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[PC Gamepass/Windows Store] "You were forcibly disconnected from the game" on join/create MP lobby

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3 years ago
Aug 17, 2021, 3:43:34 PM

1. Bug description 

When trying to join/create a multiplayer game the lobby flashes up for a second and then I'm booted to the main menu with the message "Disconnected.  You were forcibly disconnected from the game".  This does not happen when trying to create a singleplayer lobby.  It does happen when trying to connect to a lobby created by Steam users via the lobby ID (this was the first thing I tried to do after customising the avatar)

I checked to see if Windows Firewall settings were blocking my way through, but the  Humankind app has permissions for public and private access.

2. Attachments 


Diagnostics (2021'08'17 @1559'29''923''').html

Diagnostics (2021'08'17 @1612'02''836''').html

Diagnostics (2021'08'17 @1619'02''891''').html

On the off chance this helps too:


3. Steps to reproduce 

Erm, well, try to create or connect to a multiplayer game.

4. Expected behavior 

I was expecting to join a multiplayer lobby. Or be able to create one.


Just updating the initial post with what I commented later on in the thread, from p2

19:10:22:356 NoneSTACK Starting new session of type 'Amplitude.Mercury.Session.Session'...

19:10:22:360 NoneSTACK Metadata 'GameOption_StartingEra' already has a policy registered; ignoring...

19:10:22:360 NoneSTACK Session of type 'Amplitude.Mercury.Session.Session' has been started.

19:10:22:364 NoneSTACK Opening the session, hosting an online game (lobbyType: Public)...

19:10:23:196 NoneSTACK Member 0x0000000000000001: Added.

19:10:23:197 NoneSTACK Session has been opened.

19:10:23:197 NoneSTACK Using (online) local network identifier: 0x0000000000000001.

19:10:23:204 NoneSTACK Chat encoding (protocol: 'login'): invalid argument (index: #0, value: '') that should be a non-null and non-empty string.

19:10:23:207 NoneSTACK Metadata 'rmc0' has no policy registered; assuming None.

19:10:23:207 NoneSTACK Metadata 'rmc0' has no policy registered; assuming None.

19:10:23:219 NoneSTACK Metadata 'IsEditingScenario' has no policy registered; assuming None.

19:10:23:219 NoneSTACK Metadata 'IsEditingScenario' has no policy registered; assuming None.

19:10:23:456 NoneSTACK Release ComputeBuffer

19:10:23:474 NoneSTACK Chat encoding (protocol: 'login'): invalid argument (index: #0, value: '') that should be a non-null and non-empty string.

19:10:23:475 NoneSTACK Chat encoding (protocol: 'login'): invalid argument (index: #0, value: '') that should be a non-null and non-empty string.

19:10:23:476 NoneSTACK Session slot patch revision is behind local slot revision (1 <= 4)

19:10:23:476 NoneSTACK Session slot patch revision is behind local slot revision (1 <= 3)

19:10:23:476 NoneSTACK Session slot patch revision is behind local slot revision (1 <= 3)

19:10:23:476 NoneSTACK Session slot patch revision is behind local slot revision (1 <= 3)

19:10:23:476 NoneSTACK Session slot patch revision is behind local slot revision (1 <= 3)

19:10:23:476 NoneSTACK Session slot patch revision is behind local slot revision (1 <= 3)

19:10:23:476 NoneSTACK Session slot patch revision is behind local slot revision (2 <= 4)

19:10:23:476 NoneSTACK Session slot patch revision is behind local slot revision (2 <= 3)

19:10:23:477 NoneSTACK Session slot patch revision is behind local slot revision (2 <= 3)

19:10:23:477 NoneSTACK Session slot patch revision is behind local slot revision (2 <= 3)

19:10:23:477 NoneSTACK Session slot patch revision is behind local slot revision (2 <= 3)

19:10:23:477 NoneSTACK Session slot patch revision is behind local slot revision (2 <= 3)

19:10:23:477 NoneSTACK Session slot patch revision is behind local slot revision (3 <= 4)

19:10:23:510 NoneSTACK Session slot patch revision is behind local slot revision (4 <= 4)

19:10:23:510 NoneSTACK Session slot patch revision is behind local slot revision (3 <= 3)

19:10:23:510 NoneSTACK Session slot patch revision is behind local slot revision (3 <= 3)

19:10:23:510 NoneSTACK Session slot patch revision is behind local slot revision (3 <= 3)

19:10:23:510 NoneSTACK Session slot patch revision is behind local slot revision (3 <= 3)

19:10:23:510 NoneSTACK Session slot patch revision is behind local slot revision (3 <= 3)

19:10:23:511 NoneSTACK [Localization] Unknown key '%MemberKickReasonTitle+MismatchingChatEncoding'

19:10:23:511  NoneSTACK [Localization] Unknown key '%MemberKickReasonDescription+MismatchingChatEncoding'

19:10:23:514 NoneSTACK Local member (user identifier: 0x0009000003c6a2c7, network identifier: 0x0000000000000001) was kicked out of the lobby; leaving now...

19:10:23:528 NoneSTACK Shutting down session of type 'Amplitude.Mercury.Session.Session'...

19:10:24:014 NoneSTACK Session of type 'Amplitude.Mercury.Session.Session' has been shutdown.  

This section of the diagnostics log/file thing seems relevant?

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Aug 17, 2021, 4:02:19 PM

Yep, same problem here and also on Game Pass, I tried to uninstall and install again, disable firewall, enable firewall again, delete the game data from the computer, sign out and sign in again into the microsoft store and into the xbox app. Nothing worked.

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3 years ago
Aug 17, 2021, 4:10:17 PM

It's maybe a bad setup of the UPNP from your regular box.

Try to connect from 4G. It work for a friend.

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3 years ago
Aug 17, 2021, 4:19:29 PM
Styaz wrote:

It's maybe a bad setup of the UPNP from your regular box.

Try to connect from 4G. It work for a friend.

Mobile hotspot not an option for my setup sadly, wondering if port forwarding might help though.  Struggling to find anything online about what ports to forward for the windows version of Humankind, anyone got any leads?

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3 years ago
Aug 17, 2021, 4:30:40 PM

Good Evening,

I got the same trouble here except that my wife is able to create and join Multiplayer lobby on her own PC. (Which is older than mine...)

We are both on Game Pass, with different account.

Sadly, I will not be able to avoid the dishwashing today by winning the game !

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3 years ago
Aug 17, 2021, 4:42:06 PM

Same issue here. Another friend playing via Game Pass is having the same issue, other friends using Game Pass do not have the issue.

In-game the people experiencing the disconnect issue cannot see their usernames in parts of the UI where those with working games can. For instance in the AI Persona menu. We have tried logging in and out of Xbox app/Store 

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3 years ago
Aug 17, 2021, 4:42:58 PM

One thing we have found is that our two friends who cannot connect do not see their username when they click play > new game (at the top), nor is it there under My Profile > AI Persona at the top.  This doesn't help us at all in fixing it but it could be a clue.

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3 years ago
Aug 17, 2021, 5:02:29 PM

Agree with you guys, yeevalley and stoopiduk. I do not see my username anywhere, although the game sees that I'm connected to G2G. Could be a clue.

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3 years ago
Aug 17, 2021, 5:10:36 PM


I went in the "Extras" menu, then "Community" and clicked on the "Connect to G2G". When it still didn't work, I did what any good Windows admin would do, I rebooted my PC. Believe it or not, it  works, and now I can see my Username in the game.

Hope it works for you too.

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3 years ago
Aug 17, 2021, 5:13:26 PM

False hope, it doesn't work anymore... I was able to join a lobby, quitted the lobby because an option was incorrect. Joined again, and I have the same error.

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3 years ago
Aug 17, 2021, 5:14:24 PM

And now, the username has disappeared again, so it's definitely coming from there.

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3 years ago
Aug 17, 2021, 5:23:26 PM
Drahous wrote:


I went in the "Extras" menu, then "Community" and clicked on the "Connect to G2G". When it still didn't work, I did what any good Windows admin would do, I rebooted my PC. Believe it or not, it  works, and now I can see my Username in the game.

Hope it works for you too.

Connected to G2G and rebooted game and machine, still same issue.

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3 years ago
Aug 17, 2021, 5:49:09 PM

Try closing the game, disconnecting from the game pass, reconnecting, and start the game again. It's working so far for me.

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3 years ago
Aug 17, 2021, 5:51:52 PM
Drahous wrote:

Try closing the game, disconnecting from the game pass, reconnecting, and start the game again. It's working so far for me.

What do you mean by disconnecting?

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3 years ago
Aug 17, 2021, 6:16:48 PM

I managed to host a multiplayer game by just making a new Microsoft account. It seems like aslong as the game is installed it doesn't check if its getting booted up by an account that has the game pass or not.

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