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Amoebas have... genders?

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13 years ago
May 27, 2012, 11:19:35 AM
Stexe wrote:
When I was coming up with a bio, I specifically avoided gender pronouns. It was EXTREMELY difficult to write it without using "he/she/it" ... you have no idea. lol

Yeah i know the feeling! Growing up in a he or she enviroment. It was a hard life growing up with sexists of the third and fourth gender.
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13 years ago
May 27, 2012, 1:43:44 AM
andante wrote:
Since the game is developed in French, they could just pick an arbitrary gender associate and run with it, regardless of the actual biologic reality. That's how the rest of the language works smiley: biggrin

Hey now that's not nice. Funny as hell yes, nice not so much lol
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13 years ago
May 27, 2012, 1:50:31 AM
I'm just trying to make the point that the gender pronoun conventions of the English language aren't the only way to do things. Some languages replace the gender neutral pronoun with the male or female pronouns by convention. Others often don't distinguish between male or female in the third person. SMAC does the really weird thing by alternating between "he" and "she" within the same passage, even when referring to the same alien individual.

It's also possible they're always referred to in the plural. Might make sense if one "individual" is actually composed of many such organisms (gives new meaning to the term "colony ship"!)
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13 years ago
May 27, 2012, 2:46:38 AM
andante wrote:
Some languages replace the gender neutral pronoun with the male or female pronouns by convention. Others often don't distinguish between male or female in the third person.

And still others (Spanish being a notable example) apply a male or female connotation to each and every noun.


Table, female (mesa)

Cart, male (carro)

Juice, male (jugo)

Fence, female (valla)
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13 years ago
May 27, 2012, 3:23:22 AM
VulpesWalker wrote:
Regardless, the word chosen is Amoeba, which is an Asexual life form.

Oh, I totally agree that their race definition should be genderless.
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13 years ago
May 27, 2012, 3:43:09 AM
repbunny wrote:
Objection! This is only an artist rendering! This is not solid evidence!

Yet that 'artist's rendering' is currently Steph'nie's avatar.
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13 years ago
May 27, 2012, 4:27:42 AM
Oliolli wrote:
Yet that 'artist's rendering' is currently Steph'nie's avatar.

What, it's female just because it has long hair? How do you know it just isn't a metalhead?
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13 years ago
May 27, 2012, 5:52:42 AM
Oliolli wrote:
It is Amoeba Steph'nie, who is known to be female. Thus it is female.
It could just be a cosplaying amoeba. I mean, I bet even giant single-celled organisms like to dress up funny looking aliens once in a while.
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13 years ago
May 27, 2012, 8:39:17 AM
lmaoboat wrote:
It could just be a cosplaying amoeba. I mean, I bet even giant single-celled organisms like to dress up funny looking aliens once in a while.

So how many 5 gallon buckets of water, how many crates of jell-o and how huge of a fridge do you need to prepare a proper Amoeba cosplay costume?
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13 years ago
May 27, 2012, 9:18:20 AM
When I was coming up with a bio, I specifically avoided gender pronouns. It was EXTREMELY difficult to write it without using "he/she/it" ... you have no idea. lol
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13 years ago
May 27, 2012, 9:24:08 AM
Also, they need a way to re-vote. I accidentally clicked "Vote" for one I didn't want when I was viewing their entries. Oh well, it looks like the one I want to win (the one closest to my entry) is currently winning so no biggie. Which is weird since it (One Who Seeks) is oddly similar to mine (Atulunibe) and yet I never read any of the other entries. Guess great minds think alike? =)

EDIT: Actually, it just puts the number of points from the votes in the middle, not over the current winner. That's a shame. We really need either a confirmation screen with our vote or the ability to re-vote.
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13 years ago
May 27, 2012, 9:27:45 AM
Regardless of physical gender (term being used loosely) Amoebas are Asexual meaning their left arm is way bigger then their right arm and they reproduce via themselves... I'm not sure if they even technically have a 'gender' if they do its technically both.
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13 years ago
May 27, 2012, 1:34:29 AM
Since the game is developed in French, they could just pick an arbitrary gender associate and run with it, regardless of the actual biologic reality. That's how the rest of the language works smiley: biggrin
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13 years ago
May 27, 2012, 6:02:37 PM
I'm quite torn on this one. For me there are several arguments.

"The Amoeba" are not amoeba.

As far as i can tell from the story i have read so far (the endless could totally rock some kind of panspermia) life on earth is not related to life in other systems in Endless Space. Therefore any extrpolation from earth life seems like a stretch. Just like Hissho are not actually birds, but just something similar looking (similar constructional solutions to similar enviromental problems). That's why you can research xenology albeit we already know birds (and non-human factions could look them up on wikipedia) smiley: wink

There is also the thing that The ES Amoeba are sentient beings and enormous changes to earth amoeba would be needed to make that happen. Adding sexual reproduction would be a quite minor thing compared to that.

While the species called amoeba reproduces indeed asexually, there are a lot of other protozoa, who reproduce sexually. Most of us wouldn't hesitate to also call them amoeba, just for the lack of the exact species name.

Then again the Amoeba are totally based on a laymans view of earth's amoeba anyways.

If people would like to have them reproduce asexually then why not? In general Sci-Fi has an absurdely huge bias towards humaoid alien species (ES is guilty of that, too) and even more towards female aliens with breast (not so much penises). I like the amoeba just for being different and why not include different reproduction?

There already is a faction in the game, which reproduces asexually.

For varietie's sake i'd like to have amoeba hermaphrodites, who change there sex during their lifecycle or even depending on circumstances like social status or external conditions (starvation, war, overpopulation etc.). So many species have developed that way on earth independently, why shouldn't it apply to amoeba.
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13 years ago
May 27, 2012, 8:51:48 PM
If an amoeba is not anything like an earth amoeba... then this could be ...a racist slang!

Stupid reference but kind of like in Mass Effect's race Hanor: 'You Big Stupid Jellyfish'!
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13 years ago
May 27, 2012, 8:57:14 PM
bla0815 wrote:
I'm quite torn on this one. For me there are several arguments.

"The Amoeba" are not amoeba.

As far as i can tell from the story i have read so far (the endless could totally rock some kind of panspermia) life on earth is not related to life in other systems in Endless Space. Therefore any extrpolation from earth life seems like a stretch. Just like Hissho are not actually birds, but just something similar looking (similar constructional solutions to similar enviromental problems). That's why you can research xenology albeit we already know birds (and non-human factions could look them up on wikipedia) smiley: wink

There is also the thing that The ES Amoeba are sentient beings and enormous changes to earth amoeba would be needed to make that happen. Adding sexual reproduction would be a quite minor thing compared to that.

While the species called amoeba reproduces indeed asexually, there are a lot of other protozoa, who reproduce sexually. Most of us wouldn't hesitate to also call them amoeba, just for the lack of the exact species name.

Then again the Amoeba are totally based on a laymans view of earth's amoeba anyways.

If people would like to have them reproduce asexually then why not? In general Sci-Fi has an absurdely huge bias towards humaoid alien species (ES is guilty of that, too) and even more towards female aliens with breast (not so much penises). I like the amoeba just for being different and why not include different reproduction?

There already is a faction in the game, which reproduces asexually.

For varietie's sake i'd like to have amoeba hermaphrodites, who change there sex during their lifecycle or even depending on circumstances like social status or external conditions (starvation, war, overpopulation etc.). So many species have developed that way on earth independently, why shouldn't it apply to amoeba.

I'd have to say, the description at http://www.amplitude-studios.com/Articles/AMOEBA doesn't sound like any evolution we've seen on earth, and their parameters still do lead back to their name of being Amoeba's smart as they may be, they still have the same characteristics.
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13 years ago
May 27, 2012, 9:37:02 PM
Would the Amoeba as a race reproduce quicker if they are an asexual race? I wonder if this is factored into their race characteristics.
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