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Feedback: User Interface and User Experience

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3 years ago
Jun 17, 2021, 3:56:35 AM
Hjuloppheng wrote:

Hey, is there a way to see how much influence penalty you will get for creating a city over you limit?

Once you're over the limit, mouse over on your influence number. it shows something like this: you can see that I got -150 influence penalty from city cap. It starts with -30 for 1 city over limit and grow more expensive (-150 is 3 cities over limit).

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jun 17, 2021, 7:13:15 AM

Am I the only one who experienced a massive lag whenever opening the wonder selection screen?

The game runs fine normally, but for some reason that one UI is trying to kill my PC.

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3 years ago
Jun 17, 2021, 2:12:51 PM
Lrs wrote:
CristataC wrote:

Inspired by Jarke's post, I made some mock ups of some UI changes. My version of scrolling over the diplomacy bar at the top of the screen.

That would be much much better. Though I'd also add the current attitude and strength in the tooltip as well. And color code the "at war" frame in red, so that it's more obvious.

I really like this!  I think we should add current era of said player to it as well.

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3 years ago
Jun 17, 2021, 2:51:38 PM

While I was playing Civ V with the ‘enhanced user interface’ mod the other day, I thought a couple of its features could potentially ‘enhance’ Humankind’s cities build menu, if they were added as options.

One:  Its build menu was a vertical list, which I would really, really like to have as an option for Humankind.

Two:  It had a clicky to rush units and buildings on their icons.   This is a nice time saver I would love to see implemented in Humankind.


Here’s a screen shot of what the mod looks like.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jun 17, 2021, 7:18:47 PM
CristataC wrote:

Inspired by Jarke's post, I made some mock ups of some UI changes. My version of scrolling over the diplomacy bar at the top of the screen.

I was thinking about it more and I would go with this even futher.

For now this tooltip (Manage your relationship with...) is a kind of tutorial tooltip - you see it once and don't need it anymore. What I would like to change is that this tooltip should be as much informative as possible - I could see in it the name (Vlad), the culture, the era, attitude towards me, active treaties we have (this could be in form of icons, to spare place), maybe an indicator of power comparable with others.. So, the tooltip be full informative and clicking button left only for interaction.

Overall I see this game interface is lacking of information and I need many clicks to find information I need. And no always find

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3 years ago
Jun 17, 2021, 7:49:57 PM

I came across a potential bug, or if it's an intended design feature, then I think it could be changed.

I'd embarked my scouts into the first ship that can traverse the ocean for more than a couple of turns. Despite this, my scouts died at sea. I couldn't effectively settle far off islands because of this.

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3 years ago
Jun 17, 2021, 9:25:51 PM
Jarke wrote:
CristataC wrote:

Inspired by Jarke's post, I made some mock ups of some UI changes. My version of scrolling over the diplomacy bar at the top of the screen.

I was thinking about it more and I would go with this even futher.

For now this tooltip (Manage your relationship with...) is a kind of tutorial tooltip - you see it once and don't need it anymore. What I would like to change is that this tooltip should be as much informative as possible - I could see in it the name (Vlad), the culture, the era, attitude towards me, active treaties we have (this could be in form of icons, to spare place), maybe an indicator of power comparable with others.. So, the tooltip be full informative and clicking button left only for interaction.

Overall I see this game interface is lacking of information and I need many clicks to find information I need. And no always find

I completely agree with you, I wish you could get all the relevant information in the tooltip, instead of having to click through a bunch of menus.  Having information hidden behind layers just feels needlessly time consuming to me.  Maybe I’m just too used to EUI, but I’d really like crucial information, like what resources someone has or how they feel about me, to be available at a glance.

For reference, here’s a screen shot of what this tooltip looks like in the ‘enhanced user interface’ Civ V mod.

Also I really, really like your idea of army comparison being shown on the tooltip.

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3 years ago
Jun 17, 2021, 11:19:51 PM

I understand this is a beta and limited configuration is available, but if i can't play around with the number of AI civs i won't be playing humankind for very long. The terrain movement and combat restrictions inhibit long term replay-ability. This beta is better at dealing with the incessant pop ups that plagued the January beta. I for one won't sign up to twitch just to get more content for the game. this beta seems to have a lot more bugs than January's. I'm waiting for the real thing in August, though if i was a gambling man it probably won't happen til October.

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3 years ago
Jun 17, 2021, 11:47:39 PM
Boom_Flame wrote:

I came across a potential bug, or if it's an intended design feature, then I think it could be changed.

I'd embarked my scouts into the first ship that can traverse the ocean for more than a couple of turns. Despite this, my scouts died at sea. I couldn't effectively settle far off islands because of this.

I believe this is an intended design feature. The first ship that can go into the sea doesn't get the lost at sea effect when it sails outside coastal water but still takes damage for every turn it is on deep waters. If you don't monitor your ships closely they can die pretty quickly.

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3 years ago
Jun 17, 2021, 11:58:18 PM

Top level feedback - I feel like I am playing against the map, not against the other players (for fame). Its been mentioned already here its difficult understanding who the other players actually are - name, culture, attributes, etc. Right now its a rotating set of cultures and I can't connect to them. Instead I feel like I am focused on acquiring land and building cities. And my main objective with the other players is to A) kill them in easy situations or B) not let them kill me easily. 

Lots of interface issues mentioned already - notifcations, pop ups, etc.

Cities, outpost, districts, map lines etc all still hard on the eyes. I feels very crowded and incomplete at the same time. I feel like I am scrolling in and out and over and back again almost every turn to remember what/where for my various territories. 

I think a good starting point would be to revisit how players, scores, names and attributes are all shown on the left banner. If we can find a way to use that space a bit more and give me an easier, more concise way to understand my opponents - that may free up a better flow turn to turn

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3 years ago
Jun 18, 2021, 3:04:57 AM

I think we really need the option to disable being able to see other players’ fame scores. It gives players an unfair information advantage over the A.I., and it makes the game much more unenjoyable. It feels like in multiplayer games, if players are lagging too far behind in fame, they’ll just quit since it’s not fun to continue a losing game. Humankind is supposed to be about the journey, not the destination, so we desperately need this feature in order to stop people from staring at the fame scores turn after turn, getting anxious and tense because of it. This one feature is the most important one to me - I know my friends and I won’t be picking up this game if you can’t disable visible fame scores, and I’d hate if we couldn’t play because of that. Please add this!

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3 years ago
Jun 18, 2021, 8:15:52 AM
Boom_Flame wrote:

I came across a potential bug, or if it's an intended design feature, then I think it could be changed.

I'd embarked my scouts into the first ship that can traverse the ocean for more than a couple of turns. Despite this, my scouts died at sea. I couldn't effectively settle far off islands because of this.

This isn't a bug, it's just the broken way this game conceptualizes sea travel. In this game, there are two kinds of boats: 

The first is the kind of boat you build that pops out of your city in a harbor. The carrack is an example of a city-built boat.

The second is a boat you research and all your units turn into that boat when they hop into the water. The transport galley is an example of this.

No matter which boat your unit travels with, they will always be a unit boat when they get in the water. That means that even though you research a deep water city-built boat, if you haven't researched the deep water unit boat, your unit will die in deep water.

It's an absolutely non-intuitive and broken mechanic.

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3 years ago
Jun 18, 2021, 12:13:00 PM

If you ranswack a preserve (for food or money) the icon covers the informations for making this place an Outpost. Very annoying.

I also had an army that went 'ghost' and had to order it to ransack someplace to reappear.

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3 years ago
Jun 18, 2021, 1:33:19 PM
Dracalamar wrote:

I was unable to actually play.  Upon starting the game the map just kept scrolling to the right.  By moving my mouse all the way to the left the scrolling would just stop in the middle of the fog of war.  By clicking on the turn button it would center on the unit selected but immediately scroll the map to the right.  After several times of this and trying adjusting settings, it kept doing it and the only way I could move the unit was to hold mouse to left and hold left arrow key moved me back to left and by holding the left arrow key it would stay in place and able to use mouse...but then quit after 2 turns because not playing a whole game having to hold the left mouse button.  I have no sticky keys as this is a new keyboard and I have no issue on any other game like this.

Plug off your mouse. Its a common issua with many games.

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3 years ago
Jun 18, 2021, 1:37:21 PM
Bridger wrote:

One thing which really feels missing is a part of the tooltip which displays the 'actual' yields of a given infrastructure.

For example: If an infrastructure gives +1 industry for each woodland and forest tile I'm exploiting (for industry), it should calculate and display the total increase in yields I will get if I build that infrastructure (based on the current city exploitation).


 I would also like to see my current districts better. I can turn the colored outlines on, but it would be nice to maybe hold down a button and it would show clear almost solid colored hexagons of the districts.

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3 years ago
Jun 18, 2021, 1:44:50 PM
N-dy wrote:
Bridger wrote:

One thing which really feels missing is a part of the tooltip which displays the 'actual' yields of a given infrastructure.

For example: If an infrastructure gives +1 industry for each woodland and forest tile I'm exploiting (for industry), it should calculate and display the total increase in yields I will get if I build that infrastructure (based on the current city exploitation).


 I would also like to see my current districts better. I can turn the colored outlines on, but it would be nice to maybe hold down a button and it would show clear almost solid colored hexagons of the districts.


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3 years ago
Jun 18, 2021, 2:00:58 PM

Here's a couple of minor gripes:

In battles, it's not intuitively clear where reinforcements are coming from. Maybe add some arrows coming from outside the battle area or something to make it bit more clear.

Double-clicking on a faction's flag should always open up diplomacy with them (specifically on the ones over units and and outposts/cities).

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jun 18, 2021, 2:17:05 PM

Roads can be hard to spot on the map sometimes, and since their placement has massive strategic implications, I would have loved to have som sort of "road overlay."

Also, having actually gotten enough turns with industrial tech for it to matter, I wish there was an easy way to see what regions have train station/airfields, and where those actually are. Losing several turns because I forgot a single station in some tiny connecting terretory was very frustrating.

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3 years ago
Jun 18, 2021, 5:11:03 PM

Two small quality of life regarding units movements:

When a land unit is ordered to embark and move, the movement stops before the embark action is performed (The unit had to move to the point of embarkation) but if the unit still has some movement points, the interface still indicates that the unit has movement points remaining. We need to click on pass turn (for the unit) before ending the turn. It seems logical that if the unit still has some orders, it should not be considered as having movement available (unless the interruption of movement is due to enemy units).

In a combat, if we have reinforcements and we play all the actions of the unit, the turn is ended automatically and it is impossible to make the reinforcement arrive on the battlefield. In the presence of reinforcements, it would make sense that the turn does not end unless the end turn button is clicked.

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