing its current benefit when you go to choose it - but going back to the main competitor now is pretty old school.

Gen Dad.

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3 years ago
Jan 13, 2022, 4:27:55 AM

It's kind of tough if I play at fast speed the game's pretty compelling but the 'late game' stuff in Industrial and Contemporary seems unbuildable or sometimes untenable. Slower speeds are supposed to be more rewarding but you definitely spend a lot of time hitting ' end turn '.

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3 years ago
Jan 13, 2022, 4:33:01 AM


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3 years ago
Jan 13, 2022, 8:42:33 AM
transfem-god-tamer wrote:
..the one time i tried to play on normal speed, the game was over in the industrial era.

I feel like civ players don't understand what game speed does. It doesn't inherently give you more or less turns to do more or less things in given time, it simply slows down or speeds up researches and constructions. That's it. It is simply for scaling purposes of how much time one game takes.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jan 13, 2022, 9:21:53 AM
Sublustris wrote:
transfem-god-tamer wrote:
..the one time i tried to play on normal speed, the game was over in the industrial era.

I feel like civ players don't understand what game speed does. It doesn't inherently give you more or less turns to do more or less things in given time, it simply slows down or speeds up researches and constructions. That's it. It is simply for scaling purposes of how much time one game takes.

Yes, but the AI in Humankind seems to struggle a lot with slower game speeds I don't know why. Winning a game in Humankind difficulty on slow or endless seems noticeably less challenging.

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3 years ago
Jan 13, 2022, 10:38:41 AM

The AI does not seem to be that good at building up their cities. They mostly live from their bonuses which alleviate that inefficient city building problem, but that bonus gets reduced on slow and endless, while increased in fast and blitz.

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3 years ago
Jan 13, 2022, 3:37:38 PM
Sublustris wrote:
transfem-god-tamer wrote:
..the one time i tried to play on normal speed, the game was over in the industrial era.

I feel like civ players don't understand what game speed does. It doesn't inherently give you more or less turns to do more or less things in given time, it simply slows down or speeds up researches and constructions. That's it. It is simply for scaling purposes of how much time one game takes.

..are you trying to imply i play civ or something and just like. insulting me on that basis?

first of all, i know that, it's just that i started playing on endless speed because the game was over far too quickly on normal speed, so i changed to a different speed, but, well, all i got was slightly more time to get to the contemporary era and that's it.

also i don't even play the civ games. or even own them. what are you talking about.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jan 14, 2022, 12:43:53 AM
Ningauble wrote:


I don't get your point. They knew EXACTLY what they were getting into when they started Humankind. They knew from before day 1 that the game would constantly be compared to Civ.

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3 years ago
Jan 14, 2022, 9:39:19 AM
roger212 wrote:
Yes, but the AI in Humankind seems to struggle a lot with slower game speeds I don't know why. Winning a game in Humankind difficulty on slow or endless seems noticeably less challenging.

Hm, maybe player just benefits from extra turns to perform better planning and micro-management, which leads to relatevily earlier snowball over AI.

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3 years ago
Jan 14, 2022, 9:42:24 AM
transfem-god-tamer wrote:
..are you trying to imply i play civ or something and just like. insulting me on that basis?

I'm saying, that just like in all Endless Games, HK is balanced around Normal speed, and all other speed settings and simply scaling from there. 

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