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How to create a "Limit available cultures" mod

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10 months ago
Nov 22, 2023, 2:08:17 PM

A year ago, the "Limit available cultures" idea was proposed: https://community.amplitude-studios.com/amplitude-studios/humankind/ideas/2734-limit-available-cultures-option?page=2

Unfortunately, it has not been implemented yet.

So I started to think how to create the easiest POC mod for this:


  • Show only X cultures per era

    • X = empires count + 1

  • Cultures are randomized on each game.

Please share ideas how to proceed, or share similar existing mods for modding learning propose:

  • https://mod.io/g/humankind/r/creating-a-custom-selectable-culture-for-humankind
  • https://mod.io/g/humankind/r/how-to-import-files-from-another-mod
  • https://medias.games2gether.com/universes/humankind/mods/HUMANKIND_Official_Modding_Guide.pdf
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_iafm0ErDaU
Updated 10 months ago.
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10 months ago
Nov 23, 2023, 9:38:15 AM

Hello Puer. Unfortunately such mod is outside the scope of the modtools and can only be created with Bepinex, which requires third party software, a custom dll and c# programming knowledge.

Updated 10 months ago.
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