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Feedback: User Interface and User Experience

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3 years ago
Jun 18, 2021, 5:34:45 PM
Aloriel wrote:

Please make it so that when you zoom out, the WASD keys move the map faster. Click/drag is really bad for my RSI. Zoom out/WASD doesn't trigger it, but it's really slow. As slow as if I were zoomed in.

Also, it seems that AD move the map faster than WS.

IMO, a mini map is necessary. It doesn’t have to be static. One we can toggle on/off would be great, but yes, currently, scrolling the map is kinda doodoo 

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3 years ago
Jun 19, 2021, 1:14:16 AM
  • I like the feature where the game switches to the cultures/empire screen after zooming out some distance. But as my territory gets larger, I would need to zoom out more to better view my empire and my army movements. In that case, I don't want to auto-switch to the empire display after zooming out. My suggestion is either increase the zoom level threshold for the culture screen display as your territory gets larger, or allow the user to disable the auto-switch.
  • Partly related to UX is a performance issue: sometimes the game suddenly gets much slower and very laggy. I don't think it's related to my computer's specs because 1) it gets a lot better after reloading (although later may occur again) and 2) sometimes the medieval era can be much slower than the industrial era, so it's not scaling with the map's complexity.
  • Bug with unit movement actions: when embarking/disembarking, sometimes the unit has movement points left but does not have enough to actually embark/disembark. In that case, the game still prompts you to perform actions on the unit (even though you've already queued an action to embark). This forces me to cancel the embark, skip the turn for the unit, and then remember to embark again next turn.
  • Not sure if this counts as UX, but another bug: After entering new era (from Early Modern to Industrial), the old era music and new era music was playing at the same time for a while.
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3 years ago
Jun 19, 2021, 1:48:49 AM

A minor point, but in the construction section (city) 'Infrastructures' should be just 'infrastructure'. The word can be singular or plural. 'Infrastructures' is not a real word and therefore it looks really strange in the game. 

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3 years ago
Jun 19, 2021, 5:40:56 AM
I agree with others that pop ups etc about other nations should include the avatar name, not just the culture, and that the pop ups could contain more useful info. 

I'd ike to see region names on the map at a distant zoom level. 

I'd like a simple terrain mode similar to how paradox games implement. It can be hard to see terrain types especially when think about what to build in your city. 

Allow scroll speed adjustment and don't slow wasd down at distant zooms! 

Add a unit movement speed option similar to the combat speed option. 

A system of nested tool tips works be nice. 

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3 years ago
Jun 19, 2021, 6:14:29 AM

I found the text in the tech tree, city menus, outpost menus, and culture selection screen to be very small. To the point where I just chose things at random sometimes cause my eyes were hurting. (I am young and have good vision btw)

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3 years ago
Jun 19, 2021, 6:15:13 AM

My biggest issue from a UI point of view is the inability to change the scrolling speed. It should be a simple slider in the options, so you can actually use WASD to move around (currently it's so slow that it's completely ineffective).

As a more minor point, I found it unclear when I would get the red "notifications" icon for new diplomatic events what had actually changed. Maybe a brief description could be given on hover?

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3 years ago
Jun 19, 2021, 12:27:24 PM

After winning a war it is really hard to see where exactly, the cities that I can have, are located. I have to exit this screen to see bigger picture, but then the cities themselves vanish in the fog of war.

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3 years ago
Jun 19, 2021, 12:33:44 PM
N-dy wrote:
Dracalamar wrote:

I was unable to actually play.  Upon starting the game the map just kept scrolling to the right.  By moving my mouse all the way to the left the scrolling would just stop in the middle of the fog of war.  By clicking on the turn button it would center on the unit selected but immediately scroll the map to the right.  After several times of this and trying adjusting settings, it kept doing it and the only way I could move the unit was to hold mouse to left and hold left arrow key moved me back to left and by holding the left arrow key it would stay in place and able to use mouse...but then quit after 2 turns because not playing a whole game having to hold the left mouse button.  I have no sticky keys as this is a new keyboard and I have no issue on any other game like this.

Plug off your mouse. Its a common issua with many games.

So I made a mistake here. I meant to say plug off your joystick(s)

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3 years ago
Jun 19, 2021, 1:29:04 PM

My main concerns here are:

- Why are there no keys to perform certain actions? Should I play with 1 hand only in 2021?

- no minimap?! - when you want to move a specific unit at the start of the turn but you are thrown at some random location on the map to move another unit

- some of the popup windows are way to large and block most of the screen. Even worse is when you use the magnifying glass option on them and another window opens, but leaves the previous one active.

- Shouldn't there be option for the reports to be like a chat window - one after another? This is extremely convenient for tracking multiple messages and scrolling. Also ability to control the window size would be nice.

- More explanations of events would be amazing - I often ended up taking a decision blindly.

- More explanations on the civics direction - what is the effect moving civilization to the left/right is still unknown to me after 2 days of playing.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jun 19, 2021, 2:00:22 PM
  1. Minimap
  2. Option to speed up unit movement, especially those that are already assigned orders
  3. Need more "management" screens. The List Armies and List Cities are okay, but not really good for managing stuff or getting a quick indication of problems/opportunities.
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3 years ago
Jun 19, 2021, 3:14:34 PM

Controls often felt clunky. The gameplay is good (Combat is cool) but often the game won't let you do things that you should or does stuff you don't mean to do. Here are some examples:

In the deployment phase, you can move and swap unit locations. However, unless you click the little x to deselect a unit, it will keep switching. I shouldn't have to deselect every time, since this often leads to moving a unit in place, and then accidently moving it again. This happens all the time. I should move a unit, then click on the next unit I want to move. Why would I want to move a unit and then move it a second time? Sometimes that may be needed, but it shouldn't be the default. This also often leads to ranged units being placed on the frontlines, leading to them quickly killed and turning a battle into a loss. If combat makes me often reload an autosave because the controls are unintuitive, that's a problem.

Sometimes I click to move and it doesn't move. It may take multiple tries to have a move happen. That is fustrating.

Sometimes I want the unit to take a certian route, like my reinforcement should go through my city to reach the enemy on the other side (Reinforcement rules should be more clear). But path it wants to take goes around and it isn't clear why it went that path. What's even more fustrating is when I select it to move, usually a multiturn route, and it doesn't do it. It doesn't move. Sometimes it's clear, like it is going to embark, but that's another example of fustrating movement, since I have to manually skip the turn instead of it knowing where to move for next turn.

A massive improvement would be some indication of what tiles I can reach in a single turn. Show me the range of how far I can go.

Combat can be slow for the animations, but apparently there is a battle speed slider? I didn't notice it

There are also pop up that aren't useful or are less useful than they should be. For example, AI changing their feelings towards me. It happens all the time, not the most nessecary. Especially when it's not clear what the change means. Additionally, it should tell me what the change was, so it would actually be useful. Something like "AI attitude has changed from X to Y. They are now more suspcious of you." Another example is the grievance pop ups. It's useful to know I have a grievance I can act on, but can you tell me what it is and who it is against? I have to check every ai to see what it is, and even then it's not clear. And when there is a notification on the AI icon, it's not clear what it means.

A minimap or world map is really needed, as well as way to easily view other players tech levels. Additionally, science output should be easily viewable; we should not have to go to the tech screen to see our science per turn.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jun 19, 2021, 5:05:28 PM

Just a few things that I miss and it really bugs me:

If you put down 2 outposts at the start of the game, you are forced to have the outpost completing first to become a city. You cannot skip your turn or ignore the message that you have to turn your first completed outpost to a city.

I miss that you cannot set what do you want to counter an offer with :(.

If the AI really wants something, let's say Open borders and you counter it, then the AI refuses, it will do this to you every turn until it can pay you the counter amount or you accept. This is really annoying.

It would be good that you could have an overlay for trade routes, otherwise you have to open up the diplomacy trade tab.

It would be good if the diplomacy relations into a more condensed format (probably a table, I don't know), so you could tell at a glance who is at war with which players, etc...

If you pillage a sanctuary it shows a little popup what was the spoils from that tile. This little popup will block out any yield popup from the city placement, which makes the yield popup unreadable.

When you have a battle, the different participants in that battle are on a different tab, so you have to switch between tabs to see who/what attacked you. It would be good that we could have the attackers on the top left side of the screen. The empire screen is irrelevant when you are managing battles.

Are there any buttons for speeding up the unit movements outside battle?

The screen where you can claim wonders is really hidden. Can it be moved to a more visible place? Probably to the empire screen or somewhere. Also there is no indication where you can claim your wonders, only that you can claim them.

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3 years ago
Jun 19, 2021, 8:04:37 PM

There is not enough delineation between the different levels of terrain. The deep ocean vs coastal areas are pretty clear, but depending on the specific layout it can be very hard to determine a path for your troops to take based on the impassible sections of terrain. I think there could be a UI element that lets you know, especially when planning a battle that the terrain is impassible.

Also, support for ultra wide screens could be improved. The loading screen aspect ratio is way off for UW.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jun 19, 2021, 9:20:21 PM

I thought I was done, but Humankind tempted me to do one last run for this OpenDev!

A few UI things I noticed this time around:

  1. It i unintuitive to find out what religion a holy site belongs to, doubly so for wonders. It would be great to add a "Holy Site for X" to the tooltip of the district/wonder. This is important since holding holy sites of other religions actually generate grievances.
  2. I will also add my experience to the previosly mentioned annoyance of units with an embark order qued just standing there and needing another order if they can't embark that turn-
  3. I sometimes see units (both mine and the AI) get the +1 "From defending" bonus despite clearly being the one to initate a battle. I don't know if this is a bug or something else, but it makes me think I misunderstood something. This bonus IS only supposed to go to the side that was attacked from the map, right?
  4. The upgrade arrow that units get when you can upgrade them should have a different look if it is available, but you can't afford it. The arrow causes me to keep checking units even if I can't afford the upgrade.
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3 years ago
Jun 19, 2021, 9:20:28 PM

I'm not sure how exactly this can be recreated, but one of my unit is not visible on the map. See screenshot.

I moved the unit in the previous turn to a tile surrounded by hills/mountains and it became invisible, as though hidden by a fog of war.

The next turn, when I moved it, it remained invisible and all tiles surrounding it including the tile it was on were all hidden with a fog of war.

Saving and loading the game resolved the issue for me.

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3 years ago
Jun 19, 2021, 9:35:25 PM

Some more feedback:

1. There is a purple tag name with underscores "Tag_Empire_Ideology_Economic_Regulationism" on the left hand panel of Civics that I believe is not supposed to be visible. See screenshot.

2. At the bottom left corner, the purple Culture/Civics circle is indicating there is 1 turn left until something happens, but it does not say anywhere what will happen in 1 turn.

In comparison, if I mouse over the teal Research circle, it explains what will be researched in 6 turns. 

3. It would be great if the name of the technology or an icon identifying it would be displayed on the interface without having to mouse over it. 


Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jun 19, 2021, 11:45:33 PM

Disctrict placement isn't always intuitive. It's hard to know the best locations (I know there are some suggested "best" places, but it's nearly impossible to plan ahead especially when you want to take into account future districts, for example districts that can be linked after you place a district in a less than ideal spot). 

Also sometimes you can't place a district somewhere but it's not exactly clear WHY not.

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3 years ago
Jun 20, 2021, 3:50:11 AM

The UI in this game overall is very aesthetically pleasing, I think it just needs some more options and capabilities.

Trade routes felt very unintuitive. I get that they are set up by a treaty but I found it very hard to see all the trades that I had going without closely examining each individual treaties page for each ai. Some kind of interface to show all ongoing trades would be very helpful, and a toggle to show route paths on the map would be cool too. I would get quite a few pop-ups that said a trade route ended from violence, and I still have no idea what that means. Better explanations and interfaces for trade would make things less confusing. I saw quite a few perks that depended on things like number of trade routes but I found no way to easily access this information.

I agree with many of the opinions in this thread that minor grievances and AI attitude changes do not need dedicated popups as they are very numerous and can distract from more important notifications that need attention. It could be nice to allow players to enable/disable what they want to appear as pop-ups so they only have to be notified of what they believe deserves attention.

I think the battle UI could use some changes. The greyed-out tiles of the battlefield are visually distinctive from the rest of the world which can be important, but a bit more coloring or distinction on features like rivers or forests could be useful in combat where such features need to be recognizable for their strategic advantages/disadvantages. At the moment it's easier to recognize terrain features in the general map than it is in battle where it's arguably most important. A toggle for identifying terrain heights and impassable terrain would also be helpful not only in battles but for exploration in general. I also noticed there was no information on movement for units while in battle unlike how it was shown outside of combat. In battles, I couldn't tell how many movement points my individual units had remaining and when I moused over the terrain I wasn't seeing any base movement costs. Adding this information into the battles feels like a natural extension of how the feature already works in the rest of the game. 

Performance wise, the game could run pretty smoothly for short bursts on the top graphical setting for me and my laptop ain't all that great. The game would freeze up for a solid few seconds at least every minute, especially when the AI was taking its turns during battles. Changing graphical settings didn't seem to have much of an impact on this problem either. I hope the game is better optimized at launch.    

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