The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales, in Any type of diversity at all in the humanoid races???
2 years ago
Admitting in your very first sentence that your original plan was to screw with us doesn't exactly see you off to a good start. But in spite of this unfortunate introduction, let me give a response regarding representation:
Could we (and should we) have done better for representation in Endless Legend? Yes, we are not unaware of the shortcomings. I wasn't part of Amplitude during the development of Endless Legend, so I cannot give detailed insight into what was happening at the time, but I do know Amplitude was still a small company at the time, so this is almost certainly an oversight born out of being short-staffed. And as others pointed out, we tried to do better on that in Endless Space 2, and we have put in a great deal of effort in Humankind to represent different ethnicities and different cultures in the art for units and events.
Finally, as others have pointed out, the grey skin tone of The Forgotten is not a natural skintone and in no way intended to reflect any specific group of people from the real world, nor are they meant to be seen as "monsters" rather than a group of people who have been wronged.
KillMaker wrote:I'm a solo game developer so I know those three changes could be made to your game in the course of just one day, maybe two depending on the number of different units in the African based race.
So there would be no excuse not to change them now that someone has pointed this out to you.
Sorry to disappoint you in this respect, but no, reworking multiple pieces of in-game artwork is not in fact just a single day of work for our artists. As you pointed out yourself, proper representation is not just a different skin tone. Endless Legend has not been in active development for years, so there is no budget to have several artists spend several days redoing 2D artwork for multiple characters, units, and questlines.
But we will be striving to do better in future projects.
KillMaker wrote:
As you said it's a fantasy world, so the developers made a continuous choice to make only white people exist in it. Do you know how fucked up that is.
You have gone from giving us the benefit of the doubt that this is an oversight, to implying an actively malicious choice of conscious exclusion, and this discussion has been anything but fruitful for quite some time. So I think it is about time we close this thread, but your criticism of the lack of diversity in Endless Legend has been noted.