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[PC/Steam] Steam Achievements Stop Progressing

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3 years ago
Aug 20, 2021, 3:52:44 AM
***I started this thread originally about the first two achievements I noticed, however after talking to many people and playing more, some players are unfortunately having problems with Steam tracking achievements. Meanwhile other players do not seem to get them at all. I've edited the name of the thread ***

- I finished a game and earned all 18 science stars. I earned the final star on the very last turn on the game. When watching the post game highlights it shows that I earned all 3 science stars in all 6 eras. However I was not awarded the "Ada" achievement for doing so. I later noticed I wasn't awarded "Nikolia," which is for only 12 science stars, either.
- During this game I had no problem completing many other achievements, including two on the last turn of the game "Jack of all Trades" + "In Sargon's Footsteps".
- I tried restarting Steam, loading up the file and neither achievement was given again.

Here's a compilation picture of the post game time era reviews. It shows all 18 science stars.

Compilation photo of the Steam achievement and in-game achievement page.

Save file at the end of the game.

(After comparing the post game photo and the Steam achievement photo, I think a more of these types achievements may be off as well. Agrarian for example I count 10 stars there. Steam's tallied 4 total)

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Aug 22, 2021, 1:11:29 AM

Happened again. Played another game focused solely on this achievement. I managed to get to 13 stars before the game stopped tracking them. I earned Nikolia, but again finished the game with 18 and should have had Ada.

Is it only me? Has anyone had any trouble with any of these earn X amount of stars achievements?

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3 years ago
Aug 23, 2021, 7:36:59 AM

Just finished a game with 18 builder stars (had the stars finished on turn 260), Progress showed 10 (which was the same I had after my last game) so it must have stopped after 3 eras already or just didnt register anything for this round.

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3 years ago
Aug 23, 2021, 9:05:39 PM

Thanks, glad to know its not just me. I just made one last attempt at this achievement for a while I think. I hit 18 again, but was given 14 in the achievement.

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3 years ago
Aug 24, 2021, 9:39:53 AM

I suspect it may be only counting the first game ever completed. My tallies haven't updated since then.

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3 years ago
Aug 24, 2021, 10:29:21 AM
Apparently some people report that these achievements work if they're done in one sitting, so buckle up for fast/blitz game if you want it done.
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3 years ago
Aug 24, 2021, 11:31:52 AM

Same issue here. And not only those 18 of type achievements (or 12). 

"Millionaires Club", "I'm a Lumberjack..." , "Wonder-Full" also don't track correctly. Probably some others like "The Stars My Destination", "Material World". 

The "Millionaires Club" and "Wonder-Full" dropped it's track to 0 for me after I started second game and never went an inch up since.

It looks like tracking stops when u load a game, no matter if it's the same one, or a new one.

Also I can't seem to get "Falling Out". It says "Nuke the capital of an Empire that was an ally at the turn beginning." And I specifically tried to do this in 3 different games to no avail. I don't know what am I doing wrong. (had and ally - broke an alliance - declared surprise war - did send a nuke to the capital - all in same turn)

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3 years ago
Aug 24, 2021, 3:31:10 PM

McSpidey wrote:

Same issue here. And not only those 18 of type achievements (or 12). 

"Millionaires Club", "I'm a Lumberjack..." , "Wonder-Full" also don't track correctly. Probably some others like "The Stars My Destination", "Material World". 

The "Millionaires Club" and "Wonder-Full" dropped it's track to 0 for me after I started second game and never went an inch up since.

It looks like tracking stops when u load a game, no matter if it's the same one, or a new one.

Also I can't seem to get "Falling Out". It says "Nuke the capital of an Empire that was an ally at the turn beginning." And I specifically tried to do this in 3 different games to no avail. I don't know what am I doing wrong. (had and ally - broke an alliance - declared surprise war - did send a nuke to the capital - all in same turn)

"Nikolia" and "Ada" were the first two bugged achievements I came across but now I'm running into more. I'm at the point I have about 85% of them done but I think most remaining are bugged for me.

"Wonder-full" I've built all wonders multiple times at this point, still nothing. "Hard Rock Knife"/"Price Cuts" (hire 10/20 armies) stopped progressing after 5. "Ave Caesar" stopped at 4/5.

"Falling out" is confusing but I believe bugged. ..... (EDIT: The devs announced this one will be fixed)

"Lumberjack" I did all at once on my first playthrough and that went fine for me.

"Material World" was awarded to me in a game in which I no way met the requirements for it. There have been 4 or 5 other achievements that I got and did not do them.
Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Aug 24, 2021, 4:14:10 PM

Yeah, same issue here.  Just did an achievement playthrough where I got every era star in 1 run... I expected to get a bunch of popups after finishing.  I didn't get any achievements at all for the game xD.

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3 years ago
Aug 25, 2021, 4:50:33 PM

I just want to give an update for anyone wondering about these issues. After reading the upcoming patch notes and seeing fixes to a few steam achievement bugs, I messaged a dev to ask about some of the ones listed here.

The devs are aware of these issues and are investigating the cause.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Aug 27, 2021, 6:25:10 PM

The "get them in all sitting rumor" is true, I can confirm as I have all of the 18 star achivements. You cannot make a single load, EVER to get them. I did the last few in the beta branch, so that may be what fixed them, but I also got a few before that. Trigger seems to be the narrator commenting on "wow, X stars of Y types, impressive!"

As for some of the more "do this specific thing" achivements, yhea they still seem quite bugged.

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3 years ago
Aug 28, 2021, 7:02:22 AM

I just tried it on a 75 turn game, no loading ever. Got some of the "earn 12/18 stars" achievements. Thanks @MaiFlow. It's a potential workaround for people who are looking to achievement hunt more than enjoy a nice long match.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Aug 31, 2021, 4:34:58 AM
This is currently my remaining Steam achievement list. The ones crossed out in red are ones I haven't attempted yet, so I can't speak of them. I believe the rest to be bugged, as I've accomplished the task multiple times. Ave Caesar, and the two hire X amount of armies have not progressed since the day the game was released.

*Falling Out was supposedly fixed in the patch notes however, I again nuked an ally and nothing happens. Anyone have success with this after the last patch?

-Completed MVP and One Man Army with no problems. Make sure your unit gets the actual kill in battle. It won't get credit for enemy units killed by your other friendly units in the same fight

-"The Stars My Destination" I was not rewarded this after accomplishing it either.  I will try to test to see if the workaround MaiFlow shared works for this as well.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Sep 2, 2021, 2:08:03 PM

Did some testing on that one:

- Tried to take every star [

> Failed within to 300 turns limit.

> Made it after some more rounds.

- Tried to take every star in one category by not going into next era until I do have 3 stars in that category.

> That was no problem.

- Tried to take every star in one category by getting 3 stars before completing the 7 stars necessary to progress into next era. [

> This was harder. My best score was  17 stars before entering last era.

Nothing worked. Progress still at 9/12 and 9/18.

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3 years ago
Sep 7, 2021, 10:39:35 AM

My status:

Wonder-Full: Built every Cultural Wonder in one game, still didn't unlock.

Genghis: The last few territories for the 18th star is unobtainable because there is no land left to conquer, at least on small and normal sized maps.

Landstalker: Took all territories before winning but still no avail.

Falling out: You can't nuke an ally at the same turn, since it takes one turn to launch the nuke, and another turn to drop it.

How the mighty has fallen: I broke free from the liege and got the "Unbend the Knee" achievement, but somehow unable to get this one.

A Meeting of Minds: Hosting and playing a multiplayer game did not give me this achievement. Maybe I have to play until the end?

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Sep 7, 2021, 3:44:33 PM

Hello all,

Good thread here ! Exactly what I was looking for :D

For the 18 stars, you can unlock it even after the end of the game. As mentioned, no loading permitted but after the 75 turns (yes, if you can't load it would be a nightmare to go with 600 turns !) you still get the achievements if you continue the game. Just got some of them at the 83 turn. You can basically get all of them in one game if you wait for having all the stars before switching era.

Unbend the Knee: I have never been a vassal but I got this one still ... by launching a surprise war at my own vassal !
However, I didn't get the "How the mighty has fallen" when I made an alliance with him afterwards. From Kuwaken post I understand this is bugged even if you do it properly.

Landstalker: like Kuwaken said, it is not possible to perform at least on a normal map. I'll try next on a "Huge map" and see if we can.

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3 years ago
Sep 8, 2021, 1:22:09 AM

So i've done almost all the achievements;

Wonder-Full is definitely bugged;

I've tried Landstalker on a huge map and not triggered it, I'm not sure if it may be a difficulty thing maybe.

Falling Out was done via some outpost shenanigans, where I "traded" some territories with an enemy so they had an outpost next to my ally's capital (started several wars and instantly surrendered giving territory) and then nuked that outpost with a maxed out thermo nuke which also hit my ally's capital

How the Mighty has fallen does indeed trigger correctly (you need to have been a vassal and then make an alliance with your liege)

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3 years ago
Dec 19, 2021, 7:52:04 PM

Does anyone know if this issue is being investigated? I understand you must play the whole game without save and loading to get some achievements, but that might take a while and for some reason, super easy mode on blitz I cannot win lol. I won on nation by far, but this is too difficult 

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3 years ago
Dec 19, 2021, 11:55:20 PM

The 12/18 star achievements have been fixed in the latest patches. The wonder achievement is still bugged. Don't know of other ones.

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3 years ago
Apr 3, 2022, 8:15:42 PM

The Wonderful scrollbar on my achievement list has always been stuck at 0 with a bizarre divisor -- currently the text is "0/4,194,303":

<div class="progressText nextToBar ellipsis">

                                        0 / 4,194,303                                                                            </div>

Well... there's no point in fixing the typography which causes the divisor to appear as though I'm in a German locale ("0 / 4.194.303") because AFAIK there aren't more than 999 wonders in Humankind! I think there are only 22... so there must be a bitmap with 22 positions somewhere... and maybe the monstrously-large divisor is the result of interpreting the bitmask 0x3FFFFFF as a binary integer rather than as a unary integer??   

At a guess: the QA team on Humankind must have assigned a low priority to this defect because it'd be an easy testcase to construct, and an easy defect to repair.   But then again... that's just a guess... and if the bitset process hasn't been working properly whenever a wonder is created, repairing this display-defect won't magically reconstruct the player's progress to date, then I should hope it'd be a higher priority to track the players progress accurately than to report it...

The good news is that the 12-star and 18-star achievements have all worked fine for me over the past few months, so there's at least some forward-progress being made on defect repairs for player-progress.

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