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Humankind - Release Notes

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3 years ago
Aug 22, 2022, 4:30:11 PM

[] "Post-Anniversary Update" Version Notes

- Removed the cakeification on city centers and the unicorn spawn boost. Cake-city centers will remain as long as they are not renovated.

- fixed an issue resulting in the game being blocked into infinite turns pending when a white peace was proposed to an AI, in rare occasions.

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2 years ago
Nov 9, 2022, 2:53:23 PM

[] "Metternich Update" Version Notes

ADDITIONS - Together We Rule Expansion pack

- New feature: Inter-empire Forum: Congress of Humankind
- New Currency: Leverage
- New Quarter: Embassy (unlocking new interactions with other empires)
- New Unit Family: Agent
- 6 New Cultures with a New Affinity: Diplomatic
- 6 New Wonders
- 15 New Narrative Events (including 4 inter-empire events)
- 7 New Independent People
- New In-Game Themed Music Tracks composed By Arnaud Roy

- New stealth system! Stealth units are now concealed until their stealth value reaches zero in enemy territories.
- Third party reinforcement! You can loan your armies to help your allies in battle.
- New Independent People system! You can now sign treaties with Independent People.
- Updated main screen UI! A few UI elements have been moved around the main UI for a clearer experience.

- Independent People now spawn Armies less often on Hamlet, Town and Metropolis difficulties.
- Modified the formula to lower Civic Enact costs when many Civics had already been enacted (average reduction of -50% to costs).
- Lowered the Influence gains of the Aesthete "Culture Bomb" ability, especially on territories with many neighboring territories.
- Reworked the effects of the Authority domestic ideology to provide extra Stability on Garrisons (instead of deprecated "Detection Range").
- New Effects for the "Colonization" Civic: Vassal Colonies choice now gives bonus Money and Industry on cities founded on a new Continent, while the Naturalized Colonies choice gives bonus Stability on cities founded on a new Continent.
- Aztec Jaguar Warriors can now be upgraded from Swordsmen.

- Made adjustments to how the Wonder-Full achievement unlocks. Players are now asked to build 22 wonders.
- Fixed an issue where on rare ocassions, points of interest could spawn on Natural Wonders.
- Fixed a few instabilities that could lead to indefinitively pending turns.
- Fixed an issue where some FIMS previews on infrastructures were not working correctly.
- Fixed an issue where the "[Enacted]" civics tag wasn't translated in languages other than English.
- Fixed Issues that were sometimes occuring when launching a nuclear strike on multiple locations during the same turn.
- Fixed some localization issues that where occuring with the Empires names in the Megalomania grievance.
- Fixed an issue where the Assyrian Raiders' Pillager ability only mention Outposts and Independent Camp.
- Fixed an issue where the "Share maps" treaty causes both empires to be first when discovering a natural wonder.
- Fixed an issue where the Roman Emblematic Unit (Praetorian Guards) tooltip for Tactical Superiority was misleading.
- Fixed an issue where wrong tutorial text would display for breaking treaties.
- Fixed an issue where an inaccurate "No line of sight" debuff was appearing when attacking with torpedo boats.
- Fixed an issue where the player could have access to shared projects outside of their territories.
- Fixed an issue where loading custom maps were not properly displayed in the Caps section.
- Fixed an issue where the Culinary Trend narrative event was triggered too early.
- Fixed an issue where luxury resource deposit could spawn on a Natural Wonder tile.
- Fixed an issue where Debug text was displayed in the Event "Left Out".
- Made the difference between linking a Steam account to G2G and connecting to G2G in game clearer.

- Fixed an issue where the Land Rights and Knowledge Authority civics were not unlocked correctly.
- Fixed an issue where Jaguar Warriors made Great Swordmen seem obsolete.
- Fixed an issue where animals could reinforce each other.
- Fixed an issue where on rare occasions, armies would not execute an attack from an elevated position.
- Fixed an issue where Garrisons were exploiting tiles around them.
- Fixed an issue where instant war support was not being calculated correctly.
- Fixed an issue where the Narrative Event "Justice for All" might not trigger properly.
- Fixed an issue where the "You successfully plundered" in Ransack Successful! notification was not informative enough.
- Fixed an issue where placeholder text is sometime displayed in the grievance "Thwarted our occupation of".
- Fixed an issue where eliminated empires have the "Joining" status during multiplayer sessions.
- Fixed an issue where slots occupied by eliminated empires appear as available inside the "Join Game" menu.
- Fixed an issue where placeholder text is displayed in the description of the Ming's emblematic quarter.
- Fixed an issue where the tutorial about Deployment was not showing up.
- Fixed an issue where placeholder text was displayed in the Battle Result.
- Fixed an issue where placeholder text was displayed when attacking wood wall with artillery.
- Fixed multiple missing or incorrect texts displayed in the help layer.
- Fixed an issue where no grievance or War Support changes happened when a tile has been ransacked.
- Fixed an issue where the civics osmosis refusal penalty had the same duration for all game speeds.
- Fixed some debug text appearing if the city targeted by "The Human Cost II" event gets destroyed before the event is triggered.
- Fixed an issue where the AI would sometimes keep making demands each time the player had refused another demand.
- Fixed an issue where tutorial windows and tooltips can display severe flickering in specific situations.
- Fixed an issue where Exploitation Tiles had a health bar in the tooltip.
- Fixed an issue where the "A Totem for the Tribe" Narrative Event was triggered by another empire's Army.
- Fixed an issue where invalid characters were allowed when saving a custom map inside the map editor.
- Fixed an issue where false information was displayed when an opponent refused a Crisis Defusal proposal.
- Fixed an issue where the event "Propaganda Machine" wasn't triggered when meeting the requirements.
- Fixed an issue where players couldn't buy ressources through world map on the turn you signed a trade treaty.
- Fixed an issue where the tooltip for non-district tiles claimed to have +1 vision.
- Fixed an issue where "Under One Banner" displayed an incorrect duration.
- Fixed an issue where grievances were triggered because of stopped trade agreement after vassalage is enforced.
- Fixed an issue where the narrative event “An Envious eye” was triggered incorrectly for players first in fame.
- Fixed an issue where the Neolithic Legacy Trait Narrative Event did not trigger if the Knowledge star is earned on Turn 1.
- Fixed an issue where Unit industry cost reduction structures show no gains in Infrastructure Effects.
- Made the message that appears when attempting to use a missile on units that are in a battle between other empires clearer.
- Fixed an issue where false information was displayed when attempting to break a treaty after recently signing one.
- Fixed an issue where the help layer UI button could get misaligned with the rest of the UI.
- Fixed an issue where the Latin America DLC Culture "Caralans" showed up as "Norte Chico" in the Polish language.
- Enacting the "Public Happiness" Civic choice in the "Fundamental Values" now correctly reduces the production cost of emblematic districts that "count as" Public Order districts.

- Fixed an issue where the Terra incognita stayed undiscovered during battles.
- Fixed an issue where the UI could disappear and potentially crash the game.
- Fixed an issue where an incorrect FIMS preview for Commons Quarter appeared when placing it next to most base quarters.
- Fixed an issue where demanded territories could not be obtained with war resolution.
- Fixed an issue where on rare occasions, the game could crash when exiting Diplomacy Screen.
- Fixed an issue where players could encounter a large number of unexpected notifications.
- Fixed an issue where Spymasters did not cost population.
- Fixed an issue where the game could become stuck if an embassy was lost before an agreement is signed.
- Fixed an issue where the game could crash when switching tabs in Diplomacy Screen.
- Fixed an issue where the Spy, Spymaster, and Envoy Units did not get a bonus for attacking from high ground.
- Fixed an issue where Expansion pack name was wrong.

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2 years ago
Nov 15, 2022, 4:09:23 PM

[] "Metternich Update Hotfix 1" Version Notes

- Fixed an issue where an "urgent affairs require you attention" mandatory notification may lead to the game being blocked.
- Fixed an issue where on some occasions, Epic Game Store players could not access the content of the "Together We Rule" expansion pack.
- Note: Some players who do not own the expansion pack may not be able to load saves created between November 9th and November 15th. If you are encountering this issue, please create a new game

- Added an indication of the empire targetted by a leverage curiosity.
- Added a mention of the patronage extending Independent People cycle of life, as well as other missing feedbacks on Independent People.
- Added a preview of the duration of Agents actions.
- Added a new legacy trait for Singaporeans: +5% Fame Gain Multiplier per Client State Independant People. The former lecay trait has been added directly as a Unit Specialty of the Reservists.

- Fixed an issue where Units could be upgraded to emblematic units obtained by "arms deal".
- Fixed an issue where the "Spider's Web" Narrative Event could be triggered by opponent's city.
- Fixed an issue where after refusing an agreement proposal by another empire, then same agreement proposal could be sent again immedietly.
- Fixed an issue where the tooltip for "Cultural Blessing" was missing information on when to unlock the civic.
- Fixed an issue where the "Cultural Blessing" could can be unlocked in Ancient era.

- Fixed an issue where Decoy army that have Stealth units were not correctly displayed.
- Fixed an issue where armies could not move due to the presence of stealth allied armies (it now starts an ambush).
- Fixed an issue where Spawn points were not deactivated when disrupting them with an Agent.
- Fixed an issue where Osmosis events would not appear when Manipulating a city that was not in the Player's influence.
- Fixed an issue where incorrect feedback was displayed when trying to add reinforcement that has no movement point left.
- Fixed an issue where incorrect information was displayed when a civlization was falling.
- Fixed an issue where, very rarely, the game could become stuck when choosing "Seek Wisdom" tenet.
- Fixed an issues where AIs could declare war while in peaceful mode.
- Fixed an issues where the bonuses coming from independent people treaties could be inconsistent because of the era level.
- Fixed a few localization issues.
- Fixed a issues with narrative events and civics unlocks.
- Fixed other UI issues (in the Congress of Humankind, Embassies and the Help Layer).

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2 years ago
Nov 24, 2022, 2:12:02 PM

[] "Metternich Update Hotfix 2" Version Notes


- General memory optimization to improve the game's loading times, stability and performances.

- Fixed an issue where saves could be corrupted after a Battle or a Siege.


- Major Independent People pacing nerf - overall spawn slower and less intense.

- Improvements in tooltips and general onboarding on new features.


- Fixed an issue where the game would be stuck because of decoy armies added in siege battles. Beware that saves with that issue cannot be repaired.

- Fixed an issue where the game would be stuck because the AI would not accept demands

- Fixed an issue where the Embassy was not available for all players in Multiplayer when the host was playing with the Together We Rule Expansion pack

- Fixed an issue where Aerodrome spawn points appeared as invalid

- Fixed an issue where a placeholder text was displayed when an Independent People's lifespan fell below 3 turns.

- Fixed an issue where an Assimilated city from Independent People couldn't be merged into a regular city.

- Fixed an issue where Rotiskenrakehte didn't regenerate stealth.

- Fixed an issue where voice line were cut short in a friendly greeting.


- Fixed an issue where "Diplomatic ultimatum" wasn't a mandatory action before ending turn.

- Fixed an issue where Intel curiosities change the leader icon and name after reloading a save.

- Fixed an issue where too much Intel was spawning when Trade Road were broken.

- Fixed an issue where text was cropped in the International Crisis's result.

- Fixed an issue where no Influence penalty was applied when manipulating a city center with an Agent.

- Fixed an issue where placeholder text was displayed for the rebels of Together we Rule new cultures.

- Fixed an issue where positive Stability given by a District wasn't removed when disrupting it.

- Fixed an issue where envoys with movement points remaining would recieve the "Exhausted" status on entering a city.

- Fixed an issue where Agents watching a city are considered as and idle army.

- Fixed an issue where placeholder text for agreements not being available was displayed because the other empire has not built an embassy yet.


- Improvements in AI split on neolithic armies.

- Fixed an issue where the AI didn't enact civics from osmosis when it didn't have enough influence to refuse.

- Fixed an issue where the "+" symbol for reinforcement appeared on the Main Army that is leading the battle.

- Fixed an issue where feedback was missing on leverage and grievance gain when declaring a Surprise War with active Congress.

- Fixed an issue where the value shown for the mercenary cost reduction was incorrect.

- Fixed an issue where a Mod mismatch error was appearing when trying to load a save with a mod after it had minor Update.

- Fixed an issue where while at peace with an empire, attacking their army with the battleship's artillery strike did not lead to war.

- Fixed an issue where while at war, grievances were generated on the Liege's side when attacking its Vassal.

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Dec 15, 2022, 3:56:48 PM

[] "Metternich Update Hotfix 3" Version Notes

- Added M1 and M2 Mac beta compatibility. Please help us by reporting any issues when playing on Macs with M1 or M2 processors!
- Balanced cultures for the Together We Rule Expansion pack (see full list below).
- Added video tutorials for War Support, Third Party reinforcement, Embassies, The Congress of Humankind and Agents.
- New SteamDeck default control scheme.
- Removed the culture card from the loading screen to look nicer.
- Improved feedbacks and information on the vanilla game: Patronage gains, Independent People's lifespan, Era Stars.
- Improved feedbacks and information on Together We Rule: Doctrines, International Sway, Decoys, Expelling military forces, Unavailable agreements in embassies, Official Audience, Demilitarized territories.

- A Christmas hat!

- Fixed several rare issues preventing the turns to pass.
- Fixed an issue were Battles were getting stuck after doing two airstrikes.

- Fixed an issue where "Establish Contact" was no longer functional after attacking and losing influence on Minor Empires
- Fixed an issue were Units were able to attack Units in the fog of war.
- Fixed an issue where the achievement "omnist" couldn't be unlocked
- Fixed an issue where the Event "Revenge of the Pharaohs" was not triggered in the correct order
- Fixed an issue where the effect on the geopolitical ideology axis of the "independent peoples" civic was not correct.
- Fixed an issue where placeholder text was displayed in the 3rd party reinforcement notification when the battle has ended.
- Fixed an issue where the tooltip for “Republic Evolution” was missing information on how to unlock it.
- Fixed an issue where whispers were visible to everyone in the multiplayer lobby.
- Fixed an issue where Tactical Superiority bonus (Praetorian Guards) was wrongly applied when the unit is defending.
- Fixed an issue where false information was displayed in the tooltip when using a bomber to target an army that is too far away.
- Fixed an issue where sometimes armies path were blocked by other armies hiding in the fog of war.
- Fixed an issue where English's Emblematic District "Stronghold" did not get benefit from the enacted choice "Public Security" from the "Fundamental values" Civic.
- Fixed an issue where too many error messages were displayed on map size settings' tooltip when there were too many Empires in the lobby.
- Fixed an issue where the Neolithic food bonus received after a battle was split between all the armies that were in the battle zone
- Fixed an issue where the portraits of Nikatine and JumboPixel personas were not the right ones

- Fixed an issue where Diplomat era stars are not considered for all-era-stars end-game condition.
- Fixed an issue where, if a DMZ was applied on an outpost, the units on that territory would not get the trespassing status.
- Fixed an issue where hired mercenaries in a DMZ did not generate leverage if they were hired once the DMZ was already in place.
- Fixed the error message when an embassy agreement not being available was sometimes unclear.
- Fixed the price from Embassy Destroyed Demand.
- Fixed an issue where some "Together We Rule" Tutorials could not be reset.
- Fixed the fact that Units could still fly to disrupted Airport.
- Fixed instabilities occuring when using the DMZ on territories under the effects of "Cultural Affinity".

- Fixed an issue where Aggressive AI was appearing on Hamlet difficulty
- Fixed the localization of some effects given by Doctrines.
- Fixed an issue where Individualism intermediate Doctrine Effect was not applied correctly.
- Fixed an incorrect text displayed when declaring war against an Empire that has Vassals.
- Fixed the "Client State" treaty's description with independent people to make it more clear.
- Fixed the fact that attacking a district outside a siege was not damaging it.
- Fixed the "International Trading" Civic unlock condition, that could make it available earlier than expected.
- Fixed the trade of Resources that can not be bought after being trade with a Merchant Affiny Empire.
- Fixed an issue where Manufactory's ressource requirement were sometime incorrectly calculated.
- Fixed a visual issue with Control Zone in battles.
- Fixed how the Ferocious army status is displayed as an unknown source of +1 strength.
- Fixed an issue where, when trying to embark on a coastal waters tile hidden in Terra Incognita, an anchor icon was displays instead of Tech requirement message.
- Fixed how the Hero Combat Strength bonus against treatorous empires was labelled "Unknown".
- Fixed an issue where "merge" or "attach" was possible when a City was occupied.
- Fixed an issue where OS reserved words in saves were allowed, leading to saves corruption.
- Fixed an issue where the "Rent Army" button disappeared from the rented army's panel after attacking the minor faction from which the army was rented.
- Fixed an issue where treaties with independent people were not cancelled when you attacked them.
- Fixed an issue where relocating an outpost causes the spawn point to not work anymore.
- Fixed an issue where placeholder text was displeyd in the hired Rebels' tooltip.
- Fixed an issue where applied mods were not preserved after closing the game and starting it again.
- Fixed an issue where the shown percentage of patronage share did not correspond to the real one.
- Fixed some informations displayed in the Suppression unit specialty description tooltip.
- Fixed an issue where ambushing bonus was displayed as Unknown on combat strength breakdown.
- Fixed an issue on Independent people's lifespan that was sometime displayed with decimals.
- Fixed an issue where war support was displayed with decimals on "Close to a War Victory" Notification.
- Fixed an issue where stealth units executing the Under One Banner action were not revealed.
- Fixed an issue where Independent people did not build Harbors.
- Fixed an issue where already built Aerodromes didn't have a spawn point after the city was captured.

- Sumerian EQ:
-- Removing "+3 Influence when an Intel is collected"
-- Adding "+5 Leverage against all known empires when the Eduba is built"

- Han Chinese EQ:
-- Removing "+3 Industry"
-- Tweaking "+12 Science when an Intel is collected" (previous value = +3)
-- Allowed placing Paper Mills without adjacency to existing districts, as Hamlets. The River is still required

- Bulgarian EQ:
-- Removing "-3 Influence"
-- Adding "+6 Influence when an Intel is collected"
-- Tweaking "+1 Stability per Territory following state religion" (previous value = +3)

- Swiss EQ:
-- Removing "+3 money"
-- Adding "+1 money per Era Level"
-- Tweaking "+2 Farmer/Worker/Trader/Researcher Slot per corresponding adjacent quarter" (previous value = +1)

- Swiss EU:
-- Tweaking the base CS of the Unit : 44CS (previous value = 43CS)
-- Tweaking the price of the Unit (T3 -> T2) : 970 (previous value = 1945)

- Singaporean LT:
-- Tweaking "-50% on Absorb City cost" (previous value = -25%)

- Singaporean EQ:
-- Adding "+4 Influence per adjacent Common Quarter"
-- Adding "Count as Market Quarter"
-- Removing "-10 Stability"
-- Tweaking the placement prerequisite: "Over any District that is Regular District" (previous value = Farmer Quarter)

- Embassy :
-- Tweaking (reducing) the construction cost formula
-- Tweaking Stability Bonus: "+5 Stability per Era" (previous value: "+20 Stability")
-- Tweaking Influence Synergy: "+3 Influence per Era per adjacent District" (previous value: "+10 Influence per adjacent District")

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Jan 19, 2023, 1:48:50 PM

[] "Shackleton update" Version Notes

- Terra Incognita. Be the first to reach and explore Antartica without destroying it! Playable with 6 different cultures.

- Added the ability to give cities, money and influence to another Empire through the diplomacy screen.
- Changed the city creation flow between Neolithic and Ancient Era: the first city creation and the 1st outpost creation are not mandatory anymore.
- Official support for M1 & M2 Processors on Mac. Thank you all for your feedbacks!
- [TWR] Added a new Agreement, Cultural Entente: Territories under the other signing Empire's cultural influence will yield a bonus of Food and Industry for their City, and Signing Empires will not generate any new "Oppressing my People" grievances between each other.

- Nerfing the "Cultural Blitz" affinity ability for it to give a lower amount of influence.
- Added the possibility to disband units outside of your borders. Population is lost then.
- Added the name of previous cultures in the Empire screen.
- Added feedbacks to see the previous cultures of opponents in the tooltip of their current culture on the Diplomacy screen.
- Re-organized the main menu and the pause menu items.
- Re-organized the top-left HUD to show Pollution and (TWR) International Sway.
- Improved feedbacks on Uncovered assets: when concealed units are uncovered, they now appear with a border.
- Added feedback on unlock conditions for persona items.
- Moved the Calendar type to the new game settings, so that all players have the same one.
- End conditions settings are now saved from game to game.
- The "/kick playerName" command has been added to kick players that have conceding defeat but stay in the End Screen during a Multiplayer game (for the host only).
- (Cultures of Latin America) Improved the description of the Caralan Emblematic Unit's Plant Lore ability.
- An infinite symbol has been added on Independent People's lifespan when they are under Client State
- Modding tool: clean override elements and associated feedbacks.

- Fixed an issue wher AI was often creating too many Prowlers, resulting in a high number of Ambushes during the game.
- Added a coping mechanism when a turn is stuck, allowing the game to forcibly stop blocking systems and go to the next turn.

- Fixed an issue where the game got stuck in a pending turn after an Empire used the Air Strike in specific conditions.
- Fixed an issue where the game got stuck in a pending turn after an Empire did a Agreement proposal in specific conditions.
- Fixed an issue where the game got stuck on a pending turn after an Agent got eliminated in specific conditions.
- Fixed an issue where the game got stuck on a pending turn after an ally got attacked by bears while the player has an army close by.
- Fixed an issue where the game got stuck on a pending turn after an ally got attacked while the player has an army close by.
- Fixed an issue in Multiplayer game where the game could softlocks when an enemy army prevents Outpost to transform into a city.
- Fixed an issue where the game rarely got stuck on a pending turn in early game.

- Fixed an issue where battle spoils were only obtained when instant-resolving.
- Fixed an issue where the notification "lost treaty with independent people" was using the incorrect icon.
- Fixed an issue where the trespassing grievance was generated when killing an Envoy in an other Empire's Territory.
- Fixed an issue where capturing an Independent People's city with rented armies made that unit's panel show incorrect information.
- Fixed an issue where the war score cost of taking back a vassal when it tried to get freedom was not "zero".
- Fixed an issue where the camera would incorrectly focus on the closest outpost when trying to use "Give Outpost" to an Independent people's army.
- Fixed an issue where it was impossible to settle in some small territories because all tiles contained a resource deposit.
- Fixed an issue where the competitive deed "Smorgasbord" couldn't be unlocked.
- Fixed an issue where the competitive deeds "A cultured land" couldn't be unlocked.
- Fixed an issue where a notification displaying a collected curiosity was not showing the gained resources.
- Fixed an issue where rarely AI kept making demands on changing the player's state religion.
- Fixed an issue where eliminated Empire's patronage was staying in the calculations of Independent People's UI.
- Fixed an issue where Independent People treaties showed inconsistent benefits.

- Fixed an issue where sometime the multiplayer lobby interface was incorrectly displayed after changing Avatars.
- Fixed an issue where Armies were unable to move after trying to add them to a battle that had just been resolved.
- Fixed an issue where War Support was displayed with decimals on the "Close to a War Victory" notification.
- Fixed an issue where patronage gain was displayed when an Envoy was in an Independent People's territory while Established Contact hasn't been signed yet.
- Fixed an issue where while at war, grievances were generated on the liege's side when assimilating an Independent People in which a Vassal has invested.
- Fixed an issue where while at war, grievances were generated on the liege's side when ransacking an Embassy that has signed treaty with the Vassal.
- Fixed an issue where placeholder text was displayed in the Independent People's outpost Ideology tooltips.
- Fixed an issue where construction progress for Shared Projects from the "Monumental Contractors" agreement were not updating correctly.
- Fixed an issue where while at war, grievances were generated on the liege's side when claiming a territory near the border of its vassal
- Fixed an issue where patronage production was sometime displayed with decimals.
- Fixed an issue where the "Monarchy Power" civic could be unlocked before the Industrial Era.
- Fixed an issue where the value received from "Science Collaboration" Treaty with Independent Peoples was displayed incorrectly in the science breakdown.
- Fixed an issue where destination was incorrect for Army and District Detection trace on the Intelligence View.
- Fixed an issue where "The Empty Hills" Narrative event has the same result for both provided choices.
- Fixed an issue where resources were not displayed properly in the "All Cities and Outposts" Menu on the Cities tab.
- Fixed an issue where Emblematic Units did not appear in the technology tree if their technology was researched in the previous era.
- Fixed an issue where treaties' cooldown was showing "0 turns left" instead of simply disapperearing.

- Fixed an issue where wrong text was displayed in the other Empire's reaction after a leverage action.
- Fixed an issue where the watch city action was not cancelled if another Agent action is started.
- Fixed an issue where cropped text was displayed on Doctrine's unlock button.
- Fixed an issue where track army would not work on decoys.
- Fixed an issue where "Placate" had a wrong description of cost and effect.
- Fixed an issue where Agents being built were displayed in the Intelligence view.
- Fixed an issue where both signed Treaties and Agreements waere feedbacked as Agreements on War Support malus.
- Fixed an issue where an incorrect cost was displayed for Leverage Actions when the Embassy has been destroyed
- Fixed an issue where Demilitarized Zone's notification focus on the icorrect territory.
- Fixed an issue where while at war, grievances were generated on the liege's side when attacking its' vassal's envoys.
- Fixed an issue where Independant People names were showing as a debug text.

- Fixed an issue where the Nazca Lines preview tooltip was not showing the total gain.

- [Epic Games Store]Fixed an issue where the cultural wonder 'Great Zimbabwe' was missing.
- [Epic Games Store]Fixed an issue where the Deluxe content would not be granted to players who got the Heritage Collection.

- [Steam] Fixed an issue where the player profile was lost every time the game was started on Steam Deck in specific conditions.

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Feb 2, 2023, 1:35:11 PM

[] "Shackleton update" Hotfix 1

- Nerfed the AI so that envoys are attacked less often.

- Fixed pink images in the "additional content" section.
- Fixed an issue where text was misplaced in the empire screen and the culture selection screen.
- Fixed an issue where players were asked to reconnect to Amplifiers at each launch.
- Fixed an issue where entering a number in the textfield of the "give money/influence" option could result in confusing behavior.
- Fixed an issue where the Ancient Era popup would not always not appear when switching cultures.
- Fixed a rare occurence of a turn pending appearing randomly.
- Fixed an issue where incorrect tooltips were displayed in the options menu.
- Fixed an issue where Fame values were incorrectly formatted in some notifications.
- Fixed an issue where debug text was present inside the Pollution display.
- Fixed potential instabilities around the diplomatic screen and osmosis events.

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2 years ago
Apr 26, 2023, 12:58:18 PM

[] "Vauban Update" Version Notes

ADDITION - Para Bellum Wonders Pack
Includes 6 new cultural wonders
- Stables of Pi-Ramesses
- The Colosseum
- Citadel of Alamut
- The Hôtel des Invalides
- The Kaiserliche Werft
- The Pentagon

- Display of damage preview on Army Panel when hovering the Instant Resolve button.
- Added a "Demand all / Renounce all" button for grievances.
- Added a "Kill Count" info on units.
- Added a preview of FIMSI yields given by Cultural Wonders.
- Added a new "Territory Size" world generation option.
- Added a game option to play with the leaderboard hidden.
- Players now see their own username when inside multiplayer lobbies.

- New Cultural Wonder: Brussels Town Hall.
- Wonders: Rebalance of the effects of some existing cultural wonders, and addition of synergies with other districts (see dedicated post).
- Improved the trigger conditions of narrative events, so that rare events appear more often, and frequent events less often.
- A.I. improvements: Claiming of Territories and general expansion behavior major overhaul.
- General Performance improvements, especially on lower-end configs and late game, for CPU, GPU and RAM usage.

- Wonders: Wonders Influence Claim cost rebalance: Claim cost grows more quickly per claimed wonder.
- Wonders: Added a way to renounce a claimed Cultural Wonder (invested Influence is lost though).
- Wonders: The "Built to Last" deed now provides 100 Fame.
- Battles "Instant Resolve": Algorithm improvements (it now better respects the number of battle rounds and the size of battles)
- Battles "Instant Resolve": Added feedback on what the Instant Resolve button does.
- A.I. Faith and Influence management improvements.
- Fame leaderboard improvements: Current Era is now displayed, and fallen empires are greyed-out.
- Overall harmonization changes in texts and localization.
- Added visual Fx to the Independant People panel.
- Neolithic improvements: All Curiosities now generate Influence during the Neolithic.
- Neolithic improvements: Created a notification to remind the objectives of the Neolithic.
- Neolithic improvements: Changed the icon of unknown Strategic Resources.
- Added more details in which order Mods are applied on Saves in the Loading screen.
- Together We Rule: Added visual Fx to the Congress Of Humankind and the Embassies panels.

- Fixed an issue where sometimes the game performance can drop beause it uses too much of the graphic card power.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a pending turn after a quick load.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a pending turn when having demands between Vassal and Liege.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a pending turn when AI was ambushing the player in rare occasions.
- Fixed instabilities when sending more than 30 gifts to an other Empire.
- Fixed instabilities that could block Independent People's lifespan and corrupt the save.
- Fixed an issue where Curiosities sometimes behaved weirdly during the map generation.
- Fixed an issue where Loading a save file made after triggering the End Screen was disabling the “Continue Game” button.
- Fixed an issue where Empires in Neolithic could have diplomatic relation with Independent People.
- Fixed an issue where placeholder text was displayed for locked Embassy actions.
- Fixed an issue where AI would not claim territory on islands.
- Fixed an issue where an exploit that was possible when refusing grievances and demands after a war.
- Fixed an issue where the "All detection" option in the Stealth Layer would not show enemy empire's detection sources.
- Fixed an issue where the first 2 civics requirements would not correspond to their description in the encyclopedia.
- Fixed an issue where placing a garrison while "War Slaves" was active would not provide influence.
- Fixed an issue where the Da Vinci Event player icon would not display properly in the tooltips.
- Fixed an issue where Italian and Turkish languages were not present when trying to change Humankind's language from Steam game properties.
- Update Preview: Fixed an issue where bonus effect description was missing in the Luxury Resources tooltips.
- Update Preview: Fixed an issue where the Culture icon overlapped with a button when building foreign units and wonders.

- Fixed an issue where, in multiplayer, the game could softlock when the host was losing internet connection while in loading screen.
- Fixed an issue where Independent people only spawned Era-3 and Era-4 units in Era-5 and Era-6.
- Fixed an issue where, rarely, the Interface would disappear and lock the player in a battle.
- Fixed an issue where the Game was remaining stuck in "Cloud Syncing" on rare occasions.
- Fixed an issue where National Projects with Exclusion zone of one tile around them could be build near districts.
- Fixed an issue where Assimilating Independent People would makes their armies disappear in some occasions.
- Fixed an issue where Lightning's Aerial Stealth was not working as described.
- Fixed an issue where incorrect text was displayed when gifting less than 20 Money or Influence.
- Fixed an issue where Independent people lifespan could be stuck on 1 Turn left.
- Fixed an issue where no Lifespan gain was displayed when using Power Investor on exploited Deposits by Independent People.
- Fixed an issue where the Empire stability may not correspond to the actual stability of your only city.
- Fixed an issue where players were still allowed to try placing a district within a battlefield (but it was not added to the queue).
- Fixed an exploit where presence of Armies from other Empires hidden by the fog of war could be revealed using Outpost Relocation.
- Fixed an issue where Ocean were still appearing after setting "Land Percentage" world generation setting to 100%.
- Fixed the "Economic Elephant" legacy trait.
- Fixed an issue where "Stealth Activity Detection" notification could pop up randomly.
- Fixed an issue where counter for Resources Bought\Available would not display Resources already owned when they are resold.
- Fixed an issue where the FIMS gains preview did not count the Foggara Emblematic District bonus when building a Farmer's Quarter.
- Fixed an issue where negative Influence was not feedbacked in red (as the money currently is).
- Fixed an issue where Local Pollution calculation was wrong when there was a Pollution diminishing effect.
- Fixed an issue where the Player had control over the camera during the Nuclear Strike cinematic.
- Fixed an issue where enabling and cancelling any "Irreligion" civic choice would cause the Religion screen to disappear.
- Fixed an issue where custom names were put back to default when reloading a save file
- Fixed an issue where Mandatory Action button was not sending you to an Alliance offer if clicked while already in the Diplomacy tab.
- Fixed an issue where Liberated city lifespan were not updating the following turns.
- Fixed an issue where "Customary Laws" seemed enacted when first unlocking the "Legitimacy" Civic.
- Fixed an issue where the Hangings Gardens were not mentioning the Luxury Resource on which they activated the wondrous effect.
- Fixed several minor issues on images, SFx and texts and improved various tooltips, notifications and tutorial hints.

- Update Preview: Fixed Placeholder text in the Narrative Event "The Faded Lady".
- Update Preview: Fixed an issue where a typo was displayed when Disbanding Units after building Les Invalides.
- Update Preview: Fixed a typo in Les Invalides' tooltip.

- Fixed an issue where "Provided by" was displayed in the Cultural Wonders' tooltips when no Embassy was built yet.
- Fixed an issue where Embassy's notifications did not have a button for disabling them.
- Fixed an inconsistency on the background of inactive buttons in the Embassy.
- Fixed an issue where Incorrect Patronage gain was displayed in Envoy's status tooltip.
- Update Preview: Fixed an issue where values inside the International Sway tooltip could sometimes be wrong.

- Fixed an issue where attempting to create clouds could result in instabilities.

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
May 16, 2023, 12:50:01 PM

[] "Vauban Update Patch 1" Version Notes

Steam Workshop fixes
- Fixed an issue where the "Upload Map" pop-up could not be closed without actually uploading a map.
- Fixed an issue where a Mod could not be re-uploaded through the Humankind Mod tool if it was deleted through the Steam Workshop page.
- Fixed an issue where the UI could break when refreshing mods in certain circumstances.
- Fixed an issue where the Description field in Steam Workshop was lacking formating possibilities.
- Fixed an issue where a recurring "mod mismatch" message was displayed when launching the game after unsubscribing a Mod.

Other fixes
- Fixed an issue where some custom maps validated by the editor caused an error when starting a new game on it. To fix the issue, Creators need to reopen their map, and go to the territory tab, then the validation tab, to re-validate their maps.
- Fixed an issue where incorrect text was displayed in the "Upload Map" tooltip.
- Fixed an issue where the tooltip of the Random button was not clear in Multiplayer Lobby.
- Fixed an issue where a few Game Updates illustrations were in greyscale when all the others were colored.
- Fixed other minor UI and localization issues.

Para Bellum Wonders Pack fixes
- Fixed an issue where the Kaiserliche Werft was incorrectly updating its own industry bonus in the Cultural Wonders tab.
- Fixed an issue where the Kaiserliche Werft wonder tooltip was missing information that it is considered a harbor.
- Removed "Domestication" technology prerequisite from The Stable of Pi-Ramesses.

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2 years ago
Sep 11, 2023, 12:55:48 PM

[1.24.4218] "Anne Bonny Update" Version Notes

ADDITION: Cultures of Oceania Content Pack

- 6 New Cultures
- 6 New Wonders
- 15 New Narrative Events (including 1 cross-empire events)
- 7 New Independent People
- New In-Game Themed Music Tracks composed by Arnaud Roy


- 1 Bonus New Culture: Caribbean Pirates
- 3 New Naval Units
- New army action: poaching.
- New trade screen, to allow easier management of trade with multiple other players.
- Naval Units Ranged Retaliation and rebalance! Faster movement, longer ranges, greater firepower!
- Larger Battlefields! You have more room to deploy your Units and can take advantage of the new-found mobility.
- Internal Trade! Deepen your economic relationships with other Empires, but beware of any poaching...
- Strategic Resources requirement system! A single copy of each required resources is now enough to unlock construction, but at what cost?


- Steam Workshop and mods upate flow improvements.
- Modding Tool quality of life improvements, especially around versions checking.
- Map Editor quality of life improvements, especially around Resources and Natural Wonder placement.
- Added an option for players to rename their avatar.
- Adapted the HUD and changed the science button to make it round (again).


- Nerfed the aggressiveness of the AI in Metropolis & easier levels of difficulty.
- Improved feedbacks for players on how to assimilate Independent Peoples in decline regardless of patronage level.
- Units: balanced the number of accesses required to built & number of accesses required to update.
- Infrastructures: balanced the number of resources required to built, new resources bonus granted & FIMS bonus per strategic or luxury.
- Electricity Technology: Bonus on coal deposit.
- Power Line Technology: Bonus on aluminium deposit.
- Nuclear Fission Technology: Bonus on uranium deposit.
- Balanced various Upkeep costs.
- Increased combat strength of naval units for all Eras.
- Increased Combat Strength of all Air Units.
- Increased Combat Strength and Range of all Missile units.
- Increased Naval Units combat strength on Pentekonter and Quadriem.
- Reduced Naval Units combat strength on Cog, Carrack, Geobulseon, Galleass and Man O'War.
- Cruise Missiles, Nuclear Warheads and Thermonuclear Warheads combat strength all went down from 7 points.


- Improved Aircraft Carriers management.
- Improved the variety of response from counter-proposals.
- Improved territory management and city expansion.
- Improved Airport management.
- Improved National projects management.
- Improved Garrisons management.
- Improved Deeds seeking.
- Improved Stealth detection strategies.
- Improved Late game Civics choices.


- Fixed a multiplayer desynch when specific game language was selected.
- Fixed an issue where game was stuck on pending turn after signing the Intellignece Coalition with an AI.
- Fixed an issue where Bombarding the main plaza during a Siege could cause a crash.
- Fixed an issue where launching a Nuclear Missile after using two of them the previous turn could lead to a softlock.
- Fixed an issue where disabling auto saves in a multiplayer game continued to generate auto saves.
- Fixed a game softlock when the host loses internet connection, while in loading screen.
- Fixed an issue where Land Units were keeping their abilities when embarked.
- Fixed an issue where The Santa Maria del Fiore Cultural Wonder would not benefit from religious bonuses as stated.
- Fixed an issue where Independent Peoples did not build Infrastructures in their Cities.
- Fixed an issue where Nuclear Missile launch was not canceled when the player was occupying the targeted enemy City.
- Fixed an issue where Independent People's territory remained under influence after they de-spawn.
- Fixed various minor UI and localization issues.

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Sep 14, 2023, 1:57:55 PM

[] "Anne Bonny Update Patch 1" Version Notes

- Fixed an issue where pending turns could occur when choosing a Tile to use the Clear Forest Army action.
- Fixed an issue where Independent Peoples would not build regular Districts or Infrastructures.
- Fixed an issue where Resources summary pin was missing when poaching with naval units.
- Fixed an issue where Loss were assigned to the incorrect Empire in the Trade View when someone steal a trade node.
- Fixed an issue where The "Hostile" filter in the Trade View would not work as described in the tooltip.
- Fixed an issue where Sometimes, purchasing resources from an Empire was immediately canceled for unclear reasons.
- Fixed an issue where Trade Routes disappeared when the world wrapped around.
- Fixed an issue where Elements in the Blockages tab of the Trade view often flicker or disappear after ending turn
- Fixed an issue where Poached resources were not displayed with a red glow in the "Their Resources" part of the Diplomatic screen
- Fixed an issue where Incorrect wording was displayed when an enemy army was poaching one of your Trade Nodes.
- Fixed an issue where Tier 2 Treaties with Independent People would not mention that it will stop them from being Hostile.
- Fixed an issue where Violent Independent Peoples could ransack Trade Nodes of Empire they have a 2nd tier Treaty with.
- Fixed an issue where Player could not click on other Empires's resource pins to open the Diplomatic Screen's Trade tab.
- Fixed an issue where Player were urged to buy high-price units when they unlock new resources.
- Fixed an issue where Ship of the Line CS bonus would not change the Unit's CS displayed in battle.
- Fixed an issue where AI would tend to move its naval units that have been boarded even if it's not a good choice.
- Fixed an issue where Trade view's International Trade window would not correctly update when loading saves.
- Fixed an issue where Tutorial for Poaching Resources appeared on uncontested Trade Relay.
- Fixed an issue where Pathfinding for naval transport would not account for player bonuses on sea.
- Fixed an issue where Luxury resource trade prompt would not properly count future accesses.
- Fixed an issue where Player may get confused when buying resources that will go through a roundhouse that is being stolen.
- Fixed an issue where Naval-only units had unecessary Army Action displayed in the Unit panel.
- Fixed an issue where Vassals could buy resources from third party Empires.
- Fixed an issue where Disrupted extractors were not listed in the ongoing Disruption in the Trade view.
- Fixed an issue where Some unit classes had no Steal Power.
- Fixed an issue where Torpedo Vessel's Deployment specificities lead to unexpected results.
- Fixed an issue where Terra Incognita caused fake roads and bridges to appear when settling near another Player.
- Fixed an issue where "War Declaration Needed" popup would still appear in some cases even if diplomatic status prevents the Player from declaring War.
- Fixed an issue where Fusion and ICBM nuclear tests preview area did not match the Wasteland generated after completion.
- Fixed an issue where Player could not replace a regular district by an Embassy.
- Fixed an issue where Short Supply feedback would not work correctly after ransacking an other Empire outpost that had a resources bought by the Player.
- Fixed an issue where Tutorial for "First Tenet" appeared when the second Tenet became available.
- Fixed an issue where Narrative Event "An Envious Eye" could trigger before the player has met any other empire.
- Fixed an issue where Wrong Empire was displayed in the Diplomatic history when someone renounced a grievance against the Player.
- Fixed an issue where When replacing a District that give bonuses on Districtic in other territories, the loss was incorrectly categorized.
- Fixed an issue where Temporary FIMS bonuses on cities were not applied on their last turn.
- Fixed an issue where UI would not account for exploited terrain when suggesting placement for new districts in some occasions.
- Fixed an issue where Placement suggestion and construction queue would not account for districts that are already being replaced.
- Fixed an issue where The game would not remember player settings for World Generation in some occasions.
- Fixed an issue where World generation would allocate less Luxury Resources per territories on bigger maps.
- Fixed an issue where Game was displayed squashed when in fullscreen and in a aspect ratio different than 16/9.
- Fixed an issue where Zones of Controls were displayed in the Fog of War in Battle.
- Fixed an issue where Culture traits preview could not be scrolled with the mouse wheel in the empire selection screen.
- Fixed an issue where Lost at sea could be heavily countered by transferring units out of the army.

Together We Rule Fixes
- Fixed an issue where Agents could not use their army actions on the main borough if they were targetting a tile they're located on.

Cultures of Latin America Fixes
- Fixed an issue where Nazca Lines's description doesn't mention that the effect will only be applied on other EQ in the same city.

Cultures of Oceania Fixes
- Fixed an issue where Narrative Event "Ties that Bind" would not activate even though it should.
- Fixed an issue where Placement Preview pin was wrong when replacing one of the Marae by an other district.

- Fixed an issue where Mods and Maps were not properly detected by the "Type" filter in the Steam Workshop.

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a year ago
Oct 5, 2023, 12:46:45 PM

[] "Anne Bonny Update Patch 2" Version Notes


- Added Trade and Naval Combat Tutorial Videos.


- Fixed an issue where the Resources pin click in the Trade View was missing.

- Fixed an issue where Artist's Studio and Academy of Arts could not be built.

- Fixed an issue where Marae's tooltip did not mention that it does not need to be attached to the main borough.

- Fixed an issue where the Māoris culture Encyclopedia text was not up to date.


- Fixed an issue where in certain cases the Rapa Nui Emblematic Units may not be available.

- Fixed an issue where the news popup did not anchor properly when the UI was reduced.

- Fixed an issue where multiplayer content tags were automatically added without the content available in playthrough.

- Fixed an issue where land tiles were included in naval battles.

- Fixed an issue where Mauna Kea Observatory prerequisite did not work proprely.

- Fixed an issue where armies were not being kicked out of a settlement once a battle finished.

- Fixed an issue were a missing UI Mapper is displayed in a notification when picking the "Chart" choice in the event "The Shape of the Seas".

- Fixed an issue where Empire Symbols were not sorted.

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a year ago
Jan 15, 2024, 1:45:13 PM

[] "George Sand Update" - Version Notes


- Added the possibility to access a Dev Mode version (F1 Menu), and the ability to chose your starting Era, through a Command Line.

- Added an option to use non-exclusive Cultures during a game.

- Added a "Bug Report" button in the Main Menu and Pause Menu to allow you to report any occuring bug more easily.

- Added new stackable Neolithic Legacy Traits, one for each Era Star.

- Added new AI Personas to play against.

- Balanced existing AI Personas Difficulty Level, Strengths & Bias.

- Added a new Difficulty Level for AI Personas, as well as a feedback of that difficulty in the lobby.

- Added a random AI Personas selection in the lobby slots when starting a new game based on your last world Difficulty Level.

- Added all new and a few existing AI Personas as Avatar Preset.

- Added all Influencers Avatars as Avatar Preset.

- Added access to Community Scenarios through the Main Menu, Scenarios section.

- Added the possibility to buy more things with Influence in Outposts, such as Train Stations and Airports.

- Added a "Buy All" button for Luxury Resources.

- Reworked the way Public Ceremonies work to make them more interesting by adding a big resource bonus.

- Added an adjacency bonus on Holy Sites.

- Added a warning on a City pin when a Construction Queue is blocked.

- Added the automatic movement of the victorious Army in the center of the conquered City.

- Added an improvement that allows to load a save made with an inactive but owned DLC.

- Added an option to Raze a Main Plaza or a District.

- Added an option to remove Infrastructures.

- Added an improvement to ignore Train Stations and Airports in placement suggestion.

- Added a new icon for the Cultural Entente Embassy Agreement.

- Added a setting option to setup the density of Natural Wonders on the map.

- Added a setting option to change the map ratio.

- Added a setting option to change the spawn density of Independent People.

- Added the Endless Mod to Steam Workshop, as well as fixing compatibility issues.

- Added a new Main Menu background illustration.

- Balanced a lot of different Cultures from all previous DLCs and Tentpole game.

- Balanced the Transcendence Legacy Traits to make them more interesting by adding an Affinity bonus in addition to the existing Fame bonus.

- Balanced the Harappans Legacy Trait food bonus to only apply on dry grass tiles.


- Fixed an issue where Neolithic map curiosities bonuses were not received when the unit is spawned on them.

- Fixed an issue where claimed island territories displayed a 0% influence.

- Fixed an issue where the Era Star money value was displayed as negative value past 2.1 million gold.

- Fixed an issue that could cause the save to be corrupted and couldn't be loaded anymore.

- Fixed an issue where the End Turn was blocked because of an unskippable mandatory action on a Army movement.

- Fixed an issue where Liberating a City that has a Paper deposit cause a Pending Turn.

- Fixed an issue where Ransacking Satellites's and Space Exploration's Shared projects didn't cancel the construction.

- Fixed an issue where Iron Deposits could not be accessed with the Power Investor ability.

- Fixed an issue where Agreement were available with an enemy vassal if an agreement has been sent just before becoming a vassal.

- Fixed an issue where Salted Beef's bonus on upkeep was listed as Unknown in the breakdown.

- Fixed an issue where in a certain case a Cyclopean Fortress that was belonging to an enemy can keep its ZoC once the Player took the territory.

- Fixed an issue where often the Close button was missing in the Empire screen.

- Fixed an issue where the Polar Base tooltip did not include that it does not require to be adjacent to other districts.

- Fixed an issue where the Thermonuclear weapons did not unlock the Bring The Heat deed.

- Fixed an issue where the Mississippians' Legacy Trait wasn't computed in the Placement Preview.

- Fixed an issue where a session of a player ends just one turn after the player has reach Era VI.

- Fixed an issue where there were no loot when the Unit you finish a battle with dies even if there are other Units left alive.


- Fixed an issue where a save game that was started with the DLC-content cannot be loaded without an internet connection.

- Fixed an issue where an exception error was generated when a Client attacked another empires City when a few seconds were left on the End Turn timer.

- Fixed an issue where a Cultured Land deed is not unlocked when influencing an entire continent.

- Fixed an issue that occured when attempting to refresh the persona collection while having no internet connection.

- Fixed an issue where Decorations and Symbols are missing from Multiplayer.

- Fixed an issue where the applied functionality of the Trade Insurance and WorldWide Exchanges empire unlocks is unclear to the users.

- Fixed an issue where incorrect wording is displayed when an enemy army is poaching one of your Trade nodes.

- Fixed an issue where Violent Independent Peoples can ransack Trade Nodes of Empire they have a 2nd tier Treaty with.

- Fixed an issue where Maori emblematic Unit (Waka Taua) tooltip provided misleading information.

- Fixed an issue where Trade view's International Trade window doesn't correctly update when loading saves.

- Fixed an issue where Byzantines Emblematic Quarter only gives +1 Money per access to Horses instead of +2.

- Fixed an issue where "An Envious Eye" can trigger before the player has met any other Empire.

- Fixed an issue where disrupted Resource Deposits aren't listed in the ongoing Disruption in the Trade view.

- Fixed an issue where Temporary cities' Status are not applied on their last turn.

- Fixed an issue where the game doesn't remember player settings for World Generation.

- Fixed an issue where Stability from Units only applies after moving.

- Fixed an issue where an incorrect visual for Independent People Harbor was used on map scheme view.

- Fixed an issue where wrong Combat Strength value was displayed for destroyed Units in the Battle aftermath UI when fighting Independent People.

- Fixed an issue where there was a spelling mistake in "Formidable Steeds" culture trait.

- Fixed an issue where Manufacturies build condition mention counting the number of "Deposits" when it was counting "Access".

- Fixed an issue where unexpected visual appears on Porcelain deposit when building an extractor.

- Fixed an issue where Unit health and damage taken each turn is no longer displayed if the total is 0.

- Fixed an issue where Caribbean Pirates Main Plaza asset protrudes from the edge of a cliff under certain angles.

- Fixed an issue where loading a manual save causes Food, Industry, Money and Science prediction to ignore certain bonuses.

- Fixed an issue where an unclear message was displayed when trying to do an Air Strike using planes attached to an Aircraft Carrier in Battle.

- Fixed an issue where Faulua's sail becomes invisible depending of its orientation.

- Fixed an issue where the city of the Visigoths Independent People and the first City of the Spanish were both called "Toledo".

- Fixed an issue where Transcendence bonus was unclear.

- Fixed an issue where there is a Tile mismatch between the visual and actual location for parts of the Bungle Bungle Natural Wonder.

- Fixed an issue where the Public Ceremonies tooltip status where not localized.

- Fixed an issue where the winning siege Army didn't teleported to the city center after an instant resolve.

- Fixed an issue where the Reinforcement pin was showing even when a Battle was ongoing.

- Fixed an issue where an error on Razing District prevented it from downgrading to Ruins.

- Fixed an issue where you could assimilate an Independent People while your Main Plaza was under Siege.

- Fixed an issue where the Diplomat Transcendence bonus was reducing the Leverage action cost by less than 5%.

- Fixed an issue where the Avatar Presets of Influencers and Historical figures where editable.

- Balanced the gains on the Hunter and Growth Neolithic Era Star events.

- Fixed an issue where all folders in the mod.io folder where not fully remove when deleting mods.

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a year ago
Jan 25, 2024, 1:51:03 PM

[] "George Sand Update Patch 1"  Version Notes


- Added a rework of the Tutorial Videos "Best Friends Forever", "Best Enemies Forever" and "Break the Wall".

- Added -25% Attach cost for Camp and -25% Absorb cost to the Russian Legacy Trait.

- Changed the difficulty of the first game when launching Humanking for the first time, for the "Advanced" choice, to "Town" difficulty.

- Added a different name for Independent People that are Liberated instead of Rebels.


- Fixed an issue where the Strengths were displayed under the player's Avatar in the Diplomacy Screen.

- Fixed an issue where sometimes Spawn Point were missing in Cities.


- Fixed an issue that occured on Squadrons when multiple Nuclear Missiles were launched.

- Fixed an issue where an incorrect failure flag was displayed when using the Expansionist ability just after the "Non-aggression Pact" Treaty.

- Fixed an issue that occured when razing a City that had Aerodrome in it's Territory.

- Fixed an issue where "Raze a District" action did not have a construction time listed.

- Fixed an issue where "Raze a District" action was executed when buying out a District.

- Fixed an issue where the Outlaw Status was applied when the Ransack target was an Independent People Outpost, Lair or Sanctuary.

- Fixed an issue that occured when razing an administrative center while the City would build a District in this Territory.

- Fixed an issue that occured when changing the colorblind settings.

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4 months ago
Nov 28, 2024, 3:31:18 PM

[] "Enheduanna Update" Version Notes



- Balanced the Civics effect and unlock conditions to improve the game experience.

- Added obsolete Mods detection and warnings information to improve feedback on a Mod status.

- Added the possibility to do Nuclear Tests on Ocean Tiles.

- Added the possibility to move Missiles between Silos.

- Added a Cross Save feature "Cloud Sync" that allows the save of your current progression in your Amplifiers account, and the restoration of this saved progression onto another supported platform.

- Added a visual feedback for Trains Rails when placing another Train Station on the map.

- Added a Game Option to disable the Congress of Humankind.

- Added a Game Option to disable the Vassalization, removing the Vassalization option in the Surrender Terms.

- Added a Game Option to enable the Instant Army Move that allow Unit to have instant movement, only when moving on the map.

- Added the possibility to create and customize your own AI Persona opponents.

- Added a tooltip on Construction Queue items that are frozen.

- Balanced the Merchand affinity and the Aesthete affinity cost, as well as their increasing gains are now based on number of uses and era.

- Balanced the Ambush : Ambush battles only last one turn and they cannot be reinforced by any participant nor bombarded. Moreover, if there is a non-agression pact with another Empire when the Ambush could be triggered, then it stops the army movement and reveal the insivisble army.

- Balanced the Persian Legacy Trait by reducing it's City Cap gain to +1.

- Removed moral impacts for killing Units with the Traitor badge.




- Fixed an issue where Rebels didn't siege if there was no army in the City.

- Fixed an issue where Units remained visually on the same place and the movement mandatory could not be completed.

- Fixed an issue where Constructing "Administrative Center Renovation" removed the unit spawn point.

- Fixed an issue where invisible Armies could caused broken saves and criticals errors in rare occasions.

- Fixed an issue where the game could soft locked in rare occasions.

- Fixed an issue where the Civic choice "Globalization" wasn't allowing to trade while being at peace with no trade Treaties.

- Fixed an issue where the Builder affinity bonus "Pride" was not triggering.

- Fixed an issue where the Holy Sites could not have multiple of their synergy effects applied at the same time for Districts that count as two types.




- Fixed an issue where a Nuclear Missile could not properly destroyed when fired.

- Fixed an issue where losing the only army a player had in Ancient Era, in Multiplayer, could cause a game desync and errors.

- Fixed an issue where the Merchand Affinity wasn't acknoledging the research technologies until the save was reloaded.

- Fixed an issue where the battle size and duration would not always change after the addition of reinforcements.

- Fixed an issue where the effects given by the "Criminal Slaves" Civic were not removed once the Civic choice was canceled.

- Fixed an issue where no influence was reimboursed when enacting either choice from the "Irreligion" Civic.

- Fixed an issue where Norsemen's Emblematic District "Naust" could be built over sea ice and iceberg tiles.

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a month ago
Feb 20, 2025, 1:38:51 PM

[Version Number >>]

  • All surrender proposals can be refused now, even if you are at 0 war support
  • Both parties reaching 0 War Support no longer forces White Peace
  • While at 0 War Support, empires take a Stability penalty scaling with era and number of turns spent without War Support
  • While their enemy is ready to surrender (at 0 War Support), empires will take a penalty to their own War Support, capped at -5/turn
  • Centralized Power unlocks an empire bonus that reduces the impact of lost and destroyed units on war support, so wars can last longer
  • War Score now only depends on demands and occupied territory, not War Support
  • You can now always declare surprise wars
  • (Together We Rule) The Placate action is now forbidden during war
  • Added a -10% Food, Industry, Money, and Science War Weariness penalty on all Settlements for each refused Surrender while at 0 War Support.
  • Reinstated a one-time +10 War Support bump whenever an opponent that is at 0 War Support refuses a Surrender offer.
  • Forbidden City Balance to be adjusted with the changes in War Support: Now gives +25% War Score (instead of -10 War Support required to declare a Surprise War)
  • Corrected the buyout formula to avoid inflation
  • Several new historical personas: Zenobia, Sun Tzu, Miyamoto Musashi, Napoleon, Shaka Zulu, Artemisa, and Alexander The Great.
  • Fix for AIs not advancing out of the neolithic
  • Fix for AI not surrendering*
    • An edge case still exists for AI not surrendering: If you are both at 0 war support, and the AI have the To The End trait, they may still refuse. If you manage to briefly push above 0 war support, for example through winning a battle, they will accept.
  • Fixed the Capital Punishment civic still giving stability on exploitations
  • Fixed a localization error with the Force Surrender button
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