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Feedback: Cultures

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4 years ago
Jan 8, 2021, 2:19:34 AM
Waper wrote:

4. You probably mean Mughals ED:
To be honest, I don't think +2 Industry per each worker is that bad. In fact, the influence per religious disctrict could even use a small boost to +2 since there usually are not many of such district unless you happen to have built some from previous 3 eras.

Religious districts are quite rare, so the bonus is quite weak. However, +2 Industry per each worker is overwhelmingly good! Just like Dutch's V.O.C warehouse, it provide +2 Industry on Jama Masjid per Worker on the City. So if you have 40+ Industry workers, each Jama Masjid generates +80 Industry. That is overwhelmingly powerful!

I think all bonuses which yield something per Worker or per Religious Followers or per Trade Route need some balancing touch. With those abilities one can easily pump 20~30k+ Influence/Money/Industry in just one City.

Updated 4 years ago.
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