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The Dawn of the Seekers

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13 years ago
May 12, 2012, 9:45:12 PM
Turn 10

Nothing to report, the collective continues on as directed.

End Turn 10


Turn 11

Our next technology has been researched, we are not ready to colonise new worlds and expand our Collective.

It has been made apparent that our infrastructure isn't ready for mass-production of starships. As a result we have decided to investigate new energy sources and scour the local system for usable resources.

End Turn 11
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13 years ago
May 12, 2012, 9:43:07 PM
Lol x).

U gave me the idea to continue my program lol x).

I'm on Visual Studio right now xD.
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13 years ago
May 12, 2012, 9:37:52 PM
Jashbeast wrote:
When I used to do this, I used to blog it rather than thread it because it seemed easier.

I'm liking this one so far, but I think we do need to do a multiplayer one, that would be hilarious! smiley: biggrin

Agreed, I'd be down for that. We should get StK onto it too :P Sophons: "Oh hey a new race" StK's Imperium: "XENOS!" :P
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13 years ago
May 11, 2012, 9:40:32 PM
Gonna try something out, a turn by turn account of a game, see how it goes and see if it makes anyone interested. I used to read these when I was on the Sword of the Stars forum, some were well written from a story point of view. Others were just interesting. I'm going to go for the latter :P

Initial Setup

Shape: Twin Elliptical

Size: Huge

Empires: 5

Age: Random

Galaxy Density: High

Star Connectivity: Low

Number of Constellations: Unique

Wormholes: Average

Constellation Distance: Remote

Planets Per System: Normal

Planet Size: Bigger

Resources: Normal


Sophons (Myself): Blue

Horatio (AI): Orange

Cravers (AI): Khaki

United Empire (AI): Teal

Horatio (AI): Green

Game Settings

Difficulty: Normal

Game Speed: Normal

Pirates Difficulty: Normal

All victory types except for score.


And so our story begins. On the system of Atlas a new Sophon empire rose up and decided they would take to the stars in search of great riches. They were the Seekers, those that went first.
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13 years ago
May 12, 2012, 9:30:38 PM
I automaticaly uploaded my file into a private server, but the program is not finished yet, and I don't have my server anymore so -_-'.

Initialy, i created this program to upload photo-tutorials on photoshop.

But i'll finish it for future threads so, smiley: wink.

I think that a thread like this one to summarize multi tournament and to promote multi device may be nice smiley: wink.
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13 years ago
May 12, 2012, 9:17:28 PM
Kaari wrote:
Dude, really, you NEED to make this kind of thread on multi with anothers 1 or 2 mates, it's really roxx, really smiley: wink.

Each post you have 2 or 3 columns of differents evoluting and when players meet them it's just awesome :O, because you write what you think and people see your "he told me he'll not attack me because he want peace.... GO BUILD SOLDIERS NOW !!!", and on the other side : "Haha I told him i don't wanted to fight, let me show you my little army hahaha".

It's really gorgeous, to each, spectators and players ^^.

But i didnt made each time screenshot, 3 or 5 turns because lot of time you just cliking on "end turn" and spectators don't read all of your mind smiley: wink.

Otherwise, i worked into an application to make screens + post comment automaticaly, It's didnt finished yet but I'll surely continue to code this one when i'll have the time, if you want i'll send it to you before the final version :P.

Could be quite interesting, right now I play in a window with the forum tab open and imageshack in another one. I use steam for screenshots then fire them onto imageshack while I edit the next post :P
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13 years ago
May 12, 2012, 9:14:15 PM
Dude, really, you NEED to make this kind of thread on multi with anothers 1 or 2 mates, it's really roxx, really smiley: wink.

Each post you have 2 or 3 columns of differents evoluting and when players meet them it's just awesome :O, because you write what you think and people see your "he told me he'll not attack me because he want peace.... GO BUILD SOLDIERS NOW !!!", and on the other side : "Haha I told him i don't wanted to fight, let me show you my little army hahaha".

It's really gorgeous, to each, spectators and players ^^.

But i didnt made each time screenshot, 3 or 5 turns because lot of time you just cliking on "end turn" and spectators don't read all of your mind smiley: wink.

Otherwise, i worked into an application to make screens + post comment automaticaly, It's didnt finished yet but I'll surely continue to code this one when i'll have the time, if you want i'll send it to you before the final version :P.
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13 years ago
May 12, 2012, 8:59:23 PM
Kaari wrote:
I began a topic like that for civIV to show to people how we could win on divinity's lvl smiley: wink.

But I was really unluck and i lost this one so i told myself : "NEVER AGAIN OMG" xD.

Really nice, i'll follow your thread dude smiley: wink, and maybe i'll make one when i'll be in one of the hardest difficulty :P.

Haha, cheers. Right now it's just a test to see how it goes, and to get some input. If I reach the end and enough people have made input into how I can improve it I'll make another with new settings. Possibly insane pirates, I like that other guys idea of the insane-pirate challenge :P
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13 years ago
May 12, 2012, 8:53:49 PM
I began a topic like that for civIV to show to people how we could win on divinity's lvl smiley: wink.

But I was really unluck and i lost this one so i told myself : "NEVER AGAIN OMG" xD.

Really nice, i'll follow your thread dude smiley: wink, and maybe i'll make one when i'll be in one of the hardest difficulty :P.
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13 years ago
May 12, 2012, 8:44:17 PM
Turn 8

Well this is awkward... The situation hasn't changed in our system, maybe you should check back next year.

End Turn 8


Turn 9

The scientists have done it! We have finally developed a full-proof method to colonise tundra type planets and set up sustainable bases. This is a great step for us, it will open up our options considerably in the nearby systems.

The farming development on Cheng IV has finished, we are now considering employing our new tundra colony technology to see if we can't improve our foothold on Cheng.

Cheng V is our next target as we have found large areas that hold Bluecap Mold. This would be most benefitial for our colonies in this system, we will begin shipping arrangements and proceed to transfer colonists and materials over at once.

End Turn 9
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13 years ago
May 12, 2012, 7:12:13 PM
Turn 7

Our farming development is finally finished! Now all work can go into developing our space-docks as they prepare construction efforts for our new colony ship.

Our local map is finally finished, Izar is the last part to our puzzle. It will make a good bulwark to the lower region of our constellation.

There may be only one planet here, but it is a huge arid type. This will be brilliant for defensive purposes once we're got a firm foothold in place.

We have now explored the local area and are ready to begin expansion once the ship production is finalised. The initial phase of the Seekers deployment is almost finished, once both bulwark systems are established we can organise a full-blown scout armada to explore the further reaches of the galaxy.

End Turn 7
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