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2 years ago
Nov 9, 2022, 3:10:25 PM

Right now with the 3 expansions the amount of cultures aviable to pick is big. I think the option to choose which cultures are aviable in which era would be pretty neat and maybe a feature where you can randomize each era and set a limit on how many would be available. It also could be combined with Cultures from mods. Right now you have to install a seperate mod if you want to play only with modded cultures.

Edit: After some time i wanted to structure my idea better. My main idea was limiting the cultures aviable in each era. 

The basic function I would propose is a selection screen which resembles the mod screen. It would be an extra tab when you create a game. You can choose which era you want to modify then you can remove/ add cultures in the same way you enable mods. I don`t know how feasible it is but it would improve the selection of modded cultres too, if they could be added to this selection. If it is feasible now you wouldn`t have to install a mod which disables all base Cultures to only play with modded ones.

A rough Idea of a culture selection screen

The second Idea i had was a randomizer which would be a option or an alternative if the first one is not feasible. The randomizer in it´s simplest form when enabled would limit the amount of cultures in each era and then pick the choosable cultures from the culture pool of each era. An additional option for DLC's would be like the option for Content spawn Probabilty.  Each option would modify how many of the six culture will appear (None - 0, Really Low - 1, Low - 2, Medium - 3, High - 4, Ultra - 5 , all).  

- If you don`t understand something or I´ve misspelled something please comment (english is not my first language and I don`t speak or write reagulary).

Updated 21 hours ago.
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Must have

The MUST HAVE status is given by the dev team to ideas they would really like to have in the game.


DEV benblond

status updated 2 years ago


First thanks for this extensive feedback and for taking time to give us a precise and clear idea of what you were thinking about.

Just to let you know that we are discussing the way we would like to proceed as it is a tricky one. So such feature have a lot of chances to appear not in the next update, but after that. So stay tune

And thanks again

Have a nice week



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2 years ago
Nov 13, 2022, 9:07:45 AM

Well say that to the Ai xD. My idea was never that anyone should be forced to play like this. It should be an option for everyone who wants to play like this. 

And my idea revolves around that everyone is restricted. For example with 6 Players (ai or multiplayer) and you enter the medievel era, now the random cultures that got picked are 3 Military 2 Merchant and 1 Expansionist now the era will have more war than one with only 1 Military Culture (obviously that is a edge case).

But even without expansion this Feature is usefull. If you have a 6 player multiplayer game and you restrict the session to only 6 cultures, the selection of cultures will get more competitive. That was my idea, maybe i should have explained it more ^^'.

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Nov 12, 2022, 5:49:07 PM

As long as it is an optional setting. Else, why do you not roll the dice for yourself from which cultures you may pick?

Personally speaking, I do not buy (in this case cultures) content to have it not or only by chance available.

I guess the mentioned removing for extra variability or hard choices are more 

the human thing of 

being afraid of testing something new,

the urge to maximise yields or 

an simple issue of game balance.

I am thinking there should be at least two cultures with each given attitude in available in each era. This lessens the stress in the era rush for you can say, "OK! I will take the other one.". If I remember correctly, there are no military culture in the contemporary era.

Limits should be gamers choices. If one wants to limit oneself, please do so. If one always plays the same way, let him enjoy his kind of playstyle. 

But please do not force him to accept removed options. He may have bought the game for exactly this specific one.

And the most important of all: It is the players freetime. Do not tell him how he has to enjoy it.

That are my two cents.

What do you think?

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2 years ago
Nov 10, 2022, 11:24:39 AM

That would be an option. My tought was that you would have to consider if you stay to get some extra era stars or to trasition to the next era because some cultures don`t fit your situation. Right now I personally have the problem that your not to forced to make choices if you play a 6 player game because their will always be a good option to choose.

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Nov 10, 2022, 11:04:35 AM

Instead of limiting the choice for players what would you say for a random selection? Each era you can either choose among cultures still available or you can adopt a randomly selected one.

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2 years ago
Nov 9, 2022, 6:55:12 PM

That would be a nice option to have when setting up a game indeed !

And a good way to add variety in playthroughs, "forcing"/limiting some cultures choices, or just trying new or not-often picked cultures, even "forcing" a sort of cultural path along eras.

(Almost) endless possibilities ...

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2 years ago
Nov 9, 2022, 3:45:32 PM

I was thinking the same, it's actually a common mechanic in board games to randomly remove cards from a deck for extra variability.

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