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[Steam PC - v1.0.26.4449] No available spawn point - Please add to Known Issues

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8 months ago
May 31, 2024, 9:05:07 AM

After a few turns and for different reasons (changing era in my example, after a city's been occupied then freed as seen in a post from 3 years ago on this forum) the game indicates that no spawn point is available.

It's been a problem for the community since the game released but it doesn't appear in the Known Issue Vauban Update list.

Save and reload won't work. Building a garrison is the only way around the problem afaik.

Would you be so kind as to acknowledge the existence of this major problem in your list of known issues please?

Updated 8 months ago.
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8 months ago
May 31, 2024, 3:41:43 PM

As it happens, the problem appears when you apply the Administrative Centre Renovation.

On the first screenshot, everything was fine. 

Then I clicked on the ACR button and applied it to the city centre. No need to even end the turn.

The second screenshot now displays the spawn issue.

Updated 8 months ago.
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7 months ago
Jul 10, 2024, 4:40:55 PM

Thanks, now I know what causes this issue. I am so dumbfounded :(
I found out the solution: either build a garrison or just move any of your unit to the city centre. (https://community.amplitude-studios.com/amplitude-studios/humankind/forums/215-bug-reports/threads/47065-city-with-no-unit-spawn-point-can-t-train-unit?page=1#post-346682)

It's funny the Devs have been recognised this issue since at least 3 years ago and the issue had not been solved until this very time :/

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