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How can i create RandomEvent that give several different population?

I want add Sowers, Sefaloros, Mavros, pulsos, Niris, Amoeba to giving Haroshems randomevent, but it dosen't go well.

Where should I fix parts of xml to work properly?


<!--######## BABIES NOT BOOMS ########-->


-<QuestDefinition TriggeringProbability="0.6" MinimumTurn="20" SubCategory="Random" Category="Event" Name="EventRandom07" IsInstant="true">

<!--============ TAGS ============-->



<RepetitionRules NumberOfConcurrentInstances="0" NumberOfOccurrencesPerEmpire="1" NumberOfOccurrencesPerGame="0"/>

<!--============ VARIABLES ============-->


-<Var VarName="$EffectTarget1">

<From Source="$Empire"/>


-<Var VarName="$AvailableSystem">


-<From Source="$EffectTarget1.$ColonizedStarSystems">


<InterpreterPrerequisite Flags="Prerequisite">((Property(Context, @'ClassColonizedStarSystem', MaximumPopulation))-(Property(Context, @'ClassColonizedStarSystem', Population))) ge 1</InterpreterPrerequisite>

<PathPrerequisite Flags="Prerequisite" Inverted="true">ClassColonizedStarSystem,ColonizedStarSystemStateOutpost</PathPrerequisite>





-<Var VarName="AvailableSystemLocation">

<From Source="$AvailableSystem.$StarSystem"/>


<Var VarName="$Amount01" IntValue="1"/>

<Var VarName="$Affinity" StringValue="AffinityHaroshems"/>

<Var VarName="$Marker01"/>

<LocalizationVar Source="AvailableSystemLocation" LocalizationKey="$MySystemName"/>


<!--============ PREREQUISITES ============-->

-<Prerequisites Target="$(Empire)">

<PathPrerequisite Flags="Prerequisite" Inverted="true">ClassEmpire,AffinityGameplayVampirilis</PathPrerequisite>


<!--============ STEPS ============-->


-<Step Name="Step1">



-<Action_SpawnPopulation LocalizationKey="%EventRandom07EffectTitle" LogAction="true">

<Input_Empire VarName="$EffectTarget1"/>

<Input_System VarName="AvailableSystemLocation"/>

<Input_Amount VarName="$Amount01"/>

<Input_PopulationAffinity VarName="$Affinity"/>



<Input_Targets VarName="AvailableSystemLocation"/>

<Input_Empires VarName="$EffectTarget1"/>

<Output_Markers VarName="$Marker01"/>



-<Objective Name="Step2_1_Objective1">




<Input_Markers VarName="$Marker01"/>








Help for hacking at greater ranges D:

I can't really decide how to go about this, even while playing as the UC.

1. Backdoors is an option but seem pretty lackluster. Creating a backdoor doesn't seem to guarantee that you'll be able to hack through them unnoticed (not that it says anywhere that it will, but at least then you'd be able to build up some speed, right?), it takes up valuable bandwidth, you can't defend the node with defense programs, and if you're traced back to the backdoor both the backdoor and your hack is lost. That 5% hacking speed boost that it's supposed to provide on its neighbors (whatever that means) I don't feel makes up for all the downsides.

2. You can create new colonies or sanctuaries, but it's limited how many of those you can have before penalties start kicking in, and if you're playing as the UC and the sanctuary is on a colonized system, you're again not guaranteed to be able to build up some distance/speed before getting caught in the process.

3. You could try to maneuver around hostile nodes to get to what you want, but that can be really finicky, and if your target is inside a big cluster of hostile nodes, there's still no getting around that.

4. If you're playing as the UC there is the option of switching home systems, but then you have to hack your way to a fitting special node which can take time if where you want to go is far away, and then you still have to wait 15 turns for SOME (correct me if I'm wrong) of the penalties to go away so you can switch, not to mention losing all other existing beacons.

As a side note, those beacons are annoying. They take up bandwidth and don't even allow you to hack from them :<

So I don't know what to do :( Anyone got any hints or ideas, I'd appreciate it. If I'm wrong, tell me. I'm hopefully not the only one having trouble with this.

Beacon bandwidth allocation requirements

I'm trying to figure out how much bandwidth a beacon takes up, because I don't remember the tutorial mentioning this. Sometimes it takes up 10, sometimes it takes up 20, and you don't find out until you've placed the actual beacon from what I can tell.

Now, am I right in assuming that the "price" in bandwidth goes up by 10 for each subsequent active beacon? Not for all of them of course, I mean the first one will cost 10, next one will take up 20 and so forth. 

If so, I'm wondering if there's a bug with that mechanic in that the bandwidth requirements aren't automatically adjusted on your remaining active beacons if you remove one of your earlier acquired beacons. 

For instance, let's say I make a beacon on a special node and it takes up 10 bandwidth. I then make another beacon on another special node that takes up 20 bandwidth. Being the early game, I'm now very short on bandwidth and need to remove one of them to get some bandwidth back, but I prefer keeping the second beacon that takes up 20, so I remove the one from the first special node that takes up 10. But the other one still takes up 20 even though it's the only one left. I eventually think "I have enough bandwidth now for a second beacon" and make a beacon on the special node I initially made the first beacon on which only needed 10 bandwidth, but this new one takes up 20, and so now I have two beacons both taking up 20 bandwidth.

New gift forever

My new gift keeps being unclaimed, although i think it is already in my steam library. Is this the same gift as earlier (somewhere in 2017/2018) ?

There already was a community challenge in my library for over a year i think. 

Is the new gift, the same one?

How can i check if i got it?

Kind regards,


Trading Bug

NCC 1.sav

So after discussing things on Steam forum page I came here to show you a bug I have in my current game as custom Vaulter. I build trade HQ and Subsidiary 4 systems apart from each other - no wormholes required for connection even when I have tech to do so IF needed. Yet game show that i have no tech and cant trade. I own all dlc and using no mods.


Hi, I'm getting the following pending turn-end hang on ES2. I've tried several times to reload the game from a few turns earlier and altering my gameplay but it always hangs at the same place.

07:51:24:246DefaultSTACKArray index is out of range.

07:51:24:249DefaultSTACKThe order processing has raised an exception. Exception: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range. at QuestInstruction_UpdateChoice.Execute (.Quest quest) [0x00000] in :0 at GameClient+c__Iterator10.MoveNext () [0x00000] in :0 at Amplitude.Coroutine.Run () [0x00000] in :0 .

Can you suggest any work-around I can use within the game so I can contiune?

Many Thanks

Stealth mechanic not entirely dependent on Anti-Cloaking Tech/Traits?

As the title suggests, I don't fully understand the stealth mechanics. I've searched around the forums and google, and it seems I am the only one experiencing this. It is possible that mods are to blame, however, I don't believe any of them touch the stealth mechanic.

I have been using the "Ghost" trait for a several custom factions and it doesn't always work. On multiple occassions I have encountered enemy fleets which have no active anti-cloaking tech, hero perks, or system probes, who are still able to de-cloak any level of cloaking tech. I have been able to confirm this, without a doubt, using modding tools and assessing the enemy factions techs, the fleet, and so forth. 

This tends to become less likely in certain portions of the game, perhaps as levels of stealth tech go up, but isn't consistent. The only consistency seems to be that the enemy fleet is larger than mine, parked, guarding the star system, and I have directed my fleet to stop moving in that specific system (as in not passing through to another node). The same has never been true for my fleets, although, the moment I notice there are cloaked enemies I tend to adapt and use anti-cloaking of my own.

My question is this: Is this an intended mechanic? The fact that it always seems to happen in the same scenario has me thinking it is, but I have yet to see any info confirming this. I don't really have anything to add to that. I just want to know I'm not losing my shit. Lol. 

Thanks to anyone willing and able to answer this for me!

Hardship Ready Giving No Approval

When playing Horatio, I switched from Dictatorship to Federation. Ecologists got re-elected as leading party. "Hardship Ready" got reinstated. But now there is no +15 approval bonus anymore. Not in the law's description and no effect on the systems.

Quitting and reloading did not help, reloading from a previous save neither. After the election, the bonus is gone.

Savegame: Quick.sav

EDIT: Changing government back to Dictatorship gives the bonus again. It seems, Dictatorship gives the law extra power - something that is documented only for Republic. There is no in-game hint about it. And the Fandom Wiki says about the "laws provide better effects" aspect of the Republic: "No other government type has something like this, and sometimes it unlocks entirely "new" effects on a law which simply aren't present on the non-republic version of the law."

Game CTD's loading battles

dxdiag.xmlI have just started a new game. I have start battles automatically set. My first battle starts loading then crashes to desktop. No error message or dump file created. I tried the latest beta 1.5.31 and it did no good. I do use mods, but I have never had any problems with them that I know of. I am using the lunch options: --disable-diagnostics --enablemoddingtools. I disabled the diagnostics because  the *.html was getting to be over 50gb in one day. I have tried setting compatibility to run as administrator and for compatibility with Windows 7. I decreased my galaxy size from huge to large to prevent crashes which seems to help.

I know I am using mods, but can you help? Thanks!

unable create fleet (the bastion ship)

By some reason when you disband the the bastion academy ship you cannot do with it anything. It stays in hangar. Screen here: problems screen.jpg

Another problem (maybe intended) it is unable to colonize revealed nearby systems: same picture: problems screen.jpg

My save game for analyze: Error 1.sav

I have all available on Steam add-ons / DLC.

Endleus lo vult achievment do not fire

I am not sur of what is going on, but the Endleus lo vult achievment do not fire. I got an achievment earlier today with the same rule setting, so I suppose it's a problem with the achievment itself. Here are the save files.

AutoSave 308.savAutoSave 309.savAutoSave 310.savAutoSave 311.savAutoSave 312.sav

I invaded the other Vodyani system of Pisces (right hand side of my starting position), I recovered the Ark... and nothing.

I am having a lot of fun with all amplitude games lately, but it's always hampered by... well, bugs. :(

Is it realy a bug or I am doing something wrong ?

Endless Space 2 Crashing to Desktop


I recently purchased Endless Space 2, and am playing it via Steam on Windows 10. I can't seem to play it for more than about five minutes or less before it crashes to desktop. When not using the -force-opengl the game will not crash, but instead the screen will stop updating (you can interact with the game, and hear it doing things, but the screen freezes static). I've done these things to try to remedy the crashing:

  • Ran it in windows 7 compatibility mode.
  • Reinstalled the game
  • Verified integrity of the game files
  • Have run the executable as an administrator
  • Launched the executable using -force-opengl
  • Tried with and without V-sync enabled
  • Changed the game folder and sub-folders to not be read only

    Any help in solving this would be greatly appreciated, from the research I've done it seems like this problem is many years old and unsolved for most...


Horatio Cravers splicing bonus

Some years ago the Horatio (Gene Hunter) bonus for splicing Cravers was changed from a +5% stacking FIDS bonus per pop to being a flat non-scaling +5% FIDS bonus. i.e., a planet with 10 Horatio pops used to get a +50% total FIDS bonus, but would now get a +5% total FIDS bonus. I've finally dug around in the files to find the responsible code, and it seems to be the following lines in SimulationDescriptors[PopulationModifierTraits].xml:

<SimulationDescriptor Name="ClassPopulationAssimilatedPlanetDepletionFIDS" Type="ClassPopulationAssimilated">
<Modifier TargetProperty="BonusPopulationFIDSPercent" Operation="Addition" Value="0.05" Path="ClassPopulation"/>
<!--<Modifier TargetProperty="BonusPopulationFIDSPercent" Operation="Multiplication" Value="$(PopulationCount)" TooltipHidden="true"/>-->

... where the multiplicative part of the bonus was commented out. This change has been bugging me ever since it was made, because I just can't understand the logic behind it. I can understand an argument that it was too overpowered, but surely in its current form it's far too underpowered, being far worse than any other splicing bonus in the game. If it was never intended to be multiplicative, then 5% is just too low. Was this intended to be a bigger change that was left only half-implemented? Was it a mistake that was just never reverted? Why was it changed in the first place?

How do Elemental Power and Critical Chance work?

I am really confused by some aspects of these stats.

From the in-game descriptions, it seems like these stats only apply to elemental weapons. So far so good.

Critical chance is the likelihood of triggering an elemental explosion. Elemental power determines how strong the effect of that explosion is (and I think also the radius?).

But some parts of the game make it seem like it also increases any elemental damage, so maybe also that?

But how does that interact with other things? If you get an upgrade that increases your critical chance, I assume neutral weapons still are still unable to crit?

How much do hero stats even affect weapons? Because the +30% critical chance upgrades sure don't make my attacks crit 30% of the time. So I assume it increases the weapons inherent crit rate by 30%?

Then again, it also at least feels like you land more critical hits on enemies that are weak to the weapon type you are using, and they create bigger explosions.

But then how does this work for a weapon like Torchlight (I think that's the name), the cone Light Weapon that does continuous damage? It doesn't appear to ever critically strike. However, one of the weapon perks even increases it's critical chance, so I think it still can? But in all my runs where I used it, I don't think it ever applies "debuffed" to any enemies. Or maybe the effect lasts for such a low duration, that you simply can't tell it triggers at all?

And do overall damage increases (like a +10% damage level up) also increase the damage of elemental afflictions like "Burning" or "Poisoned"?

Also, is it even possible to crit bosses? It seems like you can't, but many visual things in this game are a bit unclear so who knows for sure.

For a game that gives you tons of option to get various stats, it would be nice to actually understand what they do.

Blaze unlocked Skin


Hi I have followed all the steps for acquiring Blaze Skin' Craver Prime and it is still locked in game. Please help and thank you.

Steam - game crash


I am using steam.

Game crashes on loading screen (bar comes to around 60%)

I did:

-check PC for all possible updates

- running steam and Humanhind as administator

- directX is up to date

- VcRedist is up to date

- Do net installed C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Steamworks Shared\_CommonRedist\DotNet\4.5.2

- removed epic games (although known bugs were fixed)

- reinstalled game 

Below is my PC detailed report.

Can you suggest working solution?

Acer Aspire E5-771



InsydeH2O Version 03.73.06V1.07









Type2 - A01 Board Version



Microsoft Windows 10 Home (64-bitowy)

Version (Build)

22H2 (10.0.19045)

Devices and Drivers


Intel® Core™ i3-4030U CPU @ 1.90GHz


Intel® HD Graphics Family

  • Driver Details
  • ProviderIntel Corporation
  • Version10.18.15.4274
  • Date8/13/2015
  • Device Details
  • Adapter CompatibilityIntel Corporation
  • Video ProcessorIntel® HD Graphics Family
  • Resolution1600 x 900
  • Bits Per Pixel32
  • Number of Colors4294967296
  • Refresh Rate - Current60 Hz
  • Refresh Rate - Maximum60 Hz
  • Refresh Rate - Minimum60 Hz
  • Adapter DAC TypeInternal
  • AvailabilityRunning at full power
  • StatusThis device is working properly.
  • LocationPCI bus 0, device 2, function 0
  • Device IdPCI\VEN_8086&DEV_0A16&SUBSYS_08801025&REV_0B\3&11583659&0&10


Realtek High Definition Audio


Qualcomm Atheros AR956x Wireless Network Adapter

Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller

Bluetooth Device (Personal Area Network)


8 GB


Samsung SSD 860 EVO 250GB