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Mod ideas

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5 years ago
Sep 5, 2019, 4:20:38 PM

I guess there are already alot of thoughts about mods.

So  far I came up with a few  Ideas



 Hayely inspired by Terry Pratchett you play a rising civilisation, after the vacuum cleaner wiped out the old ones.



Humankind is not alone in the universe- for bad. Now hostilities have to put aside to prevent extinction.

Updated 5 years ago.
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5 years ago
Sep 5, 2019, 7:52:12 PM

I definitely need the trek-humankind hand symbol.

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5 years ago
Sep 6, 2019, 6:03:12 AM

It may depend a lot of the complexity of how exactly cultures interfere, as if creating new ones would be relatively doable for moders, this may become an amazing cultural civ simulator :D 

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5 years ago
Sep 6, 2019, 9:25:15 PM
lo_fabre wrote:

I definitely need the trek-humankind hand symbol.

All it took was a bit pixabay and paint.net, so fell free to use it for your own purpose.

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4 years ago
Jun 4, 2020, 3:09:23 AM

i think there is a mod (or maybe more) that being new option for customise our ''gouvernor'' (the guy with blue hair in video your story). for exemple implement cloth about culture or civilisation

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4 years ago
Jun 4, 2020, 9:28:48 AM

i think there is a mod (or maybe more) that being new option for customise our ''gouvernor'' (the guy with blue hair in video your story). for exemple implement cloth about culture or civilisation

The Avatar's clothes will already change based on your current Culture.

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4 years ago
Jun 4, 2020, 10:02:36 PM
The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales wrote:

i think there is a mod (or maybe more) that being new option for customise our ''gouvernor'' (the guy with blue hair in video your story). for exemple implement cloth about culture or civilisation

The Avatar's clothes will already change based on your current Culture.

Oh, if that's the case, would we be able to at least choose clothes based on all cultures we once used or only on current? 

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4 years ago
Jun 20, 2020, 9:33:00 AM

I'd love to see a detailed-ish map that represents Europe or the World! Would be really interesting :D

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4 years ago
Sep 2, 2020, 8:02:49 AM
Zaubberer wrote:
I guess there are already alot of thoughts about mods. So  far I came up with a few  Ideas

lo_fabre wrote:

I definitely need the trek-humankind hand symbol.

@lo_fabre Yeah the Humankind Vulcan hand greeting. Must have. Now !!! :)

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Oct 28, 2020, 8:40:28 PM
HappyHead wrote:

Oh golly, this game could be big with the mod community

Here's hoping the mod tools are up to snuff. I love the Endless series, better mod support has always been the one thing I've wanted from Amplitude.

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4 years ago
Oct 29, 2020, 9:48:47 AM

I would love a Dominions (4) mod which lets you evolve your race towards whatever race or hybrid you want.

Another one , which i admit will prolly result in a poorly executed fanboy hype massacre, is a Lord of the Rings mod, were your choices and era decisions make you lean towards certain racial features and whether or not you can profit from supporting sauron.

However, both these mods are a pretty heavy overhaul, both in gameplay and the character representation (since you will have to design the features and animations to fit together, giving far more variables). However, I would really like to see a kingdom combining Cealum and Pythium civilizations for dominions or some free-spirited halfling ogres for LotR.

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4 years ago
Nov 3, 2020, 5:51:21 PM

At this stage it is just a mind game: I am thinking to hire some professionals and build a team specialised in modding games. Starting with Humankind. One way to found it might be Kickstarter. There are a few questions starting with: would SEGA and Amplitude Studios support this and if yes in which way? Would we get the resources (including access to the current game engine and lesson how to use it)?

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4 years ago
Nov 3, 2020, 10:49:01 PM
Zaubberer wrote:

At this stage it is just a mind game: I am thinking to hire some professionals and build a team specialised in modding games. Starting with Humankind. One way to found it might be Kickstarter. There are a few questions starting with: would SEGA and Amplitude Studios support this and if yes in which way? Would we get the resources (including access to the current game engine and lesson how to use it)?

I wouldn't presume to speak on behalf of Amplitude, but generally speaking, having modders and money mix is usually grounds for a Cease and Desist. Besides that, might be a little optimistic anyways. I would presume Humankind remains on Unity, which at an engine level, is pretty terrible for mod support.

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4 years ago
Nov 4, 2020, 12:37:45 PM

Humankind is based on Unity. The devs have expressed interest in giving better mod support than previous releases but these tools have not been developed yet and may not be at launch. They are aware the community wants at least a map editor and suggested that may be available as post-launch content but will not be available at launch.

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4 years ago
Nov 4, 2020, 11:23:53 PM
Eulogos wrote:

Humankind is based on Unity. The devs have expressed interest in giving better mod support than previous releases but these tools have not been developed yet and may not be at launch. They are aware the community wants at least a map editor and suggested that may be available as post-launch content but will not be available at launch.

Eh, Unity by its very nature is pretty antithetical to modding (As importing new assets on it tends to be an utter nightmare to deal with). I'm sure the new tools will hope, but I really hope they change engines for the next game...

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4 years ago
Dec 11, 2020, 12:01:07 AM

as i know from resent [ANOMALY] event, Amplitude is going to create a world builder and scenario editor, but they fear that they don't add them on release date. If scenario editor will be good for non-programist enjoyer, than I'll try to create some plot scenarios based on my old works.

I really want to use world builder with those high grounds  to create some maps. civ v editor is good, but one tier ground can't allow to create some good maps as I want  

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4 years ago
Mar 22, 2021, 4:49:02 PM

Although the capabilities of the modding tools isn't entirely clear to me yet (e.g. how much change is possible given we can modify "game values"), one concept I have wanted to see in Civ for the past few years is disease. Particularly given we've all just lived through a pandemic for the past year, we can see the wide ranging effects it can have, and how it might affect the health, trade, and priorities of a civilization. 

It's ambitious for sure, but it's something I would love to dive into if the modding support is there.  Civ's "support" is pretty much limited to making it possible, but actually describing what different game values are and do would make so much more possible.

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3 years ago
May 9, 2021, 2:57:53 AM

i think there is a mod (or maybe more) that being new option for customise our ''gouvernor'' (the guy with blue hair in video your story). for exemple implement cloth about culture or civilisation

Her name is Lucy Adams

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