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Not all Infrastructure effects apply to Emblematic Quarters

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3 years ago
May 2, 2021, 8:05:34 AM

Summary / Title: Not all Infrastructure effects apply to Emblematic Quarters

Description: Each Emblematic Quarter has a hidden type based on their exploitation or a hidden value not shown in the tooltip. At least the effects and adjacencies from other sources are applied. But from the infrastructures like the Food Market or the Forge only the direct bonuses are applied but the adjacencies not. For example, the Olmecs Head gets the bonus +1 food from Animal Barns for behaving as a Farmer's quarter but did not get the Farmers Quarter adjacency bonus +1 food from adjacent farmers quarters. On the other hand, the adjacent farmers quarter gets both bonuses.

Steps to Reproduce: 1) Build any Emablemaric Quarter and place a generic one next to it, based on the generic adjacencies. (Like Olmecs Head -> Farmers Quarter or Egyptian Pyramid -> Makers Quarter). 2) Build a corresponding infrastructure that boosts the bonuses between them (Like Olmecs Head -> Animal Barns or Egyptian Pyramid -> Forge).

Reproducibility: 5/5

Expected Behavior: Based on the Emblematic Quarters get the flat bonuses from infrastructures, they should behave like one of the generic quarters and get the other effects.

Notes: Not all Emblematic Quarters hidden base type is trivial. Like the Sacrificial Altar acts as a market quarter with no money or trade-related effects.


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