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1st contact effect

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13 years ago
May 8, 2012, 8:12:59 PM
this idea is great, there should be much more random events, much more random like oh here look some dude discovered somethin but sold it to everyone stuff
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13 years ago
May 5, 2012, 2:15:13 AM
Awesome idea! To be honest I have never seen this done in any 4x game that I have played, hell the thought had never even occurred to me. I would love to see this implemented if possible.
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13 years ago
May 5, 2012, 2:56:18 AM
Many events of this type can also be modified by the type of empire that is being used. So a society that is highly religious could turn xenophobic...or may have a moment of epiphany changing their outlook on the universe. While a society that is based around corporations and trade could veer more towards a positive response as they see opportunities for trade.

It would be very easy to apply an appropriate bent from one attributes effect on another, and would be well with in the realm of possibility.
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13 years ago
May 5, 2012, 2:57:08 AM
Really like this idea.

What I would also like to see is some forced encounter on first contact... doesn't have to be combat related but certainly cinematic in style and reflective of who I just encountered.

I've noticed that the current playable races actually have details to them like "Evil" or "Expansionists", so if these empire traits could be woven into some encounter cinematic such as encountering a militaristic 'evil' empire then the first contact encounter is much more menacing in nature with hints of what is more likely to come... that would be fantastic IMO.
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13 years ago
May 8, 2012, 4:19:12 PM
Remscar wrote:
5% chance of mass suicide, lose half of your population smiley: zipper

That would be hard to balance. Better have a few fanatics found a sect and then start with "piracy" to rain death upon the unbelievers or such.
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13 years ago
May 8, 2012, 4:21:19 PM
This is a great idea. I think it would be interesting too if there was a chance of a pandemic because of exposure to new diseases from the first encounter.
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13 years ago
May 8, 2012, 4:37:47 PM
BobbyDylan wrote:

5% chance of civil war, 1/2 you fleet break away to become Militant / pacifist

5% of riots, costing economy X amount

5% chance of unified people, producung X production points

5% change of refocused research, gaining x research points

5% of noting at all, we knew they were out there


Et cetra, up to 100%

This would make 1st contact feel momentus, as I'm sure it will be.

Aslo, There could be a slightly smaller chance of this when we come across other races, if they're much more powerful / advanced than us.

What do you guys think?

I love that idea. Though it might mean instant war between your peoples. Think the botched first contact between humans and the membari on babylon 5 lol.
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13 years ago
May 8, 2012, 6:12:43 PM

However, I think positive effects should have a higher change because IMO finding another species would unite a race more than separate it as there will be a common "enemy".
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13 years ago
May 8, 2012, 7:20:32 PM
This is certainly an interesting idea, but I think that the effects should be tempered by the nature of the contacting race and the contactee race. Meeting the Sophonts or the Cravers, for example, should be a massively different experience!
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13 years ago
May 5, 2012, 2:02:33 AM
Agreed. It would be cool to have warring nations who suddenly meet each other naturally just start firing with no diplomatic means what so ever. Or on the other extreme, two peaceful/exploratory races meet and choose to communicate somehow through a selection of dialogue choices with the other player, and depending on your choices it could lead to either alliance or all out war for offending them or misinterpreting signals yourself.
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13 years ago
May 8, 2012, 8:45:11 PM
+1 from me to the first contact idea ...

but here are my two cents

you get a random empire buff or debuff i like the 5% for a total of 20 possibles maybe from deadly to godly ->

1 deadly 2 very bad 4 bad 6 neutral 4 good 2 very good 1 godly of course a flavor for every race a deadly one for humans may be "Dissensions" loose one of 5 star systems to separatists and puff another faction is born do to bad luck or a deadly for cravers "death of the first born " get -x population on all planets proportional to planet size - a neutral would be some free science advancement like "No place like home" "flavor text : a panicked engineer tweeked the engine so hard and made the ship fly true space at warp speed you are now at your home system and have unlocked warp travel to boot " race personality or even approval could raise or lower the percentage for one or some or all of the 20 outcomes for a first encounter

then my other two cent's but for this you need to implement governments and personalities

you have governments that provide a large buff percentage to 2 resources and a small debuff to the other 2 and a large buff or debuff to approval (you can be a dictatorship and have +12% prod +8% tech -4%food -6%dust -10% aproval or capitalism and have +12% dust +8% prod -4% tech -6%food and +10% approval)

you have personality that provide a a small buff to 2 resources and a tiny debuff to the other 2 and a small buff or debuff to approval(you can be pessimist that gives +6% dust + 4% food -3% prod -2% tech and -5% approval or you can be a warmonger and get +6%prod +4%tech -3% food - 2% gold and -5% approval)

the when the two cultures meet a clash of personalities and governmental relationship starts

the superior government gains the bonus of the other government while the inferior looses it's bonus for a set amount of turns (maybe 15 )

the superior personality gains the bonus of the other personality while the inferior looses it's bonus for a set amount of turns (maybe 10)

but what if you get two empires that have neutral governments or same personalities

two empires at first contact will gain double buffs and have debuffs negated for 20 turns from governments and personality if they have compatible personalities and identical governments

now here is what i have in mind to spice things up imagine two capitalist empires one an optimist and another a pacifist no problem the 20 turn buff remains but if one is a warmonger or aggressive and the other is also a warmonger the two fleets engage automatically and the winner get's 40 turns of double buffs and no debufs(superior race) the loser get's 20 turns of double debuffs and no buffs(crushed spirits) and both factions get locked in a open war state for 100 turns(botched first encounter)

a warmonger ,aggressive or even pessimist can chose to attack during the first encounter for the buffs a described above but get a different 100 turns open war state(you attacked the ™vulcans) after the loser passes the crushed spirits debuff he recives 50% damage 50% armour on ships vs the race that attacked you (Vengeance!!)
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13 years ago
May 8, 2012, 8:50:30 PM
seems to be a decent idea to make the game a more unpredictable during first contact also keeping early heroes faction locked until first contact.

+ 1
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13 years ago
May 8, 2012, 9:14:17 PM
Excellent idea. Would also be cool if there were either technologies you could research early or a building or two you could build to reduce the chances of there being a negative result of first contact, and/or increase the chances of positive effects on your empire from such an event.
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13 years ago
May 9, 2012, 10:00:19 AM
+1 to this suggestion

Just bought the game over the weekend and my first impression of the game is very positive. One thing about the game I would see lacking though: The races seem too impersonal and offer no extra immersion. SO:

1) For every first contact there should be some "first contact" event. Pop-up of (animated) alien and a brief story/description about the race.

2) Plus some gameplay affecting stuff like suggested here (not sure about the mass suicide stuff though).

- I would add that on first encounter and learning upon an alien race the first benefit would be to gain a random (non-military) tech from the other (non-hostile) race.
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13 years ago
May 9, 2012, 6:04:53 PM
Tikigod wrote:
Really like this idea.

What I would also like to see is some forced encounter on first contact... doesn't have to be combat related but certainly cinematic in style and reflective of who I just encountered.

I've noticed that the current playable races actually have details to them like "Evil" or "Expansionists", so if these empire traits could be woven into some encounter cinematic such as encountering a militaristic 'evil' empire then the first contact encounter is much more menacing in nature with hints of what is more likely to come... that would be fantastic IMO.

I'm glad I read all of this first, I was about to suggest this.

The first impression should really depend on the allignment of the civ, if a Good one meets a Evil one the people of the Good side are bound to be more afraid than the other side, the Evil guys would be all happy, thinking that they found new easy prey.

Also, the chances for each different event could be related to some research or something, if the civ is more advanced they are more likely to be less scared and the chances for a "bad" event should be lower.
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