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3 years ago
May 20, 2021, 5:24:39 PM

Endless Legend overhaul is the very first thing I'd like to see :P

Also in my experience (10 years or so) Unity is very suitable for modding, can't say the same for other engines which are based heavily on pre-compilation in your IDE (engine & code), probably why it's suitable for academics and a lot of Compute projects you'll find on github are boffin test cases for things like fluid dynamics. Getting data in and out of Unity is mad easy, pretty much all my workflows are xml/json, local/remote from other authored build tools hosted in local electron asset app i've built or on some linux boxes, and raw model/texture data and building dynamic interpolated derivatives at runtime. Being able to get data in / out easily with very little restrictions on how you can interact with the system is pretty much the main reason i use Unity, otherwise i'd hoik over to Unreal :)

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3 years ago
May 22, 2021, 3:03:12 PM
moke93 wrote:

Although the capabilities of the modding tools isn't entirely clear to me yet (e.g. how much change is possible given we can modify "game values"), one concept I have wanted to see in Civ for the past few years is disease. Particularly given we've all just lived through a pandemic for the past year, we can see the wide ranging effects it can have, and how it might affect the health, trade, and priorities of a civilization. 

It's ambitious for sure, but it's something I would love to dive into if the modding support is there.  Civ's "support" is pretty much limited to making it possible, but actually describing what different game values are and do would make so much more possible.

I think this is a really good idea as, I myself, have not seen that many good examples of disease in Grand Strategy games. If you count plague inc then sure. I think modding a disease system might be quite easy if you piggyback on how influence and stability works.

At worst you would have to add a new value called health. This would be all speculators, as the modding support will fully decide how/if it can be done. I really like your Idea Moke, and if you are able to, I would love to see it one day

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3 years ago
May 22, 2021, 3:08:55 PM

I myself are still struggling to find ways to make a balanced True Start Location Earth Map. Every single way that I have devised would require more land in some form. A map-switching system like in Rimwolrd and a layer system for the Y axis were both suggested to me.

Designing geographical earth is pretty easy, just find a projection you like and plop a 130x71 hex grid on it. And if everyone starts randomly, hearts of the continents would be were most people stay. For example in North America people would stay in the states, South America in Brazil etc...etc. because there isn't that much land in Europe. Realistically one or two cultures can fit, cramped at that.

I am hoping that the modding support will allow the capability of a larger map in some way shape or form, but that is a small possibility.

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3 years ago
May 23, 2021, 1:20:03 AM

Mod idea_0: newspaper, presents international diplomatic events in a reporting format.

Mod_idea_1: MANKIND mod. Introduce everything that Political Correctness hates. Missing Weapons of Mass Destruction (chemical, biochemical weapons etc.), genocide, carpet bombing on cities, rational superiority, terrorism, covert operations, mass surveillance on population, indoctrination of population, disinformation operations...

Mod_idea_2: more modern defensive structures such as barbed wires, tank traps, minefield (anti-personnel or anti-tank), watch tower, bunker (armed with machine gun, AT-gun, AA gun etc), trenches, and border walls. However, fort districts would have to be changed a bit... (maybe with the ability to fire mortar/artillery or any kind of ranged attacks?)

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3 years ago
Jul 3, 2021, 6:18:05 PM

Simple one: I'd like to see cultural transcendence modded out. I'm just not a fan of the mechanic.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jul 6, 2021, 10:59:45 AM
PrinceCosmo wrote:

Simple one: I'd like to see cultural transcendence modded out. I'm just not a fan of the mechanic.

Love too fame is ok but it's not giving you any opportunity to diversify and complexify your gameplay

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3 years ago
Jul 6, 2021, 11:00:41 AM
200mm wrote:

Mod idea_0: newspaper, presents international diplomatic events in a reporting format.

Mod_idea_1: MANKIND mod. Introduce everything that Political Correctness hates. Missing Weapons of Mass Destruction (chemical, biochemical weapons etc.), genocide, carpet bombing on cities, rational superiority, terrorism, covert operations, mass surveillance on population, indoctrination of population, disinformation operations...

Mod_idea_2: more modern defensive structures such as barbed wires, tank traps, minefield (anti-personnel or anti-tank), watch tower, bunker (armed with machine gun, AT-gun, AA gun etc), trenches, and border walls. However, fort districts would have to be changed a bit... (maybe with the ability to fire mortar/artillery or any kind of ranged attacks?)

News papers is a really great idea

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3 years ago
Jul 6, 2021, 11:14:26 AM

Few ideas here ,

1. Unlock more legacy trait at tribal eras , for exemple hunters witch gives you more gold when you hunt .

2. The possibility to sell/buy food as well as unit or protective treaties / science contract  .

3. Land leases and Money loans .

4. Modify terrain , planting forest , creating hills , make canals , but taking enough long and generate money cost .

5. The possibility to engage a city in a combat near it .

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3 years ago
Aug 4, 2021, 1:12:17 AM

I hope it's not a necro but anyways ^^'

Do you know of the C2C mod for Civ4 ?

It's a shame, because it's the best mod, period, but the engine can't take it after you play a bit and expand, it wasn't meant to support so many things, and with the few dozen scripts all running.... yikes

But for Humankind, there might be something, it's WAY easier to mod and the engine could take it all

I basically want to turn Humankind into a C2C, it will be long, REALLY long, but it could be done

The problem for me is 3D/2D assets, I don't have the competences to do them, even less with the graphical touch that Humankind have

But other than that, adding a few (thousand) techs, a few (thousand) civics, cultures, and all the mechanics surrounding them ?

That's not hard

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3 years ago
Aug 4, 2021, 9:29:04 AM
McplOdysseus wrote:

I myself are still struggling to find ways to make a balanced True Start Location Earth Map. Every single way that I have devised would require more land in some form. A map-switching system like in Rimwolrd and a layer system for the Y axis were both suggested to me.

Designing geographical earth is pretty easy, just find a projection you like and plop a 130x71 hex grid on it. And if everyone starts randomly, hearts of the continents would be were most people stay. For example in North America people would stay in the states, South America in Brazil etc...etc. because there isn't that much land in Europe. Realistically one or two cultures can fit, cramped at that.

I am hoping that the modding support will allow the capability of a larger map in some way shape or form, but that is a small possibility.

I feel like it's useless to try and balance an Earth map

Each region has it's pros and cons, that's why we trade after all

If you do your map realistically, it would force player interraction in a much more meaningfull way

That is, if we can make bigger maps

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3 years ago
Aug 15, 2021, 8:46:02 PM

Here are a couple mod ideas:

1. A clock in the corner, with a timer that will let you know when you should really get some sleep.

2. Duck-kind. Set in the Ducktales universe, replaces cultures with various animal pun replacements.

3. Titans. In this, dragons, giants, and other monsters will spawn in places where there is no visibility (although much more rare than mammoths), and each is incredibly powerful and dangerous, able to attack cities even. The good news is that they give you a lot of fame for defeating them. Some events and actions can also cause them to spawn later in the game, such as nuclear tests having a chance of spawning kaiju.

4. Wrath of the Gods. There are a random number of gods in every game, and you have to spend a certain amount of religious points to discover their identities. This is important, because each god has a criteria list of who they like the least, and eventually they will cause some catastrophe to fall upon those who don't honor them enough. What kind of catastrophe? Well, one of them can cause one of your regions to sink into the sea, becoming Atlantis, if you gave the least sacrifices and/or had the least naval activity.

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3 years ago
Aug 19, 2021, 11:25:46 AM
Legendtyler0102 wrote:

A mod that shows the total of the positive and negative stability

Hmmm, like what increase and decrease it ?

If that's the case, it's already in-game

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3 years ago
Aug 19, 2021, 11:47:47 AM

I would like to see a bit more information about the city on the main screen, not the city screen.

Especially - city is losing population and city has a low stability,

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3 years ago
Aug 19, 2021, 11:53:15 AM

Well, that's already the case ?

Just put your mouse on the stability/food/whatever and you'll see details

If I understand correctly, that is ^^'

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3 years ago
Aug 19, 2021, 1:01:55 PM
Rexeit wrote:

Well, that's already the case ?

Just put your mouse on the stability/food/whatever and you'll see details

If I understand correctly, that is ^^'

Yeah it show them all separated out I'm not playing videos to do math I want to have fun and its not fun to have to add 2 sets of numbers then subtract them to figure out how many districts I can build before it dips below 100

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3 years ago
Aug 19, 2021, 1:07:47 PM
Legendtyler0102 wrote:
Rexeit wrote:

Well, that's already the case ?

Just put your mouse on the stability/food/whatever and you'll see details

If I understand correctly, that is ^^'

Yeah it show them all separated out I'm not playing videos to do math I want to have fun and its not fun to have to add 2 sets of numbers then subtract them to figure out how many districts I can build before it dips below 100

Then it's the wrong type of game for you buddy

4X/Strategy/managment games aren't easy, and yeah you need to actually think to play those

But I agree on the point that, for a clearer perception of the game, having the overhaul detail of all the cities on the civic map (where your empire stability is) could be good

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3 years ago
Aug 19, 2021, 2:07:14 PM
Rexeit wrote:
Legendtyler0102 wrote:
Rexeit wrote:

Well, that's already the case ?

Just put your mouse on the stability/food/whatever and you'll see details

If I understand correctly, that is ^^'

Yeah it show them all separated out I'm not playing videos to do math I want to have fun and its not fun to have to add 2 sets of numbers then subtract them to figure out how many districts I can build before it dips below 100

Then it's the wrong type of game for you buddy

4X/Strategy/managment games aren't easy, and yeah you need to actually think to play those

But I agree on the point that, for a clearer perception of the game, having the overhaul detail of all the cities on the civic map (where your empire stability is) could be good

What does thinking have to do with it. It's terrible ui design to not have everything there for the player.

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3 years ago
Aug 19, 2021, 2:12:45 PM
Legendtyler0102 wrote:
Rexeit wrote:
Legendtyler0102 wrote:
Rexeit wrote:

Well, that's already the case ?

Just put your mouse on the stability/food/whatever and you'll see details

If I understand correctly, that is ^^'

Yeah it show them all separated out I'm not playing videos to do math I want to have fun and its not fun to have to add 2 sets of numbers then subtract them to figure out how many districts I can build before it dips below 100

Then it's the wrong type of game for you buddy

4X/Strategy/managment games aren't easy, and yeah you need to actually think to play those

But I agree on the point that, for a clearer perception of the game, having the overhaul detail of all the cities on the civic map (where your empire stability is) could be good

What does thinking have to do with it. It's terrible ui design to not have everything there for the player.

Oh you know, nothing much

Planning your moves in advance

You cities location

Build order





So on and so forth

Thinking about those is the core goal of those games, if you don't, you're crushed, as simple as that

But like I said, I agree that it should be easier accessing those datas, it isn't a UI problem, but a QoL one in my opinion

If adding 2 numbers and subtrating them is too much, maybe playing a FPS or racing game might be better.

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3 years ago
Aug 19, 2021, 3:31:02 PM
Rexeit wrote:
Legendtyler0102 wrote:
Rexeit wrote:
Legendtyler0102 wrote:
Rexeit wrote:

Well, that's already the case ?

Just put your mouse on the stability/food/whatever and you'll see details

If I understand correctly, that is ^^'

Yeah it show them all separated out I'm not playing videos to do math I want to have fun and its not fun to have to add 2 sets of numbers then subtract them to figure out how many districts I can build before it dips below 100

Then it's the wrong type of game for you buddy

4X/Strategy/managment games aren't easy, and yeah you need to actually think to play those

But I agree on the point that, for a clearer perception of the game, having the overhaul detail of all the cities on the civic map (where your empire stability is) could be good

What does thinking have to do with it. It's terrible ui design to not have everything there for the player.

Oh you know, nothing much

Planning your moves in advance

You cities location

Build order





So on and so forth

Thinking about those is the core goal of those games, if you don't, you're crushed, as simple as that

But like I said, I agree that it should be easier accessing those datas, it isn't a UI problem, but a QoL one in my opinion

If adding 2 numbers and subtrating them is too much, maybe playing a FPS or racing game might be better.

Ok first off I didn't say I don't want to think about anything. Never in my long hours of every 4X game there is have I ever had to do math for numbers that are plainly visible to the player I've made spreadsheets for numbers that are not displayed in other games if the information is going to be out in the open it shouldn't be a hassle to figure out instead of wasting time figuring it out I could be planning my next city or next conquest so get off your high horse thinking your the mightiest 4x player that ever lived just because your to ignorant to realize its simply bad design and instead keep using what I said as "well if you don't like thinking...."  if I wanted to have to figure out the number that are right in front of me I would play a paradox game

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