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..i feel like playing the game is boring.

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3 years ago
Jan 14, 2022, 4:13:35 PM
Dale_K wrote:
Ningauble wrote:


I don't get your point. They knew EXACTLY what they were getting into when they started Humankind. They knew from before day 1 that the game would constantly be compared to Civ.

Yeah, the whole "make a Civ-like game and then express shock when your game is relentlessly compared to Civ" thing confuses me.  If you don't want to be compared to Civ, try to take basic precautions to avoid such a comparison - the easiest of which would be swapping the historical setting for literally anything else.

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3 years ago
Jan 14, 2022, 4:42:52 PM

There are many games with a historical setting, and Civ and Humankind are very different. I personally think many of the comparisons are coming from Civ fans who have grown tired of Civ and desperately want Humankind to cater to them and complain every time Humankind deals with a gameplay aspect in a different way than Civ. People complaining about population war support and forced surrenders are a very clear example of this dynamic.

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3 years ago
Jan 14, 2022, 6:01:22 PM

Not sure I would support such a statement - war support and forced surrender plus CIV fan base. I understand that HK is almost board-gamey in that it tries to keep opposing factions involved. That's not bad although not really within 4X per se. However, I think that people simply don't like that war support to some extent and forced peace much more so appear rather random and hard to understand in terms of triggers. If the rule book isn't well explained, the game is less fun for anyone in any game setting. That's nothing to do with CIV. 

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Mar 1, 2022, 8:50:44 PM

IMO this game is neither good nor bad, neither interesting nor boring. It has everything that I want a historical-4x-strategy to have but none of these things are really thrilling. All my games are going to be played extremly similar ways, even when I force me to pick whole different ways to play the game or to focus on other winning strategies. Everything but a few decisions is the same in any match. It just FEELS like I have to do the same thing over and over again and that this game is only about on the "where and when" is "this and that" the most worth or what do I do NOW for fitting my playstyle and what comes in the next era or the one after that I can't even think about in the moment.

It is like you always know what you have to do and you can always do it but you can't plan much besides that because you are more likely to decide situational-depending.

Like I said this game is neither interesting nor boring to me. I just hope that they refine the mechanics and world generation. E.g. that you are more punished for making bad decisions or that you can really go for strategies that are really different from each other. That not every area is about the same worth being a city or district. I would wish I could really decide about what is my plan for the next 30-50 rounds or even more. There is not much you can set as your long term goal.

I can't compare that game to the Civ games because the last I played was Civ4 like 10 years ago.

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6 months ago
Aug 18, 2024, 7:07:23 PM

iv been trying to be nice and find something enjoyable about this loose stooled effluent. I honestly found it boring, uneventful and pointless. I hope to god there isn’t a second because it really isn’t playable. 

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