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[Suggestion] Pause Combat while chosing battle actions

Pause combat phase while chosing
Apply default strategy defined by empire
Apply default strategy defined by flagship of the fleet
Apply default strategy defined by ship design most often used in fleet
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12 years ago
Oct 6, 2012, 7:47:16 AM
If not a pause get the window to pop open showing the battle cards and a timer before the next phase starts and give a second or extra between phases. I sometimes get so caught up in watching the cinematic and how I my ships are doing I forget about the next phase and ding its to late
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12 years ago
Jul 15, 2012, 10:23:50 PM
yeah, but there should be some kind of default, besides you can read up on the outside of battle anyway, so it shouldn't be much of a problem, adds a little sweat to your forehead!
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12 years ago
Jul 15, 2012, 10:47:10 PM
+1 for pause and choose. Because sometimes one just hasn´t got enough time to choose.....
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12 years ago
Aug 19, 2012, 4:47:46 PM
+1 more vote for this -- more precisely, pause combat at the start screen where you can see the enemy fleet and choose "Automatic" or "Manual" battle actions (at least in single-player mode). I know you can review cards before combat, but until you see what the enemy is packing, you can't really choose appropriate cards. This is a strategy game after all, and I don't think it's reasonable to expect players -- in the seconds before combat starts -- to analyze the enemy fleet, AND remember all the card details (quick, which defense card is best against beams?) AND recall your fleet details (is my fleet strong on missiles or is it beams?). Like the original poster, I find myself jarred out of my leisurely, analytical game, forced suddenly to rush-read and madly stab at cards, hoping I get good ones. Not fun.
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12 years ago
Sep 20, 2012, 5:25:09 PM

Please please please add an option to Pause during Card Selection for single-player games!

I understand the motive for multiplayer, but during a single-player TURN BASED game I expect to NEVER have to rush to a decision.

That's why I'm playing a TURN BASED game!

Excellent, excellent game - just don't force me out of my calm, TURN BASED mentality into forcibly-rushed, poor decision.
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12 years ago
Sep 20, 2012, 9:35:16 PM
I have two things to say about this idea:

1) I believe the idea of pausing mid-combat is against the game design imo. Battles in Endless Space are supposed to give you this little thrill and a feeling of pressure, after all a giant space battle is about to occur. Also, one of the points why we have turn timer is to give us time to choose the battle card you want to play. You can also look at the cards beforehand to prepare a strategy for your next engagement, to not waste time for thinking while in combat. The alternative idea is way better imo, I'd actually kinda like to see that implemented in the future smiley: smile

2) Even though I don't like the idea of adding the pause button in combat, since ES is mainly a singleplayer experience I suppose there's no harm in adding that function, allowing everyone to play in the way they want to play. Thene again, I think this should be taken care by modders rather then the dev team - they have more important things to do right now ^^
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12 years ago
Dec 5, 2012, 6:01:00 PM
I was shocked when I first played this turn based game and discovered I could not pause combat in a single player game. I was sure I just didn't know how. I don't see how this can NOT be put in..

I knew I was not going to be completely satisfied with the limited choices relating to combat but I knew that when I bought the game. That I could not pause to consider the only choice I get to make was frustrating.
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12 years ago
Dec 5, 2012, 8:09:29 PM
Well the game is MP geared as well, so a compromise was made to prevent people from pausing and walking away.

But still, read the cards before the battle, it makes it soo much easier when you know them off hand and can auto select them based on the picture and color of the card.
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12 years ago
Dec 12, 2012, 1:35:22 AM
I agree 100% there needs to be a pause option so we can read the cards and understand what are options are. +1 on thread
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12 years ago
Dec 12, 2012, 11:55:39 AM
For experience players choosing cards in short time is not an issue, but I remember my disorientation in variety of cards first time. So, for new players it is important.

As for the old ones, it is good to have some default behaviour set for this or that fleet. For example, use special ability for the Hero fleet or use default surrender for investigator ship.
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12 years ago
Dec 17, 2012, 2:24:43 PM
dontnormally wrote:

Please please please add an option to Pause during Card Selection for single-player games!

I understand the motive for multiplayer, but during a single-player TURN BASED game I expect to NEVER have to rush to a decision.

That's why I'm playing a TURN BASED game!

Excellent, excellent game - just don't force me out of my calm, TURN BASED mentality into forcibly-rushed, poor decision.

Agree. Not sure I want to play without a pause to set up a battle plan for each combat. For that matter, each ship type should have a separate card, Stand off for missile ships, close for beam/kinetic ships.
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12 years ago
Dec 17, 2012, 2:30:31 PM
Ships getting their own battle cards dependent on ship size?

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12 years ago
May 27, 2012, 4:57:50 PM
One thing I love about turn based games is that I've got all the time in the world to make any of my decisions. The real time chosing of battle actions breaks this concept making me rush to any of those darn cards just to avoid losing an advantage. In other words: It kills the calm and silence of the game for a phase of stress that I very much dislike.

My suggestion: Pause combat while the screen for chosing a battle card is displayed. So I can thoroghly read any card and chose the one I see fitting best. Maybe this pausing could be a game option for those who like the real time element?

An alternative to pause the real time mode could be to set a standard strategy for the fleet so the battle starts with battle cards chosen already. Of course I could change them the way I can now. The standard strategy for the fleet could be derived from a standard strategy for the empire. Or it could be derived from a standard strategy of a ship design. That option should have a flagship set for each fleet (defaulting to the first ship in the fleet).

Ordered alternatives:

a: Pause combat phase [myfavouriteone]

b: Apply default strategy

b1: Default strategy defined by empire

b2: Default strategy defined by flagship of the fleet

b3: Default strategy defined by design most often used in fleet
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