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The Dawn of the Seekers

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13 years ago
May 15, 2012, 6:09:14 PM
Turn 19

The Isotope Fabrication project is complete but with results that we were not expecting. The rocket scientists were working on a new propulsion system for satellites when they discovered that the new Hyperium resource we acquired is better suited for munitions. We have since went on to develop new warheads for long range combat and flak weaponry which should be able to detonate such devices at a safe distance from our ships.

End Turn 19
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13 years ago
May 17, 2012, 11:32:07 AM
Turn 22

Nothing significant to report, the Collective moves on.

End Turn 22


Turn 23

The Heavy Isotope Refineries on Atlas are finally complete, with this infrastructure set up we are already beginning construction on a new colony ship which will aim at Heracles to consolidate our borders. On Cheng V the new Geo Industrial Plants are complete, this will allow the system to improve it's own infrastructure quickly as it aims to catch up to Atlas' level of industry.

On Cheng we are establishing a five year plan, first we will create Sustainable Farms to encourage population growth, then establish a Xenotourism organisation to encourage the stimulation of the economy and transport between planets, then we will finally colonise Cheng II. The unfortunate weather systems on Cheng II will be dealt with in time, for now we will need to endure.

End Turn 23
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13 years ago
May 16, 2012, 9:54:16 PM
ahh good it needed a little trial and error to find it (saved a new game .. and searched for it) but finally I found it... I was close to a nervous breakdown when everything was gone.. (^^,)
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13 years ago
May 16, 2012, 9:35:13 PM
StK wrote:
@fellidan: it did? all by itself? because i can't see my savegames anymore... -.-

No no, go to your documents, then into your Endless Space Folder, then Users, then Saves, cut everything out of Saves, go back to the Endless Space folder and create a new sub-folder called Save, put them in there and you'll have them back.
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13 years ago
May 16, 2012, 9:28:45 PM
@fellidan: it did? all by itself? because i can't see my savegames anymore... -.-
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13 years ago
May 16, 2012, 9:06:51 PM
Firstly, I panicked at first, then I realised that the new version moved my save. WE'RE ALRIGHT!

Turn 20

Nothing of interest happened, the universe continues on.

End Turn 20


Turn 21

Uthman Fahedhm has developed new methods of encouraging trade between planets and the sharing of scientific information. These new plans will help encourage a growth boom on Cheng with dust trade and research.

I am not showing a screenshot of the level up page because I need to keep the screenshots to 4, but I chose "Negotiator I" which increased his Wit by 3.

The Heavy Isotope Refineries on Cheng IV and V are operational. This should improve out production in this system significantly. Now we need to develop new Geo Industrial Plants on Cheng V to finalise our forge world system.

Alternative Armours has finished, as a result we are now able to improve out shipyards and colony construction modules. We are now planning to tackle a new project labelled "Unstable Isotope Manipulation", if successful this will allow us to militarise Hyperium in new ways.

End Turn 21
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13 years ago
May 15, 2012, 6:15:58 PM
Haha, sometimes nothing happens and I literally have to avoid that turn. But I am trying to make this interesting and show to people what happens turn for turn. Either to prospective players or to people who just want to see what I learn as I go. And one day I will wake up at 3am to red alert :P
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13 years ago
May 15, 2012, 6:12:18 PM
I dunno , just the cliff's notes would suit me fine but whatever floats your spaceship.

I read that someone played Silent Hunter III in real-time and posted notes online ( a real-time game would takes weeks to play ). It read something like, "Woke up at 3am to red alert...":

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13 years ago
May 17, 2012, 12:00:38 PM
Turn 24

The Collective moves onwards, the universe is quiet for now.

End Turn 24


Turn 25

The Sustainable Farms are ready, with this we will begin to encourage population growth ahead of the colonisation attempt. During this period we will also begin construction on the Xenotourism Agencies.

End Turn 25


Turn 26

Eureka! We have completed the Unstable Isotope Manipulation project! Not only have we developed new reactive armour against projectile weapons, we now have discovered Hyperium-based Laser Weaponry. With these new technologies at our disposal the time has come to begin work on a new fleet design.

The first design is the Pathfinder, an improvement on the original scout design. It uses the new laser weaponry for defence and we have installed Lossless Fusion Pods into the engines to allow for a greater distance to be travelled.

The next is the Guardian, this will be the main bulk of our defence force for now. It features an impressive laser battery, makes use of the new Depleted Armour design against projectile weapons and we have installed Predictive Plating to reinforce the hull.

Finally we have taken the frame for the Progenitor colony ship and militarised it to create the Restorer. Though this ship is slow it is an excellent counterpart to the Guardian. It has new Intelligent Tools installed which allows it to make repairs in space to other nearby vessels. If we have at least one or two Restorers per defence force we should be able to hold fast against any threats.
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13 years ago
May 15, 2012, 6:06:00 PM
Turn 18

The Scout Corvette has arrived at Heracles, with the ship in position we have a detection system in place for any would-be invaders who may try to approach Atlas or Cheng.

Our Advanced Machining project is complete, as a result new weapon tech is being forwarded to the production plans in preparation for our new defence fleet which we hope to have constructed soon.

The Collective is steadily growing in influence, once Heracles is colonised and we have defence fleets in place at Atlas, Izar and Heracles we will being a new wave of scouting with multiple fleets. We have discovered our foothold in this galaxy, soon we must find out what our surroundings have in store for us.

End Turn 18
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13 years ago
May 15, 2012, 5:59:59 PM
The sleeper has awoken! At last....


Turn 17

Our Core Mining project has yielded a new form of mineral known as "Titanium-70". Our scientists inform us that this "T-70" would allow us to create much stronger starships, it will be something to look out for in the future.

Our Progenitor ship has arrived at Izar, we will begin colony construction immediately. For now the Scout Corvette has departed towards Cheng, he will watch over Heracles until the next Progenitor is dispatched.

Upon founding the colony on Izar I we were quick to locate the Hyperium deposits that we picked up with our scanners. So far we have located three major veins, this should provide massive amounts of fuel for our scientists to work with. With this in mind we are setting up a Colonial Exchange to handle trading vessels and allow access to the Collective Shipping Network so that other planets can profit from this find.

Now that we are beginning to expand our Collective to new systems, it is important that we begin to research new weapons which to defend our planets and inhabitants. The galaxy is a dangerous place so we must be prepared to deal with whatever we may encounter. Using the new Hyperium stock we hope to research Isotope Fabrication in order to provide new projectile weapons for our Defence Institute, Advanced Machining for our rocket scientists and Alternative Armours for our Planetary Habitat Commission Bureau so that they can develop stronger materials for construction work.

End Turn 17
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13 years ago
May 14, 2012, 10:00:31 PM
@fellidan: Make an update! I want to know how to fishpeople are doing in their conquest of the galaxy. (^^,)
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13 years ago
May 14, 2012, 8:43:48 PM
Anyway I'll keep going to make my app. smiley: wink, I wanted to finish it to make tutorials so smiley: wink.
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13 years ago
May 14, 2012, 5:55:05 PM
Haha, it's no bother Kaari, very interesting stuff for me. But yeah, I was busy working yesterday so I took a break. I'll go back to my game later tonight.
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13 years ago
May 14, 2012, 3:53:28 PM
I want more :O.

In other side, I began a new program from scratch -_-'.

My new gpu is an ati and doesn't support slimDX, so if some guy have known about hook and overlay on dx9 without slimDX it could be a really help device.

I'm thinking about another method now to only picks screenshots taken by steam and automaticaly upload them and create phpbb formated presentations smiley: smile.

But a hook to take screenshots without steam and on application with an overlay to write commentary directly without leave the game should be nice better...

I'll not continue on this thread to don't poluate, message me if you wanna have more informations smiley: smile.

Otherwise, I wanna see your future fights :P.
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13 years ago
May 12, 2012, 10:07:45 PM
Kaari wrote:
felldian, go make threads like that in our incomming tournament smiley: wink.

Ideally we will have a third party whom we can give screenshots to and dialogue and they can weave a great tapestry as we rush for universal domination :P Won't be me though :P
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13 years ago
May 17, 2012, 5:01:14 PM
Turn 34 - Turn 36

Nothing happened, seriously. The universe is boring at times.

End Turn 34 - 36


Turn 37

We have our new defence fleet on route to Izar right now, they should arrive next year. Also a new Progenitor has been built and is arriving at Isso right now.

Although the Dustwater deposits on Isso II are attractive, the high gravity anomaly would slow our growth, instead we will start our new colony on Isso III for now.

Tylus is the last system we need to establish a foothold on inside our local constellation. It is rather unihabitable right now excluding Tylus III and Tylus IV, the latter being our initial target.

End Turn 37
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13 years ago
May 21, 2012, 5:29:17 PM
StK wrote:
Easier.. maybe.

But I was never a fan of videos in 4X games.

Videos simply don't have the grand feeling to them that written AARs have. Its just a vid.

... but thats just my opinion (^^,).

I tend to agree, but for a walkthrough style it would suit the teaching side better.
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