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Feedback: User Interface and User Experience

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3 years ago
Jun 20, 2021, 11:23:26 AM

Just finished my first playthrough of Humankind, so here is my Feedback on UI and UX:

World view:
- fog of war not clearly distinguishable (no indicators other then slight change of color --> what about colorblind people?)
- cloud movement and correlating shadows are distracting the player with unneccessary information (maybe implement a disable option?)
- using a ressource symbol as a player symbol (horse head for human player) is highly irritating when searching for horse ressources
- units cannot clearly be distinguished, due to every symbol is only the player symbol (the colour would be sufficient enough, maybe use the symbol for more information?)
- units cannot clearly be distinguished, since there is no indicator of the other units beside the first in a stack - this should be changed in the world view, so that every contained unit type is visible without clicking the stack (and remembering it in case of multiple roaming ones on the map)
- basic ressource values (food, prod, gold, science, influence) are very hard to distinguish - it is not really possible to view on the spot if a tile offers 2 or 4 of a value for example - i heavily prefer the approach of civilization here
- make special tiles better distinguishable - Terra Rossa for example is only visible due to the icon in the zoomed out overview, I found it after playing 80 turns in my game; in general these special tiles are not clearly enough seperated from "normal" tiles

World UI:
- research button in bottom left does not show current researched tech - this would be very helpful and i can see no reason, why the tech artwork is not displayed instead of the research icon ^^
- amount of empire wide research value is not shown in the general UI (would be important if city view is openend and worker are placed, I always have to switch between city and research once in a while to put the amount of a worker or building in relation to my current research value to make a decision, if the commitment is worht it)
- UI has a heavy click tax - e.g. to enter the tech tree I always have to click the research button first, no direct access (same for the other buttons like culture, religion), additionally these clicks are sometimes far away from each other (again, clicking research in bottom left, then go way up to "Open research tree"), this is not ideal.
- after having enough stars to enter a new era, my current progression is only visible by hovering over the fame banner - but it is not possible to reopen the stars-window again to have a detailed look at where a next star can be achieved - edit: ah, you can access it by clicking the "X" on the culture selection. not very intuitive, but i stand corrected, it works
- way too often some UI window is overlapping the world map where i want to look at something - be it placing outposts, searching for tiles... it really bugs me when placing districts, very often additional UI windows are overlapping the FIMS change preview window
- imho letting the "new wonder accessible" window pop up every time(!) my influence crosses that threshhold is really annoying! please just reduce it to the exclamation mark indicator or similar

City UI:
- incredibly clunky - build options have to be scrolled after turn ~50 on a regular basis, which makes it really unpleasant to use - the filters are not sufficient imho, in general the build options are not displayed properly (too less without scrolling). the square building artworks are nice, but it does not help that they take so much space
- no indicator of the direct impact of certain non-district buildings like watermill, lumber yard (which would offer more in comparison? do I really have to count the affected areas for the specific cities which are not even easily distinguishable on the world view, so that I have to hover over each one, count and compare?) this is true for the other types as well (food, gold, etc), please just show the current final impact (like +5 prod)
- no possibility to "fix" workers in place - after every loss or gain of citizens, I have to manually check where the worker was taken from or stored to. the predefined policies are unsufficient for certain playstyles (like prefer balanced except money). please offer a method to define threshholds (e.g."no additional food workers if surplus is at 20+/turn") or let us fix workers in place, so that first the non-fixed are taken when producing units for example

- Information are spread across the screen, like taking a peak at stability and current food surplus are at the middle top, but size (workers current/max) and needed turns for selected production are at the right side - it would be preferable if correlated information are more closely together

Event/Decision UI:
- if the player has to decide between multiple options, it is not possible to see the change in numbers of the ideologies (only if they switch to the next "area" and have an impact right now) - but i want to know what I'm getting closer to, even if it is not active yet

Controls (found no specific thread for this, so put it in here):
- why is movement confirmation for units right mouse button, but placing districts/outposts left? this is inconsistent and confusing

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jun 20, 2021, 1:30:36 PM

I think it would be neat if we could queue the movement of a unit via waypoints by clicking shift+LMB. I just noticed the lack of that feature while navigating with my first ship, that will sink if it stays in ocean water for more than one turn. I have to manually make sure every round that it will end up in coastal water. So just clicking the final destination doesn't work here.

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3 years ago
Jun 20, 2021, 2:04:32 PM

The only thing that continues to bug me a lot from the UI is the fact that yields from tiles adjacent to a district dissapear if they are not being exploited, which makes district placement plannign more difficult than it should. Please, please add a way to see these unexploited yields, even if it's on the tooltip that appears when you hover over a tile.

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3 years ago
Jun 20, 2021, 2:41:26 PM
whartanto wrote:
Hjuloppheng wrote:

Hey, is there a way to see how much influence penalty you will get for creating a city over you limit?

Once you're over the limit, mouse over on your influence number. it shows something like this: you can see that I got -150 influence penalty from city cap. It starts with -30 for 1 city over limit and grow more expensive (-150 is 3 cities over limit).

So not before you create the city? I think it should tell me exactly how much penalty it will cause befrore I create it.

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3 years ago
Jun 20, 2021, 2:48:55 PM

I would have loved to be able to mark spots on the map for later. For example mark where I found a curiousity or lair and other stuff that disappears in the fog of war. Even mark a spot for an outpost after searching the territory for the best spot (sometimes no spots are highlighted).

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3 years ago
Jun 20, 2021, 3:20:02 PM

Some points : 
- A unit was not selectable while being on a city/fortification, forcing to reload
- Maybe have a list of garrisonned unit ? i didn't find it.

- at exit the program often freezed (black screen) forced to kill it from task manager.

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3 years ago
Jun 20, 2021, 3:25:20 PM

1. Experienced some bugs with combat. On my first playthrough after the combat the "preview" icons were stuck on the map, I only managed to get rid of them via save/load. 

On the second playthrough experienced the opposite - my units disappeared from the map, I was able to see them in the list, event to select them on the map, they were just invisible. Again, save/load fixed.

2. Played on the Geforce Now, and even on it the "quick load" was far from being "quick". Would be awfully slow on my PC. Is there any possility to speed up the loading process, or at least to cache "quick save" data for quick loading?

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3 years ago
Jun 20, 2021, 5:37:11 PM

I love the new little icons next to buildings, indicating whether they are for food, science, industry, or an emblematic quarter/unit! It makes reading city production choices much easier.

Big pet peeve: I would like to see personal emblems (in the case of this beta, a horse for the player) change based on what culture we are currently in. This would make it easier to ID what culture our rivals have chosen at a glance. It would also be satisfying to see our emblem change along with our empire!

More importantly: I would not confuse my cities with horse resources! This was quite annoying, as it would happen repeatedly whenever I zoomed out on the map.

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3 years ago
Jun 20, 2021, 6:14:43 PM

Good evening :). I'm Kevin. You are doing it awesome.
I play on a Omen 15-dh1076ng. Intel Core i7-10750H. 32GB ram. GeForce RTX 2070. It is a mid gaming laptop.

- Battery goes hell and can be used as a room heater haha. I don't know if this is a performance issue or just happen on all laptops.

- F9 charge the last saved game, not the quicksave.

- Sometimes map lenses get stuck when you exit the lens. e.g: Enter Religion Lens and close it, well, it overlaps the view.

Thanks :)

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3 years ago
Jun 20, 2021, 6:31:14 PM

There are some areas in the game where ui is great and some that is super frustrating. Something I really like is in a city, hovering over food/science/money etc. gives a really detailed breakdown of where you are getting your yields from which is great. I would like to see it expanded to the overall money and influence I am getting, such as hovering over my empire money per turn and seeing which cities are producing the most, for example. Another great ui ability is the suggested placement for districts and cities, It makes placing districts in cities a lot easier. I did have a few times where there was no suggested place, especially when settling cities, and I'm not sure if this is a bug or if there was no location with good yields. I cannot stress enough how good these UI elements were, they were incredibly helpful.

There are a few areas in the game where the ui is lacking. Most noticeably for me is the city screen. In the late game there are so many infrastructures and units to build that it is really hard to scroll through and find the one you want. This was made worse by the sheer number of infrastructure that are unlocked in the late game. The sorting options help, but what i really wanted was the ability to expand the construction window to see the options more clearly. Similarly, the construction queue is far too small and if I had a lot in the queue, trying to scroll to see them all was very hard. The ability to expand the queue to see everything in it and be able rearrange it from there.

I would have liked to see a separate trade screen where I can see all the resources I am buying and all my trade routes. It is very annoying going to the AI and seeing that they have resources i can buy only to find out that I already have a trade route for it with another empire. Also, when I do not have enough money to buy a trade license, why doesn't it tell me how much money I need. That would be very relevant information.

My final issue is that I didn't realise that some emblematic districts count as farmer's quarters/maker's quarter's etc (at least it seems so going off the wiki and my testing in game). This is incredibly relevant information that doesn't seem to be anywhere in game. It would be nice if the eq's had a description like "+1 worker slot, counts as a maker's quarter" for example.

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3 years ago
Jun 20, 2021, 8:44:00 PM
  1. When choosing location to build a district, the 'district color mode' should be switched on (if not already).  After choosing the district location, it should be switched back off (if it was off to begin with).  As it is, I will constantly have to switch this on while building districts in order to see best places for adjacency bonuses, and then I switch it back off again.
  2. The 'show grid' and "show yields" buttons have an assignable hotkey, but the 'show district colors' overlay does not.  It should have it's own hotkey.
  3. When placing a harbor/extractive district on a city, you'll get a preview of the yields it would produce.  When doing the same thing on an outpost (not connected to a city) you do NOT get this preview (and you absolutely should still get it!).
  4. If I build a farmers quarter next to an empty hex which produces only industry, that industry is no longer visible when I enable 'view tile yields'.  I recognize that the farmer's quarter isn't exploiting the industry, but I should still be able to see that there is industry under there, as I might want to put a Maker's quarter on top of the hex later.  The best solution would be to show the yields in the 'Yields view' but have them crossed out with a red line or something to indicate that they are there but are not currently being exploited by adjacent districts.
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3 years ago
Jun 20, 2021, 9:09:25 PM

In general the UI needs to give more information to the player on the front end rather than behind screens, especially science per turn. A trade interface that shows you all of your current trade routes, as well as blockaded trade routes and a means to highlight specific trade routes to see which cities, territories and empires they are running through.

The battlefield UI needs overhauling, it currently makes terrain harder to perceive which is completely counter-intuitive to what its purpose should be especially as it makes forests and rivers harder to identify. By removing colour you remove the ability for the player to identify using colour what kind of terrain they're fighting on, such as blue rivers, green forests. instead the battlefield UI should be supplementary to the existing world map maybe using almost "holographic" outlines of strategic terrain elements such as rivers, cliffs, forests, high ground, fortifications, garrisons and defensive terrain elements.


The religion UI needs looking into, although religion as a whole needs looking into so any overhauls to the religion UI shouldn't be done until its been decided how to actually make religion a fun and active part of the game. Although some key points about the current religion UI: Picking a different Holy Site type is too hidden and confusing, making the player believe that by choosing a special holy site that also have to take that holy sites religion name and iconography. Naming a religion is too hidden, prompt the player to name their religion upon allowing the player to found a religion as most players will if prompted, autofill the name with a generic name the player can just accept if they don't want to think of a custom name. Allow the player to choose a custom icon for their religion.

There needs to be more screens to view more statistics about your empire whilst in game, the current cities and armies screens are very basic and really only allow you to quickly view and move to those cities or armies. Statistics such as your city population in order, empire production outputs, ongoing wars and their battles on going, won or lost, your military and its up keep costs, your city and its districts and infrastructures upkeep costs and so on.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jun 20, 2021, 10:12:49 PM

Messages on "winning" or "loosing" war support aren't helpful as they don't say who you're winning or loosing against; also, I don't care if I'm loosing "war support" to an long-turn ally that is also loosing war support -- that's what SHOULD happen,

Had several instances where a unit would vanish completely from the map, generally after getting a battle preview but not entering battle; also had several cases where the preview never went away.

Edit:  screenshot of both lingering preview and invisible unit:

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jun 20, 2021, 10:19:15 PM

This has been mentioned elsewhere (can't find it) but the science bonus for the neolithic doesn't work -- went through 5 sequential starts where I achieved the science goal (highest being 13 out of 10) and it never triggered the bonus for later eras (whatever that bonus is supposed to be).

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3 years ago
Jun 20, 2021, 10:50:32 PM

May have been mentioned, but I noticed a few times that the 'tutorial' popups would appear without an "Acknowledge" button.  The only way to get rid of them was the little button that indicates it will not show further related tutorials.  And as a new player, that's certainly not what I want.

I would also second the clarity needed on opinion changes -- both saying how it changed (I'd prefer From and To), and clearing up who's opinions changed.  The color is ok, but it's not quite clear enough.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and the diplomacy badges.  Some indication of how you can earn them would be in order.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jun 20, 2021, 11:23:21 PM
Bridger wrote:
  1. If I build a farmers quarter next to an empty hex which produces only industry, that industry is no longer visible when I enable 'view tile yields'.  I recognize that the farmer's quarter isn't exploiting the industry, but I should still be able to see that there is industry under there, as I might want to put a Maker's quarter on top of the hex later.  The best solution would be to show the yields in the 'Yields view' but have them crossed out with a red line or something to indicate that they are there but are not currently being exploited by adjacent districts.

Seconded! I honestly assumed the production yield was lost forever if I built a district that didn't exploit it, all because I couldn't see that there was production there to be exploited. (Or, more realistically, the science yields. I always built my cities away from science yields and tried to grab those with wonders because those exploit everything. Oops haha.)

Also, on the topic of wonders, it would be nice if they had a yield preview like other districts and outposts.

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3 years ago
Jun 21, 2021, 12:03:52 AM
I had a very fluid game but every time i clicked on the cities list button, i had a 0.5s lag. By the way, i think th city list panel is lacking important informations (like stability). Maybe replace it by a cities screen where you have every information you need (and if you can also change resource priority of each city on this screen, it would be ideal to optimize your whole empire production).

One of my armies disappeared after a battle (only visually, I could still control it).

When you use the clear ruins option in a city, it is very unclear where you should use it and what it is used for.

The merging cities/outposts is also quite unclear and annoying to use. You have to unselect the city, click on the small button on the right of the city name, look on the right, find the outpost with the correct name and click on attach.
Also, there was a bug : when i unlocked the "merge cities" ability, i could no longer click on the button besides the city name, it said "cannot open this because there is no adjacent outpost". Similarly, I then wanted to attach an outpost to a new isolated city and it said "cannot open this because there is no adjacent city".
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3 years ago
Jun 21, 2021, 12:06:35 AM

There is a very annoying bug where if you queue a units movement for a path that involves embarking, if the unit has excess movement left when it reaches the tile it has to embark from, it requires you to press skip on the unit. The unit should automatically wait for a turn and then use full movement to embark without needing additional user input. 

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3 years ago
Jun 21, 2021, 12:35:42 AM

I think there should be a hotkey to switch to a unit that still has actions available. Currently I think the only way to cycle through them is either by clicking a unit and then use the next-unit-arrow or by using the "mandatories" button on the bottom right.
Problem with that is that it also automoves the unit without selecting it or switching to it with the camera, as well as switching to "next round" button when all units reached their destination, even if they still have movment points left.

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3 years ago
Jun 21, 2021, 1:28:39 AM

There is no way to tell how much combat strength embarked units have. The UI should allow you to see both what kind of boat the units currently are as well as the unist it holds if landed.

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